Motion pictures classified by National Legion of Decency (1959)

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Title and Distributor Rating Year of Review Perilous Holiday (RKO) A-II Perilous Journey, A (Republic) A-II Perils of Pauline (Paramount) A-I Perpetual Sacrifice, The (Religious Films, Inc.) A-I Perri (Buena Vista) A-I Personal Affair (United Artists) A-II Personal Maid (Paramount) A-I Personal Property (MGM) A-II Personal Secretary (Universal) A-II Personality Kid (Columbia) A-I Persons in Hiding (Paramount) A-II Persuader (AA) A-I Pete Kelly's Blues (Warners) B Objection: Low moral tone; excessive brutality. Peter Ibbetson (Paramount) A-II Peter Pan (RKO) A-I Petits, Les (French) (CID) A-II Petty Girl, The (Columbia) B Objection: Suggestive costuming and situations. Petrified Forest (Warners) A-II Petticoat Fever (MGM) A-II Petticoat Larceny (RKO) A-II Petticoat Politics (Republic) A-I Peyton Place (Fox) A-III Phantom Cowboy, The (Republic) A-I Phantom from Space (United Artists) A-I Phantom Gold (Columbia) A-I Phantom Killer (Monogram) A-II Phantom Lady (Universal) A-II Phantom of the Opera (Universal) A-II Phantom of the Plains (formerly Texas Manhunt) (Republic) A-I Phantom of the Range (Victory) A-I Phantom of the Rue Morgue (Warners) A-II Phantom Patrol (Ambassador-Conn-Melody) A-I Phantom Plainsmen (Republic) A-I Phantom Raiders (MGM) A-I Phantom Rancher, The (Colony Pictures) A-I Phantom Ranger, The (Monogram) A-I Phantom Speaks, The (Republic) B Objection: The film misinterprets the nature and power of the human will; suggestive song. Phantom Stage (Universal) A-I Phantom Stagecoach (Col.) A-I Phantom Strikes, The (Monogram) A-II Phantom Thief, The (Columbia) A-II Phantom Trail (Allied Artists) A-I Phantom Valley (Columbia) A-I Phantom Wagon, The (La Charrette Fantome) (French) (Transcontinental Prod.-Columbia) B Objection: Background sordidness; impressions of fatalism. Pharoah's Curse (UA) A-II 180 1945-46 1952-53 1946-47 1938-39 1957-58 1953-54 1936-37 1936-37 1937-38 1945-46 1938-39 1956-57 1954-55 1936-37 1952-53 1936-37 1949-50 1936-37 1936-37 1942-43 1940-41 1957-58 1940-41 1952-53 1937-38 1941-42 1943-44 1942-43 1944-45 1936-37 1953-54 1936-37 1941-42 1939-40 1939-40 1937-38 1944-45 1938-39 1956-57 1939-40 1945-46 1954-55 1947-48 1939-40 1955-56