Motion Picture Story Magazine (Aug 1912-Jan 1913)

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FOR THE LAME THE PERFECTION EXTENSION SHOE for any person with one short limb. No more unsightly cork soles, irons, etc.. needed. Worn with readv-made shoes. Shipped on trial. Write for booklet. Henry O. Lotz, 313 Third Ave., N. Y. TELEGRAPHY Telgraphy taught in the shortest possible time. The Omnigraph automatic teacher sends telegraph messages at any speed as an expert operator would. 5 styles, $2 up. Circular free. Omnigraph Mfg. Co., Dept. J., 39 Cortlandt St., N. Y. MUSIC PUBLISHERS BIG MONEY IN SONGS WE PAY ^ per cent ^ successful. Send us your Poems, Songs, or Melodies today. You may be able to write a big seller. H. KIRKUS DUGDALE CO. Dept. 56 Washington, D. C. WANTED — Send Words or Music TODA.Y. We pay 50%. Thousands of Dollars have been paid for One Song. Publication Guaranteed if Accepted. Your Song may make a Big Hit. Washington Best City to Publish. Illus. Book Free. HAYWORTH MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., 649 G, Washington, D. C. SONG POEMS MAKE MONEY Writing Song Poems I'll write the music, secure copyright in your name and pay you 50 % royalty. One song may net you thousands. For 1 5 years I have been publishing music in NEW YORK, the home of all "hits." Have sold millions of copies. Send your poems, with or without music, at once. Full particulars and valuable book FREE. C. L, PARTEE, 800 Brunswick Bldg., New York City BOOKS— PLAYS Phone 3818 Main ARTISTIC BOOKBINDING Why not have the complete set of The Motion Picture Story Magazine Bound— 90 cents cloth. SI. 00 canvas. $1.75 Half Morocco, gilt top. Let me estimate on uther work before you give an order. WILLIAM VON HEILL 349 ADAMS STREET, BROOKLYN, N. Y. KEJlI„ PHOTOGRAPHSofworaenof beautiful form. Three fascinating poses. 25c; 7, including one 614x814 photo, 50c. New book. Kate. 10c. Cat. classv books and pictures. ATOZ CO., JL7, WEST JEFFEKSOX, O. SALESMEN— AGENTS AGENTS ! ! ! Become partners in our business through our profit-sharing plan. Sell Brandt's Automatic: Razor Stropper, ihe machine i hat hones and snarpens your razor, diagonally, better than an expert barber. Works automatically. For old style razors and safety blades. Any one can use it. Guaranteed for life. Our Profit-Sharing Plan and our free razor premiums make this the greatest agency proposition. Write quick for terms, prices and tenitory. B. L. BRANDT MFC CO., 42 Hudson St., New York City. 1^_K COLD FINISHED *2CZ~ ■ *rr\ ENGRAVED BRACELET ^-OC. Latest style, patent catch, fits any arm. Made exactly like a $3 Bracelet. To introduce catalogue, Bracelet sent postpaid for 25c. coin. Eagle Watch and Jewelry Co., Dept. 8, East Boston, Mass. BOW CLASP PPPP AND COLLAR PIN PATENTED These PARIS BOW Clasp Pins are made in ROSE GOLD satin finish and eleg-ant conventional design, ADJUSTABLE to any bow and collar. Saves Ribbon, Tune and Patience. LATEST HIT. Retail price 50c. ILLUSTRATION OF PIN HALF SIZE. We are usingthem as A LEiDER. Send us 6 two-cent stamps to pav mailing and advertising expenses, and we will send you our 1913 Catalogue and one of these BEAUTIFUL PINS by return mail FREE Satisfaction gnaranted or -money refunded. AGENTS WANTED* BES1 SIIiVEK CO., Dept.M.P., 83 Chambers St., N.I. City. SAVE YOUR DIMES Lucky Horsesnoe Bank will do it. Smallest bank in the world. Carried in pocket or worn as watch charm or locket. Holds ten dimes — tenth dime opens it. Great novelty. Price, nickel plated 10c; gold plated 25c. Sent prepaid. Agents wanted; exclusive territory. Address I/UCBLY HORSESHOE BANK Room 801, Flatiron Bldg., Newltfrk Self-Filling Fountain Pen, 25 Cents Upon receipt of 25c we will send you this pen at cost price to introduce our Xmas catalogue. Dont miss opportunitv to get $1 pen for 25c. Eskorn Novelty Co., Dept. D, 200 B'way, N.Y. City. STAINED GLASS WINDOW Sj fin effect, by using genuine trade-marked 1 1 UU ttlindowphanie makes stained glass out of plain glass. SPECIAL OFFER: Simply send with $1.00 and names of 2 dealers-, size of window, or describe decoration of room, and we will furnish an appropriate design with border. Dealers wanted. Free booklet. P. W. MALZ, 19 E. 14th St., N. Y.City