Motion Picture Story Magazine (Feb-Jul 1911)

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AGE VS. YOUTH. 97 quietly, "that we're doing pretty well for our age." "I'm feeling pretty fit for my years, too/' grinned Wilson. "Well, stay on the job," Blake ordered curtly. "I'm not thru yet!" As he spoke, Jack Norton, pale and haggard, appeared in the doorway. Blake's face darkened as he caught eight of his daughter following the young man. "Mr. Blake," said Jack, "I came to plead for mercy. Unless you let up, my name is ruined. In another ten minutes I shall be forced to the wall." "Daughter," said Blake sternly, "what are you doing here?" "I came," answered Nora in her clear young voice, "to join my entreaties to Jack's. Father, it isn't right to be so vindictive !" "Leave him instantly," ordered Blake. "And you, Norton, go ! You ought not to be in business, anyway. You're too young." "Father," said Nora imploringly, "have mercy. I love him, love him better than my own life." "Better than you love your mother and me?" "Father, dear father, save him; for my sake, father," she implored. "He has asked your forgiveness. Be generous, father, be merciful; merciful to him, merciful to me." A veil seemed to fall from the old man's eyes. As he gazed at his daughter the look of smouldering hatred disappeared from them, forever. And in its place came a look of peace. "Wilson, Burke," he called in ringing tones, "get busy on those 'phones, quick." Then he turned to his daughter and her lover. "Jack," he said, "I've just learned a big lesson, and I think that vou have, too." He held out both his hands. "I don't know how to thank you, sir," Jack said, brokenly. "It is more than I deserve. I thought that I knew so much, and now " "And now," concluded Blake heartily, "we've kept the money right in the family, and I've found out as usual that my wife is right. Your father's money ought not to be used to ruin his son." Jack turned to Wilson and Burke. "And have I also the forgiveness of my father's two other old friends?" They grasped him warmly by the hand. "There is one thing more, sir !" Jack cried joyfully. "And that is by far the most important," said Blake, as he joined the two young people's hands. The next day the name on the door was changed. J^f5^*^ A December Dip IT is not always cakes and ale about a motion picture studio, tho most players prefer the pictures to the dramatic stage with its monotony. Now and then something unusual is called for by a photoplay and the players do some odd things. Last December two companies did plays in which one of the characters is required to fall in the water, and a third company made a production in which three men were seen enjoying a bath in water very nearly at the freezing point. At the other extreme, several burnings at the stake have proved hotter than was comfortable, and at least one runaway horse scene was spoiled by the animal entering too enthusiastically into his part and running away in earnest. Producers as a rule arc afraid of animals in pictures, tho animal actors are valued members of many stock companies and are used extensively, especially in the western productions.