Motography (Jul - Dec 1915)

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July 31, 1915. MOTOGRAPHY 221 Torino production about August first, sional outing and good time together. The running time of the new film is two The following officers were elected: hours. Agnes L. Bain wrote the detailed Jules Burnstein, president; C. J. Fitch, scenario from the suggested plot bv secretary; Miss Marion Luhrs, treasurD'Annunzio. whose original creation, er; and A. A. Corn, chairman of the "Maciste," is the principal character in entertainment committee, the new offering. Ben Deelyi of vaudeville fame, is pro Robert Harrom, the Griffith juvenile ducing a one-reel comedy picture called player, is very prominently cast in D. "Won by a Leg," at the studio of the W. Griffith's coming feature production. Centaur Film Company, in Bayonne, N. Harron's part is a great character one, J., in which the cast is composed exwhich figures all through the story. Oth clusively of vaudevillians. The Morgan Lithograph Company, of Cleveland, Ohio, recently broke the world's time record in making a onesheet lithograph. The record for a onesheet has been two hours and forty min er principals in the same cast are Mae Marsh, Miriam Cooper, Walter Long, Mary Alden, Tom Wilson, Ralph Lewis and William Brown. Herbert Rawlinson, star of the Univer sal Film Manufacturing Company, has utes, made in Cincinnati, during the visit been crowned king of Universal City, of a distinguished personage in one of Following the recent national beauty the shops there. contest at Universal City in which six Aft much fe, h Bernhardt ty-one of the most beautiful young worn filmg reached chi and were deliv. en from every state of the nation were d A M_ GoU president of the entered, a Popularity contest amon* the ph , Releasing Company, men employed at the picture city was * ■ ° suggested, and the suggestion met with Joseph Goldberg is building a new the instant favor. When the votes were ater at Clarksville, Tenn. The house counted it was found that the name of will be up to date, from lobby to screen. Herbert Rawlinson led all the best, and Two Powers 6-A machines will project the famous Sanford Quest of "The Black the pictures on a Minusa gold fibre screen Box" serial, was acclaimed "King of Uni which was made by the Con. Film & versal City." Supply Co., of Memphis. Little Will Archie and his "Pee-wee Walter McNamara, producer of "Traf Picture Players" having finished the first fie in Souls," and a number of other of the fun films they are under contract photoplays of merit, is now busily en to produce for the Headline Amusement gaged at the old Ramo studios produc Company. will start work on the second ing a picture for the Equitable Film com of the "Pee-wee" series a week from pany, of which Isadore Bernstein is the Monday. Title of the second comedy head, will be "Pee-wee's Honey-moon." Hustling E. H. Montagu, agent for the "The Climbers," the next Lubin re Selig Polyscope Company, in the Britlease, in five parts, on the V. L. S. E. ish Isles, sends word from his commoprogram, will introduce to "Big Four" dious new offices 93-95 Wardour street, enthusiasts Gladys Hanson, widely London to the effect that Kathlyn Wilknown as a Broadway star, and one of hams, Bessie Eyton and Tom Mix are the most versatile leading women on the among the most popular motion picture sta°-e today. stars known in merrie England. Ben Wilson has just signed a two-year The Automatic Ticket Selling & Cash contract with the Universal. Mr. Wilson Register Company reports its business left Edison a year ago and is now a fix holding up wonderfully _ on its electric ture with the Big U for the next two machine, and representatives all over the years, with which company he will star country are sending in many orders to and direct big productions. the factory. Among some of the^ new t, ,,,., , t-. ., -n, .,,. theaters which have recently equipped Ben Wilson and Dorothy Phillips are their theaters with this machine are the down m Alexandria, Va., filming scenes c bb Theater Boston; Strand and Co for "A Gentle Volunteer," a three-reel Rex feature. "Roger La Hunte," produced by Augustin Daly some years ago with Wilton Lackaye in the stellar role, is now being filmed with Mr. Lackaye playing his famous role. Wid Gunning /ho conducts the mo lonial Theaters, Chicago; Keller Theater, Pittsburgh; and Mozart Theater, St. Louis. Governor N. C. Stuart, of Virginia, was a recent visitor at the Selig JungleZoo in Los Angeles, Calif., and was much impressed with the collection of animals and the splendid facilities for the tion picture department in the Mail and making of motion pictures. general publicity and film specialist office in the Times building, has been busily engaged for the past few weeks in the joint occupation of host and city guide to Miss Helen Fickardt of Circleville, Ohio, and to his sister. Miss Helen A. W. Goff, manager of the Cleveland V. L. S. E. office, is the recipient of the following telegram from R. R. Shrader, of Indianapolis: "It's a boy." Mrs. Winnifred Babcock, known in the Gunning of Chillicothe, Ohio, who are literary world as Anoto Watnna, was a visiting him in New York City. The Victor company, with Mary Fuller, and a company including Milton Sills, Paul Panzer, Mary Moore, sister of the three famous Moores, and several others have returned from Savannah. The employes of the Pathe Twentythird Street Exchange in New York got recent visitor at the Selig Polyscope Company's office, in Chicago. The New Grand Theater, which is being built in Sheridan, Wyo., is installing a Minusa gold fibre screen, which is made according to special surveys of the new house. At the celebration given to the San together last week and formed a social Francisco fire department, a Powers 6-A club with the idea of having an occa moving picture projecting machine was used and a demonstration showed that the machine was absolutely fireproof. Julia Dean is out in California at the Universal City studios working on the_ first scenes of the big feature play which she is doing for the screen. Marie Cahill and her company including Sam Hardy, her leading man, have just returned from Greenwich, Conn., where they have been completing the final scenes for "Judy Forgot," the Universal feature. D. W. Russell, well known in motion picture circles in the West, where for some time he represented Mina Films, with headquarters in Chicago, has been appointed general sales manager, and is now at the eastern offices of this brand. Gordon MacGregor is the latest photoplayer to join MinA Films at their Los Angeles studios. He makes his first appearance with this brand in "On the Tob," a one-reel comedy to be released July 22. Toto, the Malayan ape, who belongs to Lady Grace E. Mackenzie, after a gay evening spent in Broadway cafes was found in police custody lately. Previous to entering motion pictures, Wilmuth Merkyl enjoyed several years of success in grand opera in Europe. Mr. Merkyl is now playing the leading part in "The Victory of Virtue," a six-reel feature being produced by the United Photo-Plays Company. In line with their endeavor to have every part of their output reach the highest standard of perfection, Mina Films is directing especial attention to their posters. The Los Angeles premiere of Oliver Morosco's photoplay "The Wild Olive," was made a special event by the management of the Alhambra Theater on Hill street, where the stirring American-Argentine romance was exhibited. The feature which was responsible for the packed house was the announcement that Myrtle Stedman herself, co-star in "The Wild Olive," with Forrest Stanley, would give a selected program of songs. Director Francis Powers, "Billie" West, Frank Bennett, Lucille Younge, George Berranger and Olive Adair are at work at the Reliance-Majestic studios on "The Bride of the Sea." Oscar Apfel, a recent acquisition to the producing staff of the Fox Film Corporation, will place in rehearsal within a few days, a five-part photoplay, the title of which has not been disclosed as yet. Harry Spingler has been elected to portray the juvenile lead in the feature. The Essanay Company took two thousand feet of film recording various events of the National Advertising Men's Convention, in Chicago. Buckley Starkey has been cast in a strong photoplay called "The Cotton King," which is now in the process of the making at the World Film studio at Fort Lee. Oscar Eagle has the direction of the picture, George Nash plays the title role. Ralph Herz, the musical comedy star, will start his studio work with B. A. Rolfe in "The Purple Lady," by Sidney Rosenfeld, for the Metro Program in September.