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Motion pictures as a phase of commercialized amusement in Toledo, Ohio ([c1919])

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AMUSEMENT IX TOLEDO, OHIO 63 Mr. Gunckel and the others who have worked so untiringly in the Association. The children's branch of the Art Museum, too, is the first of its kind in America, if not in the world. Children alone are admitted at all times, and hundreds of plans are made to foster among them the "Art Museum Habit." The concerts, movies, art talks and story hours are all planned with this end in view, and this year was carried on 2 course in nature study rambles which afforded one of the most profitable and enjoyable types of recrea- tion that could be imagined. The number of chil- dren now taking advantage of this opportunity is about as large as the Museum staff can well care for, but if it were brought to the notice of all our children, it might bring about such overflow meet- ings that some of our public spirited citizens would be "moved" to see that the much-needed addition to the Museum be completed very soon. Our ultimate aim is to have opened so many other forms of recreation that no child will be de- nied this right to wholesome pleasure. These may be administered by the city directly, or by the ma- chinery of our public schools, or even by private enterprise, when proper recreation is recognized as a necessary part of all-'round education, and one of the most powerful agencies operating to produce a "healthy and efficient manhood and womanhood." —Toledo Teacher. February. 1918.