Motion Picture Story Magazine (Feb-Jul 1911)

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m / • . ,,; /•■ m 3 .-'r< (■ t ^# ; r ' 1 ^ 4 2 • / EDISON PHONOGRAPH Your enjoyment of the Edison Phonograph is complete. For Edison has not left one thing undone. If your purchase is an Edison, you never have to say or think, "if we had only have had the perfect lifelike purity of tone resulting from the Sapphire Reproducing Point which does not scratch or wear the bought an Edison we might have had record, never wears out or requires to be changed. " Amberol Records — four-and-one-half minutes of continuous playing, all the verses of every song, the complete composition on instrumental selections — the best of every character of entertainment and a//oi it." You never have to say "if we had only bought an Edison we might have had exactly the right volume of sound for our home instead of enough noise for a concert hall." You never have to say "if we had only bought an Edison we might THOMAS A. EDISON, Inc., 144 Lakeside Avenue, Orange, N. J. The Edison Business Phonograph conserves the time and energy of your highest priced men And most of all you never have to say "if we had only bought an Edison we might have been able to make records at home — to record and reproduce the songs and stories of every one of us, and of our friends and neighbors.' ' If you would make your purchase of a sound-reproducing instrument^ "regretless" it must be an Edison^ that you buy. Therein an Edison Phonograph at a price to suit everybody's means, from the Gem at $15.00 to the Amberola at $200.00, sold at the same prices everywhere in the United States. Edison Standard Records $ .35 Edison Amberol Records (play twice as long^ . • .50 Edison Grand Opera Records $ .75 to $2.00 Goto the nearest dealer and hear the Edison Phonograph play Edison Standard and Edison Amberol Records. Get complete catalogs from your dealer or from us. LBMr?9 PRESS OF WILLIAM G. HEWITT, 61-67 NAVY ST., BROOKLYN, N. Y.