Motion Picture Review Digest (Jan-Dec 1937)

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MOTION PICTURE REVIEW DIGEST 21 more than ordinary box office impression. Gladys Swarthout is given 'Paradise in Waltz Time' as a melodic standout and keynote to the piece. Singing is full-bodied and rich in oratorical manner but seems at times too powerful. Love story between Miss Swarthout and Fred MacMurray lacks appropriate warmth and ease for general consumption. . . In the heavier plot phases where the suffering of a Viennese waltz king from American jazz competition by MacMurray' s orchestra is made to seem tragic, the going is not so sure. However, the results generally are very creditable." H Variety (Hollywood) p3 D 5 '36 CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE. Warner 116min N 7 '36 Cast: Errol Flynn. Olivia de Havilland. Patric Knowles. Henry Stephenson. Nigel Bruce. Donald Crisp Director: Michael Curtiz Music: Max Steiner Music director: Leo F. Forbstein See issue of December 28, 1936 for other reviews of this film "A gorgeous and beautifully produced saga . . . simply bursting with excitement and battle stuff. Perhaps too much of the latter. . . I have only one serious criticism of the picture — the (apparent?) cruelty to the horses in the battle scenes. . . Wait till the Animal Defense League of England' gets a wallop at those battle scenes!" Rob Wagner + Script pl2 Ja 23 '37 "This is the most resounding tribute yet paid to our tight little isle, and our own studios might have given their spats to have produced such a recruiting poster. . . As a spasm of human emotion, engendered by the cunning contact of shears and paste on a trailing length of celluloid, 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' is no less brilliant than, and no different in kind from, 'Potemkin.' " Alistair Cooke + Sight & Sound pl36 Winter '36 Trade Paper Reviews "Inspired by Tennyson's immortal poem of valor, the original story and screen play are excellent as motion picture material, although the historic charge itself is used only as a climax. Family." + Box Office p21 Ja 2 '37 Audience Suitability Ratings "Suitability: adults & adolescents." Mo Film Bui p215 D *36 "It is brilliant, spectacular and has the appeal of a great adventure. . . The charge is one of the most heroic that history records. Its pic turization is unforgettable." H. M. Le Sourd 4 Motion Pict & Family p6 D 15 '36 CHARLIE CHAN AT THE pPERA. 20th century-Fox 65min Ja 15 '37 Cast: Warner Oland. Boris Karloff. Keye Luke. Gregory Gaye. Nedda Harrigan Director: H. Bruce Humberstone See issue of December 28, 1936 for other reviews of this film Newspaper and Magazine Reviews "There have been so many battle scenes on the screen, that the actual charge, which may be tactically accurate, is the usual breathless forward dash, with the guns roaring and men and horses wheeling and going down. There are several border skirmishes earlier in the picture that are much more exciting to watch. . . Errol Flynn is excellent as the crossed-inlove soldier whose notions of tactics as displayed in the border fights seem far in advance of his time. Perhaps if he had been in the Crimea the war would not have been such a fiasco." M. E. P. H Boston Transcript p4 D 12 '36 "Despite the praise accorded to this highly fictional film drama based on the blunder at Balaclava and inspired by Tennyson's poem, many film-goers will demur at supporting a production which involved wanton cruelty to animals. Adults." Christian Science Monitor pl9 D 5 '36 "There really isn't much to the story but a cavalry charge, tho I will say the charge is something pretty wonderful to see. . . Unfortunately, before the grand finale takes place, you have to sit for an hour and a half while the WTarners attempt to tell some rather dubious British War Office history. . . As I admitted in advance, the cavalry charge is very fine, but also so noisy you'd best sit near the exit; from the musical score you'd gather the entire Brigade carried bugles instead of lances." Pare Lorentz Judge p32 D '36 "This film has been given a Universal certificate, in our opinion most injudiciously — not because it is an orgy of carnage but because it massacres history and geography. . . The plot is puerile and boring, the dialogue flat and incompetent. Altogether a most suitable film to take a deaf friend to, for the photography is remarkable (on rather familiar lines) and the fighting is managed most effectively. . . The acting is negligible, the bloodiness is all." — New Statesman & Nation p49 Ja 9 '37 Audience Suitability Ratings "Warner Oland is very convincing as the great detective and the supporting cast is excellent throughout. Very entertaining for the fans who like mystery. Adults." Am Legion Auxiliary "The continuity, acting and direction of this picture are of a quality to make it good entertainment for those who enjoy a well-made mystery. Adults: good; 14-18: possibly; 8-14: no." Calif Cong of Par & Teachers "In addition to the high standard of direction and acting that has characterized all the Charlie Chan mystery films, 'Charlie Chan at the Opera' has rather more pretentious settings and background than usual. . . The operatic sequences and backstage scenes give distinction to a wTell constructed and logically developed story. Very good. Adults." Calif Fed of Business & Professional Women's Clubs "A complicated, improbable plot, involving jealous singers and an escaped madman. Mature & 14-18. Mediocre." DAR "Interestingly staged behind the scenes at the opera and competently acted, this film compares favorably with others of the series and will appeal to audiences over 14." Nat Soc of New England Women "The contrasting roles create an agreeable balance resulting in a distinctly tense and absorbing production. Mature." S Calif Council of Fed Church Women Fox W Coast Bui D 5 '36 . "Mature." Jt Estimates N 15 '36 "The rather sordid nature of the story makes the film less suitable for family audiences than are most of the series. Suitability: adults & adolescents." Mo Film Bui pl2 Ja '37 "Adolescents, 12-16: yes; children, 8-12: no interest." Motion Pict R p3 D '36 + + Exceptionally Good; + Good; -\ Fair; 1 Mediocre; —Poor; Exceptionally Poor