Moving Picture Weekly (1915-1920)

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QtT TH[5[ f[ATUR£ ADCUT5 Now Ready JANE COWL m >(ATCH FOR THIS \. A Drama Yoo-n Hcver Forget PRODUCED BY LOIS WEBER^'^f AN»PHlll>P55nALLtr«L "a TRULY OREAT PICTURE?" wmiTEMOY LOIS WEBER AUTHOR OF HYPOCRITES 5 REELS DON'T THINK IT DON'T TALK IT BUT 5&E THIS remarkable life drama is too real, too human, for mere words. It hits you and me and our neighbors. It malies us rememl>er and regret every word of idle gossip we have ever repeated. From plot to production this film satisfies. Do not fail tcT see it for it is one of the biggest plays ever produced. (This Space for Your Theatre Program, etc.) Order No. BOS. Price 35c. Name, AUrama You'll Never For^et-in Five Reels WCITTEN LOIS WfBER author o'fHYPOCIIITES PRODUCED Byl0IS¥j[B[RcPHILLIP55nALLEY Do not fail to see this unusual photoplay. It is a story based on the evil that follows idle gossip. It will make you think of every mean thing yon ever said of anyone. It wiU fascinate you with its everyday true to life plot development, and it will grip and thrill you in the startling climax. Be sure to see thin masterpiece. (This 1 ~IUNnrER5AI ES ■ 1 Spare for Your Theatre Name, Program etc.) Order No. B06. Price 25c. 1 ^^^^ ^^^^ READY NOW -A corking line of admission-puUlng advertising supplies for the first two releases of the "Broadway Universal Features" Brand — Jane Cowl In "The Garden of I.i©s," released July 13, and The Smalleys in "Scandal," released July 19. R AMIVFRQ • never made a better investment in your D/\llX^Il>rvO . life than in the fine waterproof canvas bannerg, handsomely gotten up in two colors — the same fine aualIty that we have heretofore had for serials and others — 10 feet long by 3 feet high. Price, $1.85. Send in your order now. Burners will be ready for both "The Garden of Lies" and "Hcandal." Of ID17C< You can place your order for two styles of handtJi^lLftLuJ , somely colored slides. They will serve to »nBooncc to your patrons the two great Broadway Unlrersal Features in a most attractive way Two style* for b"*^ Garden of Lies," released July 12. and "Scandal, jf^^ July iS. Better order both styles for «»ch. Price only 25c each. PHOTO-GELATINS: Ten beautiful scenes from each of these two great plays. Some of the handsomest we have ever produced. There are two colored photos, t»cb 16x23. and eight in a rich photo-brown, 11x14. Ready for both The Garden of Lies" and "Scandal." njDr\\17 AM/ AVC Keal ones that yon will be proud IrlKV-FWAWAlD. to pass out announcing the coming of these big features to your house. Specially drawn design with ample space for the name of yonr theatre. All ready tor both big plays, at only 60c per thousand.