Motion Picture Story Magazine (Aug 1912-Jan 1913)

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= I IIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIW |\ l^'wuoiuiiiniiiiuiiiuiniiiniM | If THE CHARMS OF TOWN |j|; J 1 1 By MARY CAROLYN DA VIES ■ i I j i I We 're going back to nature ; dad 's tired of city ways, j ° j | ? | And mother wants to go out on a farm, you know, and raise 1 1 f j ? j Potatoes, cabbages, and such ; and then she says, you see, § / 1 1 1 1 The city aint no place to bring up little boys like me. j i I | i | And so I got to leave the bunch, and I dont think it 's fair ; || | There '11 never be no circuses or baseball games out there. | f j I could stand that, but, worst of all, what makes me hate to go, | ?| Dad says they haven 't even got a Motion Picture show. 1 o §j He says there 's lots of room out there, but what good will that be § ? I When there aint no kids for miles around, exceptin' only me? j j § And there aint a thing to see, or any place you 'd like to go ; j \ j And I '11 have to spade the garden, and weed the things, and hoe ; § ? § And I cant go roller skating, or anything like that ■ 1 1 1 And now I know, when Hamlet said that life was stale and flat, 1 \ I Just what he meant by it, because dad says in Hamlet 's days 1 1 j They never had a chance to go to Motion Picture plays. The farm is full of vacant lots, where you can play baseball 1 J § But if there 's no kids to play with, what good is it, after all ? I ? | There wont be any candy stores, or popcorn wagons — gee ! The way that any feller can live there, I dont see ! 1 1 j It must be awful quiet, and lonesome sort of, too, | ? | Without the crowds and noises and the things you like to do. i ? j I can do without the street cars and the taxicabs, you know, | ] j But what 's the use of livin ', 'thout a Motion Picture show ? 1 1 1 n ° = I'll sit around the porch at night, and get to thinking how j The gang is playing baseball, and kicking up a row, And, gee ! but I '11 get lonesome, and be wishing I was there, j 1 1 Instead of out with nature and a lot of swell fresh air. The worst, tho, will be thinking of the things the rest will see At all the Photoplays, and fun they'll have there, without me And, say ! I can just see the gang, all sitting in a row Away up on the front seats, in the Motion Picture show. i i o = o = I I 've got a plan, tho, up my sleeve, that I am going to try — | I'll work, and save my money, like you do Fourth of July, | So I can spend a day in town, and say ! I want to, bad ! j \ j I When I told ma about it she looked around at dad, | And said, "He's so affectionate. He wants to come to see 1 1 1 | His cousins in town, some day. How pleasant that will be ! " 1 1 1 j But dad, he only grinned at me. I kind o' think he knows | I want to come to town to see the Motion Picture shows. 1 1 1 g s ih m ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiii iiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiinntitmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiniiii!i«:!iiiii«HiiiiniiiiiiHiii!iHiiiifliiiiiiiiiiiiii«iyniiHr_&% r>-0=050=0r0 = 0 =0*0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0— O-C— O-O-O— O — O— 0--0-0-0-&— O — O-O-O-O-O -o-a-o -0-CrO"rOrOiOriri?o":^K % ^\\\\\IIMII!I|IM 118