Motion Picture Story Magazine (Feb-Jul 1911)

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12-0 THE MOTION PICTURE STORY MAGAZINE. him on the field of honor (yes, sir, that's what he calls it, meanin' the corral, I reckon) in the morning and he gives Stump a card, which reads "Count Alphonse Louis Francis Catalene," and he demands that Stump give his card. Stump ain't got no card, but he picks up one from the faro table, and seein' all them names on the Count's card he writes on hisn: "Alkili Two-gun Broncho-busting Pete." The Count takes the card and goes out, sayin' somethin' about gettin' him a second, while we remonstrates with Stump for wantin' to kill anyone so harmless. Stump 'lows that he ain't goin to kill the Count, only aimin' to scare him some, and just then Mac comes in, laughin' fit to bust. "Boys," says he, "what did youse do to this Count feller?" and he narrates that the Count has put it on him to make all the arrangements for the duel what's to be fit to-morrow. "You bein' the challenged party, you has the choice of weapons," he says to Stump, "and I sure advises that you takes guns, for there ain't no swords in this here town, and we sure don't aim to get none for this." "Guns for mine," says Stump, "and here's my answer," sayin' which he grabs some paper and writes "Bein' the challenged party choose guns, but I got six duels ahead of yours. You will be the seventh what I kill tomorrow." Mac takes the letter and goes out, remarkin' that he don't just think the Count will quit for th|it bluff, and addin' that Stump -bein' small will make him easy to bury, but Stump is so busy laughin' that he don't hear it. Then Stump lays out his plans, tellin' us that he wants six of us to hejp out in the duel, and we sees his plans. So many of us volunteers to fight and git "killed" that we has to draw cards for it, but finally the victims is selected, and we waits anxious for the next morning. Sure enough the Count is there, and he don't seem scared none, not even after Stump and Andy Bell exchanges shots, an' Andy dies in dreadful agonies. The next duelist what Stump faces never gets a chance to fire, Stump THE COUNT RECEIVES A CHALLENGE.