Motion Picture Story Magazine (Feb-Jul 1911)

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A Dixie Mother By Louis Reeve Harrison A fatal day near the end of the Civil War saw General Capel, desperately wounded and supported on either side by his sons, seek refuge in their old home. The destructive blast of battle, which had swept that region and withered the face of nature for miles around, was not spent. A shell exploded near the fugitives as they passed an uprooted tree, and an old family servant came forth to warn them that they were pursued by a detachment of Union soldiers; their situation was almost as desperate as their irretrievable fortunes or their hopeless cause. Physically ruined, all was lost save honor. The divinity of their home, a Dixie mother, was comforting her frightened daughter and waiting to embrace her husband and sons. Virginia Lewis Capel, devoted wife and fond mother, stood proudly in an old colonial hall, whose walls were hung with ancestral portraits and revolutionary swords, waiting and hoping. She was slight of figure, almost as delicate looking as her daughter, but there was a great THE DIXIE MOTHER BOWED HEE HEAD IN BITTERNESS AND YIELDED HER SWORD AS GRAVELY AS IF SURRENDERING AN ARMY. 59