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Title and Distributor Rating
It's in the Bag (United Artists) A-II
It's Love Again (Gauraont-British) B
It's Love I'm After (Warners) A-I
Itto (French) (Eureka) B
Ivanhoe (MGM) A-I
I've Always Loved You (Republic) A-II
I've Lived Before (U-I) A-II
Observation: This picture contains certain elements which tend
to give credibility to the doctrine of reincarnation.
Ivory Hunter (British) (Universal-International) A-I
Ivy (Universal-International) A-II
Jacare (United Artists) A-I
Jack and the Beanstalk (Warners) A-I
Jack London (United Artists) A-II
Jack McCall, Desperado (Columbia) A-II
Jack Slade (Allied Artists) A-II
Jackass Mail (MGM) A-I
Jackie Robinson Story, The (Eagle Lion) A-I
Jackpot, The (20th Century-Fox) A-II
Jacqueline (Br.) (Rank) A-I
Jade Mask, The (Monogram) A-II
Jaeger von Fall (German) (Ludwig Gaufofer) A-II
Jaguar (Rep.) A-I
Jail Busters (AA) A-II
Jail House Blues (Universal) A-II
Jailhouse Rock (MGM) B
Objection: Low moral tone.
Jailbreak (Warners) A-II
Jalisco Nunca Pierde (Spanish) (Sanches Tello y Cia) A-I
Jalopy (Allied Artists) A-I
Jam Session (Columbia) A-II
Jamaica Inn (Paramount) A-II
Jamaica Run (Paramount) A-II
Jamboree (Republic) A-I
Jamboree (War.) A-I
James Dean Story (War.) A-I
Jane Eyre (20th Century-Fox) A-II
Janie (WTarners) A-II
Janie Gets Married (Warners) B
Objection: Contains implication against the permanency of the
marriage bond.
Janosik (Slovak) (Paio Bieilk) A-II
Japanese War Bride (20th Century-Fox) A-II
Jassy (J. Arthur Rank-UI) B
Objection: Light treatment of marriage.
Jaws of the Jungle (Paramount) A-II
Jazz Singer, The (Warners) A-I
Jealousy (Republic) B
Objection: Reflects the acceptability of divorce.
Year of Review
1944-45 1936-37 1936-37 1936-37 1951-52 1945-46 1955-56
1951-52 1946-47
1942-43 1951-52 1943-44 1952-53 1953-54 1941-42 1949-50 1949-50 1957-58 1944-45 1936-37 1955-56 1955-56 1940-41 1957-58
1936-37 1937-38 1952-53 1943-44 1938-39 1952-53 1943-44 1957-58 1956-57 1943-44 1943-44 1945-46
1936-37 1951-52 1947-48
1936-37 1952-53