Motion Picture Story Magazine (Feb-Jul 1912)

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BEFORE A BOOK WAS WRITTEN 29 of her and went at once to Else. She told him to go find Eric and he would find Chloe, and Dagban set off in a rage. By that singular chance which a beneficent God ofttimes provides in such emergencies, Chloe 's feet had indeed carried her straight to Eric. He saw her white face and was frightened. ' ' Hide me ! hide me ! He is coming after me!" she cried in a low voice, which thrilled him to the core. Confused, afraid to speak to her, afraid to let her hand even so much as touch him, he hesitated. Her anger arose at his stupidity. A woman is often angry where she should be flattered. A stupid compliment is always an honest one. ' ' Dont you understand ? ' ' she cried. "Are you really dumb? Are you really made of wood, to stand and gape at me so ? Hide me ! Your brute of a brother called me, and I ran — to you ! ' ' "Get behind this rock!" stammered Eric, trembling to his very toes. She would have run away farther, but at that moment they both heard Dagban running thru the trees. She crept down behind the rock, and Dagban, his face flushed, his eyes red and angry, appeared before Eric. "Where is s h e — Chloe? "he demanded. Eric looked straight into his eyes. "She is not here, ' ' he answered. Dagban 's eyes fell. He did not believe Eric, but turned away, and went back slowly, disappearing among the trees from which he had emerged a moment before. After a while Chloe stood up and looked about her. Satisfied that he was gone, she stepped up close to Eric. He still stood watching the place where Dagban had passed out of sight. Chloe 's heart failed her. She could not speak the words she had meant to say. Presently he heard her crying. He turned, his own heart almost bursting. "What is the matter, Chloe?" he asked. Then her courage returned. ' ' What is the matter? Can you ask that?" she said, scornfully. "The matter is, that my poor heart is breaking ! Oh, Eric ! you do love me ! Why will you not take me? Have I not suffered enough? Have you not seen me at their feet long enough? Oh, how can you bear to see me suffer? Oh, why dont you speak out of your heart?" She began to weep again. His eyes grew big; his heart cracked with agony, but he did not move. She stumbled toward him a step.