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Title and Distributot Rating Year of Review
Canal Zone (Columbia) A-I
Cangaceiro (Portuguese) (Columbia) B
Objection: Low moral tone; excessive brutality.
Candlelight in Algeria (20th Century-Fox) A-II
Cannibal Attack (Columbia) A-I
Canon City (Eagle Lion) A-II
Can't Help Singing (Universal) A-II
Canterbury Tale, A (J. Arthur RankEagle Lion) A-II
Canterville Ghost, The (MGM) A-I
Canyon City (Republic) A-I
Canyon Crossroads (United Artists) A-I
Canyon Passage (Universal) A-II
Canyon Raiders (Monogram) A-I
Canyon River (AA) A-I
Capri (Italian) (Continental Pictures Corp.) A-II
Captain Black Jack (British) (Classic Pictures) A-II
Captain Blood (First National) A-I
Captain Boycott (British) (Individual Pictures-UI) A-II
Captain Calamity (Grand National) A-II
Captain Carey, U.S.A. (Paramount) A-II
Captain Caution (United Artists) A-II
Captain China (Paramount) A-II
Captain Eddie (20th Century-Fox) A-I
Observation: Though the film in its action reflects generally the power of faith and trust in God, the ending accents reliance on the machine.
Captain from Castile (20th Century-Fox) A-II
Captain From Koepenick (Ger.) (DCA) A-I
Captain Fury (United Artists) A-I
Captain Horatio Hornblower (Warners) A-I
Captain Is a Lady, The (MGM) A-I
Captain January (20th Century-Fox) A-I
Captain John Smith and Pocahontas (United Artists) A-II
Captain Kidd (Benedict Bogeaus-United Artists) A-I
Captain Kidd and the Slave Girl (United Artists) B
Objection: Suggestive situations.
Captain Lightfoot (Universal-International) A-II
Captain Moonlight (A. P. and D. Twickenham-Ziehm) A-II
Captain Pirate (formerly Captain Blood, Fugitive) (Columbia) A-II
Captain Tugboat Annie (Republic) A-I
Captains Courageous (MGM) A-I
Captain's Kid, The (Warners) A-I
Captains of the Clouds (Warner-First National) A-II
Captain's Paradise, The (British) (United Artists) B
Objection: Light treatment of marriage; reflects the acceptability of divorce; suggestive situations and costuming. Note: The classification of this film is applicable only to prints shown in continental United States and its possessions.
Captive City (United Artists) A-II
Captive Girl (Columbia) A-I
Captive Heart, The (J. Arthur Rank-Prestige Pictures-Universal) A-I
Captive of Billy the Kid (Republic) A-I
1941-42 1953-54
1943-44 1954-55 1947-48 1944-45 1948-49 1943-44 1943-44 1954-55 1945-46 1950-51 1956-57 1951-52 1951-52 1936-37 1947-48 1936-37 1949-50 1939-40 1949-50 1944-45
1947-48 1957-58 1938-39 1950-51 1939-40 1936-37 1953-54 1944-45 1953-54
1954-55 1939-40 1951-52 1944-45 1936-37 1936-37 1941-42 1953-54
1951-52 1949-50 1946-47 1951-52