Motion Picture Review Digest (Jan-Dec 1937)

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MOTION PICTURE REVIEW DIGEST Commonweal — Commonweal. $5. Calvert Publishing Corp, 386 4th Av, New York Cue — Cue. $2. Cue Publishing Co, Inc. 6 E 39th St, New York Film Wkly — Film Weekly. 3d per copy. Martlett House 31 Bow St, London W C 2 Hollywood Spec — Hollywood Spectator. $5. Hollywood Spectator, Inc. 6513 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, Calif. Judge — Judge. $1.50. Judge Magazine, Inc. 16 E 48th St, New York Liberty — Liberty. $2. Macfadden Publications, Inc. Chanin Bldg, 122 E 42nd St, New York Lit Digest — Literary Digest. $4. • Funk and Wagnalls Co, 354-360 4th Av, New York Manchester Guardian — Manchester Guardian. 78s. (Daily). Manchester Guardian, 3 Cross St, Manchester, 2. Guardian Newspapers. Inc. 220 W 42nd St, New York Nation— Nation. $5. Nation, Inc. 20 Vesey St, New York New Repub — New Republic. $5. New Republic, Inc, 40 E 49th St, New York New Statesman & Nation — New Statesman and Nation. 30s. New Statesman and Nation, 10 Great Turnstile, High Holborn, London, W C 1 New Theatre & Film— New Theatre & Film. $2. New Theatre Magazine, 156 W 44th St. New York N Y Herald Tribune — New York Herald Tribune $15. N Y Tribune, Inc, 230 W 41st St, New York N Y Sun— New York Sun. $10. Sun Printing and Publishing Assn, 280 Broadway, New York N Y Times — New York Times. $15. New York Times Co, 229 W 43rd St, New York N Y World -Telegram — New York WorldTelegram. $13. New York WorldTelegram Pub, 125 Barclay St, New York New Yorker — New Yorker. $5. F-R Publishing Corp, 25 W 43rd St, New York News-Wk — News-Week. $4. News-Week, Inc, Rockefeller Center, 1270 6th Av, New York Sat R — Saturday Review. 30s. Chawton Publishing Co, Ltd, 18-20 York Bldgs, Adelphi, London, W C 2 Script — Script. $3. Wagner Publishing Co, 9492 Dayton Way, Beverly Hills, Calif. Sight & Sound— Sight and Sound. (Quarterly). 2s 6d. British Film Inst, 4 Great Russell St, London, W C 1 Spec— Spectator. 30s. The Spectator, Ltd. 99 Gower St, London, W C 1 Stage— Stage. $3. Stage Publishing Co, Inc, 50 E 42nd St, New York Time — Time. $5. Time Inc, 350 E 22nd St, Chicago Trade Papers Box Office — Box Office (Eastern ed). $2. Associated Publications, Inc, 4704 E 9th St, Kansas City, Mo. Canadian Moving Pict Digest — Canadian Moving Picture Digest. $5. Canadian Moving Picture Digest Co, Ltd, 259 Spadina Av, Toronto, 2 Film Daily— Film Daily. $10. The Film Daily, 1501 Broadway, New York Hollywood Reporter — Hollywood Reporter. y:r' Wilkerson Daily Corp, Ltd, 6713 Sunset Blvd. Hollywood, Calif. Motion Pict Daily — Motion Picture Daily. $6. Quigley Publishing Co, Inc, Rockefeller Center, 1270 6th Av, New York Phila Exhibitor — Philadelphia Exhibitor. $2. Jay Emanuel Pub, Inc, 219 N Broad St, Philadelphia Variety— Variety. $6. Variety, Inc, 154 W 46th St, New York Variety (Hollywood) — Variety. $10. (Daily). Daily Variety, Ltd, 1708-10 N Vine St, Hollywood, Calif. Explanations After the title of the film, the producer is given, next the running time in minutes and then the date of release. Under Cast, only leading members of the cast are listed. For system of evaluating favor or disfavor of the reviews, see note at bottom of pa =?. In the reference to the magazine, the number of the page is first given, followed bj month, day and year. An index will be found at the end of the quarterly cumulated numbers which includes actors, actresses and directors for the productions indexed; also books, plays and short stories from which films have been adapted. Only those foreign films which are likely to be generally shown are listed. The evaluating symbols indicate the degree of favor or disfavor of each review as a whole, not just of the quoted excerpt. In evaluating films, the women's organizations use "mature" or "adults" when films are unsuited for children; "family" when suitable for all the members of a family; "young people" when suitable for adolescents from 14 to 18 years of age; "children" for those under 14. Abbreviations of producers' names and their addresses will be found in the Directory of Producers at the end of the number. When the date of release is omitted, it has not been determined by the producer. The running time as given is tabulated after projection room showings and is only an approximation of the actual release length in communities where state or local censorship may result in deletions. For final information, consult your local exchange. Key to Abbreviations a Ag Am Ap assn av bd blvd bul c Calif Cath co com Cong D e ed F fed adults gen general August inc incorporated American inst institute -ion April int international association Ja January avenue Je June board Jl July boulevard jt joint bulletin Lit Literary children (under 14 ltd limited years) m magazine California min minutes Catholic mo monthly company Mr March committee My May Congress N November December nat national east no number edition N Y New York February O October federated -ion P page par parent -s pict picture Phila Philadelphia pub publisher -ication r review -s Repub Republic S September, south -ern Sat Saturday sel selected soc society Spec Spectator sq square St street univ university vol volume w west wk week wkly weekly y young people (14-18 years)