Motion Play (Nov 14, 1920)

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“*Snub"’ Pollard was ina hurry to get his trousers pressed. They were, . how Buck Jones has grown! His head tops the first story of his Hollywood bungalow and is on a level with the telephone wires. He'll tower above the roof ifthe camera man continues his tricks. Ruth Roland says a woman Can acAlice Joyce looks the tually wear these in ‘‘Sporting Duchess’’ in, bed and be comthis sylvan pose witb the fortable. youngest member of her company. “The Soul of Youth’’, Julio and Marguerite, two of the leading char3; Earle acters in the screen.version of “The Four Horsemen’’. In the screen version of the ‘‘Four Horsemen ot the Apocalypse’’, asin the novel itsei1, the best is the description and characterization by Ibanez of Argentine life and Don Madari riding, masterful lord of thousands of acres, who has a sweetheart in every v If you saw the Stage version of **Polly With A Past'’, you'll rememthe roush ber how Ina Claire turned a lampshade fin 8 into a bata op A stunuing Paris hat. bin She does it again in the movies. Williams ad ventures into Poppy Land in “The Purple Cipher’. It's hard to tell whether May Allison is copying the cat or the cat May Allison in the expression of contemplation which dominates their features. EE Nazimova. as a kitchen mechanic, There is only one Nazimova and she is temperamental in her back grounds as well as in her moods, Hence in Madam Peacock, in which she blooms from a ecullery maid into a gorgeous stage beauty, she has a peacock background, illustrated by an artist who worked during a nightmare. Mary Mosquini, leading woman for ‘‘Snub’’ Pollard, wasn't satisfied until she had prevailed on him to ride her about in a jinrikisha. After “*Snub’’ had experimented with various hols on the shafts and demonstrated that he couldn't hold a regular job at that sort of thing Mary said she'd had enough of ‘‘gin-rickey-shay’’ rides. Roy Brooks is afraid the weight of the blow Mildred Davis is about to strike him will break the machine and muss up his hair. i Tom Mix in the Bohemian cozy corner of his Hollywood bungalow. The room is filled with trophies, prizes and gifts which the Fox star has won or received from admiring friends. You may suspect, after a look at the walls, that Tom is fond of horse back riding and is a handy man with a gun,