Motion picture projection : an elementary text book (1928)

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MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION 693 FORT WAYNE A. C. TO D. C. COMPENSARCS The A. C. to the D. C. Compensarcs is what is commonly known as a motor generator set, that is, two machines, a generator and a motor coupled together and mounted on a common base. The sets are shipped completely assembled and require only proper installation, filling of the bearings with oil and proper connections to the supply and lamp circuits before putting into service. It should be understood that these compensarcs are special machines for use only on picture projection arcs and cannot be used for ordinary constant voltage purposes. The complete equipment consists of the A. C. to D. C. compensarc proper, two short-circuiting switches, one for each picture machine, and the panel on which is mounted the instrument and field control rheostat. All single-phase outfits are equipped with proper starter; for the larger multiphase outfits a starting compensator is furnished. The A. C. to D. C. Compensarc should be installed in a clean, dry, well ventilated location, and, if possible, near to the lamps which it is to operate. Oftentimes a small room adjoining the projection room is provided for the Compensarc; but in some cases where such arrangements cannot be made the machine is installed in the basement of the theatre. Inaccessible locations should be avoided, as such locations will result in the