Motion picture projection : an elementary text book (1928)

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956 MOTION PICTURE PROJECTION phase No. 1, then when regulator No. 3 is thrown on these two regulators will be on different phases. It is recommended that a starting box be used when operated on a 220-250-volt, d-c. line. RECOMMENDATIONS In addition to the above specific instructions we recommend the following suggestions for the improvement and better upkeep of Mazda Projection: 1. Use that type of projection lens designed for the Mazda lamp. 2. Use the largest diameter (that is No. 2) projection lens possible. 3. The openings in the cooling plates on the projector should be enlarged by filing to the dimensions shown in Fig. 414. 4. Always use a two-blade revolving shutter having opaque blades. 5. If the projection is downward at any angle greater than 10 deg., it is desirable to turn the lamps around quite frequently. 6. Reflector and condenser should be washed or at least wiped frequently to remove dust. 7. Lamps should be removed from the lamphouse when the filament is distorted or warped so that it is impossible to properly mesh the mirror image. They should seldom, if ever, be discarded due to blackening of the bulb.