Motion Picture Review Digest (Jan-Dec 1937)

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MOTION PICTURE REVIEW" DIGEST 19 "[It is] a passable mystery. Fair. Adults e^c young adults." -| Motion Pict Guide Ja '37 Newspaper and Magazine Reviews "Suspense and gruesomeness for ardent murder mystery fans only. For all Ricardo Cortez's smooth performance as Perry Mason, the screen play is much too deficient in humorous touches. Adults." -\ Christian Science Monitor pl7 F 6 '37 "Just how Perry Mason figures the whole thing out is something which Mr. Gardner and the Warners explain to their own satisfaction, if not altogether to ours, but solutions never are really important anyway. The point of it is that 'The Case of the Black Cat' is good fiction and everything is hunky-dory this week at the Palace for the mystery addicts." T. M. P. + NY Times pl5 D 26 '36 " 'The Case of the Black Cat' is probably the least effective of all the Perry Mason detective films. . . A mediocre story to begin with, it is not only developed with a minimum of suspense and thrills but is so confusing at times that it would take a Sam Spade from 'The Maltese Falcon,' a Bill Crane from 'The Lady in the Morgue,' plus Reggie Fortune, Charlie Chan, Lord Peter "Wimsey and Philo Vance to piece it together convincingly. . . Just what the cat had to do with all the lethal highjinks is not clearly explained, but it makes a good title." William Boehnel 1 N Y World-Telegram p!3 D 28 '36 Trade Paper Reviews "This one will easily satisfy the thrill fans, and keep the crime solvers guessing to the very end." + Film Daily pS D 28 '36 "Erie Stanley Gardner's mystery melodramas usually make entertaining film fare, and the conversion of 'The Case of the Black Cat' from book to celluloid, is no exception. It's a [mystery] that will hold the patrons once they're inside, though its power to draw them in is doubtful. Probably will do okay in the duals, with plenty of exploitation necessary in those spots where it'll be on its own." + Variety pll D 30 '36 CHAMPAGNE WALTZ. Paramount 92min Ja 29 '37 Cast: Gladys Swarthout. Fred MacMurray. Jack Oakie. Herman Bing Director: A. Edward Sutherland Music: Johann Strauss Music director: Boris Morros See issue of December 28, 1936 for other reviews of this film Audience Suitability Ratings "For graceful and enlivening entertainment, it would be difficult to discover a current production superior to this comedy conflict between the lilting waltzes of the Strauss tradition and modern swing music. . . The picture satisfies all the exacting demands of wholesome family entertainment." T. J. Fitzmorris + America p384 Ja 23 '37 "A: entertaining; Y: very good; C: probably good." Christian Century pl98 F 10 '37 "Family, but mature for children. Excellent." DAR + + Fox W Coast Bui Ja 2 '37 "The combination of a symphony orchestra and a jazz band is spectacular, but it leaves a noisy and confused ending. Family." Am Legion Auxiliary "The settings are unusually beautiful and there is plenty of romance and comedy as well as a compromise ending by the components of the two types of music that is both entertaining and amusing. Family." Calif Cong of Par & Teachers "Gladys Swarthout' s beauty and musical gifts are matched by her ability to be gay, romantic or pathetic, as the case demands. Family." Calif Fed of Business & Professional Women's Clubs "Refreshing comedy, the beautiful dance routines of Yeloz and Yolanda, lovely Strauss waltzes and the fine voice of Gladys Swarthout all form part of an amusing and genuinely worth-while production. Family." E Coast Preview Committee "Tops in entertainment. . . Enchanting music, lovely sets, rapid-fire gags and dialogue, added to Gladys Swarthout' s charming voice and increasingly appealing screen personality make a delightful film for all audiences." Xat Soc of New England Women "A notably satisfying hour. Family." Mrs T. G. Winter + Fox W Coast Bui Ja 30 '37 "A rarely lovely, scintillating comedy that moves smoothly on the waves of delightful music; has beautiful settings, clever dialogue and refreshing humor; all pretentiously staged. . . A fine production that will be enjoyed by all. All ages." + Gen Fed of Women's Clubs (W Coast) Ja 22 '37 "Family. Outstanding. Best of the month." + + Jt Estimates Ja 15 '37 "All the resources of the most modern screencraft have been used in the lavish production, certain scenes being especially magnificent. Suitability: family." E. P. . + Mo Film Bui pl2 Ja '37 "Pleasant entertainment. Good. Adults & young adults." + Motion Pict Guide Mr '37 "Adolescents, 12-16; delightful, musical; children, 8-12: little interest." Motion Pict R p5 Ja '37 "As costly as champagne with its expensive array of talent and beautiful trappings, effervescent with sparkling dialogue which bubbles with humor, heady romantic waltzes, and the tang of blatant jazz, this refreshing musical quenches the thirst for eye and ear entertainment. . . The result . . . like the after-effects of champagne, may give you a headache, but nevertheless it was worth it. Family." + Nat Council of Jewish Women Ja 20 '37 "General patronage." Nat Legion of Decency D 31 '36 "A, Y & C: delightful musical comedy." Parents' M p40 Mr '37 "If you like the 'funniness' of jazz boys, with a dash of singing by a very fine Metropolitan artist, see this film." Sel Motion Pict plS Ja 1 '37 "[It is] an amusing musical comedy. . . Well acted, good dialogue, and excellent music. Family." 4 Wkly Guide D 26 '36 Newspaper and Magazine Reviews " 'Champagne Waltz' is pretty nearly one of the best cinema musicals to date; because it is not too elaborate and has Gladys Swarthout in all-English musical numbers, which are tuneful, pleasant and easy to remember." Laura Elston + Canadian M p25 F '37 + + Exceptionally Good; + Good; -J Fair; J Mediocre; — Poor; Exceptionally Poor