Motion picture studio director and trade annual (1920)

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256 STUDIO DIRECTORY Henry Dixey, Rose Stahl, Mary Mannering, Helen Ware. Geo. Beban; screen career, with V'itagraph, leads and heavies, in ("The Greli Mystery," "The Hlllman," "The Seal of Silence," "The Girl in His House," "An American Live Wire," "A Diplomatic Mission," "The Man Who Wouldn't Tell," "The Highest Trump," "A Gentleman of Quality," "The Usurper," "A Rogue's Romance," "The Hornet's Nest," "The Wolf," "The Black Gate"). Hght., 5, 11; wght., 176; dark complexion, black hair, blue eyes. Studio ad., Vitagraph, B'klyn. N. Y. WILSON, Ben, also director; b. Corning. Iowa; educ. there and Centerville, Iowa; stage career, 12 yrs. stock and prods.; screen career, Kdison (lead in "Who Will Marry Mary" serial), Universal (lead in "Voice on the Wire," "The Mystery Ship," directed "The Brass Bullet " serials), Hallmark (lead in "Trail of the Octopus," "The Screaming Shadow" serials), starred in various features. Hght., 5, 11 Yt • wght., 17G; dark hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 219 So. Harvard Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif., phone 560661; studio, Ben Wilson Prods. WILSON, Hal; b. N. T. C; educ. Coll. of City of N. T. ; stage career, 20 yrs. Harrigan and Hart, Frohman, A. H. Woods, Murray Stk. Co. under H. V. Donnelly's mgmt. ; screen career, from 1907, 3 yrs. dir. Eclair, Fine Arts (appeared in "Casey at the Bat," "The Little Yank"), Griffith ("Intolerance"), Universal comedies, Vitagraph ("Clowns Best Performers." "The Blind Miner," "Tale of Two Cities"), Metro ("Easy to Make Money"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 160; gray hair, brown eyes. Home ad., 514 2 De Longpre ave., Los Angeles, Calif., Holly C39; studio, Lois Weber Prods. WILSON, Tom; b. Helena, Mont., 1880; early career, soldier, professional boxer, trained Fitzslmmons for fight with Corbett; stage career, with Fitzsimmons in "A Fight for Love," with Eva Tanguay in vaud. ; screen career, RelianceMajestic, Fine Arts ("Atta Boy's Last Race." "The Americano." "Wild and Wooly," "Amarllly of Clothesline Alley"), Chaplin ("A Dog'i Life," "Shoulder Arms." "Sunnyside," "A Day's Pleasure"). Hght., 6, 2; wght., 220; dark brown hair, dark gray eyes. Ad., 1352 Spauldlng ave., Los Angeles, Calif. WINDERMER, Fred C; b. Muscatine, Iowa; educ. there; screen career, directed Essanay Snakeville series, Essanay-Chaplin ("A Night Out." "The Champion." "Work," "The Tramp"). Hank Mann ("The Messenger," "The Gas Attack." "His Waiting Career," "Hopping the Bells," "A Rural Romeo"). Home ad., 5800 Franklyn ave.. Hollywood. Calif.; studio, Hank Mann Co. WING, Ward; b. Springfield, Mo.; educ. Kansas City, Mo.; stage career, Geo. Ade's "The Mayor and the Manicure," over U. B. O. time 2 yrs.. Lyric Stock Co., Woodward Stock Co., Martin Stock Co., Rush Stock Co.; screen career, Lasky, Universal ("The Eagle," "A Mother's Sacrifice," "The Camera Man," "The Monkey Bus." "Loot"), Christie ("Her Helping Hand"), Metro ("In His Brother's Place"), New Art ("The Solitary Sin"), Sellg ("Cupid's Thumb Print"). Hght., 5, 8; wght., 140; dark brown hair, dark blue eyes. Ad., Actor's Assn. of Los Angeles, Calif., Holly 1946. WISE, Harry; b. N. Y. ; educ. N. Y. ; stage career, vaud., light opera; screen career, Metro ("Out of the Fog"), Famous Players ("Flfl," "The Avalanche"), Universal ("Shot in the Dark." "Servant of the Slums"). Selznick with Elsie Janis. Hght., 5, 5; wght., 148; dark hair, bruwn eyes. Ad., 269 W. 45th St., N. Y., Bryant 2257. WOODWARD, Henry F.; b Charleston, West Va.; educ. M. D. degree at Univ. of Md., B. A. degree at Univ. of W. Va. ; early career, 1st Lieut, in Philippine Islands, 2 yrs. in U. S. Engineers; screen career. Fox ("Lawless Love"), Loil Weber ("Forbid"), Brunton ("Hearts Asleep"), Lasky, (3 yrs. stock, "The Mystery Girl," "Your Fired"), Garson ("Road Through the Dark"), Brentwood ("Where There's a Will"), Brunton ("Are You Legally Married?") Para.-Artcraft ("Male and Female"). Hght., 6; wght., 180, brown hair, blue eyes. Home ad., 1953 Ivar St., Hollywood, Calif.; Holly 3188. WYNNE, Hugh; b. N. Y. C, 1868; educ. St. Mark's. Southboro, Mass., and Exeter, N. H. ; stage career, Wilton Lackaye Players. H. B. Warner Co., Henrietta Crossman, "Polly of the Circus," etc.; screen career, Metro ("American Widow," "Their Funny Affair"), Vitagraph ("One Thousand Dollars," "Tangled Lives"), etc. Hght., 5, 8; wght., 135; gray hair, blue eyes. Home ad., Huntington. L. I., N. Y. — Y — YOUNG, Tammany; b. N. Y. C. ; stage career, with Nat Goodwin, Holbrook Blinn, William Farnum. Beatrice Forbes-Robertson, David Belasco. Cohan & Harris, Klaw & Erlanger, "Alias Jimmy Valentine," "Bought and Paid For," "The Man Inside," A. H. Woods, "The Big Chance." "Kick In"; screen career. Fox ("Checkers"), MacManus ("Lost Battalion"). Goldwyn ("The Service Star," "The Racing Strain." with Mae Marsh. "The Woman on the Index"), Selznick (with Elsie Janis in "A Regular Girl," "The Imp"), Famous Players ("The Amazons"), Thomas Mott Osborne's "Our Gray Brothers." Ad., 150 W. 36th St., N. Y., Greeley 2082. The industry's reference book. Motion Picture Studio Directory and Trade Annual.