Motography (Jul - Dec 1915)

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July 31, 1915. MOTOGRAPHY 227 woman and then he is. willing to marry her. The Battle of Elderbush Gulch— (T.wo. Reels) — Biograph — Re-issue — July 30. — With Mae Marsh, Lillian Gish and Robert Harron in an all star cast. Two young girls on their way to visit their uncle in the unsettled west, fall in with a young married couple bound for the same destination. They have brought with them two dogs and as they are not allowed to keep them in the house, they are placed outside, where they escape into an Indian camp. The older girl goes out to look for the dogs and encounters the Indians. Her uncle comes on the scene and thinking her attacked, fires and kills the chief's son. This happening fans into flame the smoldering spark of Indian hatred. A battle ensues, but finally the troops arrive and disperse the Indians. The Girl of the Gypsy Camp — (Three Reels) — Edison — July 30. — Cast with Bessie Learn, Johnny Walker, Carlton King, Charles Sutton and Harry. Eytinge. Franko and Rigo kidnap Colonel Randolph's little granddaughter. Twelve years later the gypsies return and Joy, whom the gypsies call Romono, meets William, the adopted son of Randolph. Franko is in love with Romono and he attempts to kill William. Romono rescues her lover. The colonel objects to the marriage of his foster son to the gypsy girl but he is overjoyed and gives his hearty consent to the marriage when he learns that she is his own granddaughter. A Business Buccaneer — Alice Joyce Re-issue — Kalem — July 30. — Tom Hopewell, a young man just returning from South America and bringing with him a new formula for the manufacture of rubber, loves Agnes, in the employ of his company. Hastings, employed by a rival company, learns of the secret formula and attempts to secure it, but his efforts fail. One night while Agnes and Tom are out for a drive they see light shining in the office of the Hopewell plant and their suspicions are aroused and they decide to investigate. They are made prisoners~ by Hastings' accomplices and thrust into an adjoining room. They succeed in removing their bonds and by the means of a dictaphone record and Agnes' dog. manage to send for help. The crooks are captured and the lovers are freed. The Call of Motherhood — Lubin — July 30. — The young widow of a mountaineer lavishes an abundance of love on her little child. In the city, Henry Far rell, a young physician, loves his child as much as a man can who has lost an ideal wife. He establishes himself in his lodge in the mountains and here Nan. the girl widow, comes to him with her dying child. The child dies and Nan, seeing Henry's child asleep in its cradle, carries it to her cabin, and there bestows on it all the love in her soul. Nan's mind regains its strength, but her passionate love for Henry's child does not abate. Gradually Henry and Nan awake to mutual love. Some Duel — Vitagraph — July 30. — The 'big comedy four featured. Flora divides her attention between Mike Dugan and Hughie, the barber. Kate is also in love with Hughie and when the girls later hear of Mike challenging Hughie to a duel they decide to go and watch them. The}r conceal themselves behind a rock and when Mike hurls a brick, Hughie dodges it and it hits Flora, who promptly accuses Kate of having struck her, and the two women are soon putting' up a scrap worth watching. Later the duel ends in a dual wedding. More Than Friends — Biograph — July 31. — Charles Perley, Charles Fuller and Augusta Anderson featured. The secret service chief and. his two. aides are .after a counterfeiting gang. The two men are rivals for the chief's daughter, and on the evening before they undertake the task of pinching the counterfeiters one learns that the other is the favorite suitor. In the counterfeiter's den they are trapped and the disappointed lover prevails upon his comrade to go for help, but upon his return is dying and confesses his love for the girl. He then sends her the ring with which he had . hoped to plight her troth. The Bedouin's Sacrifice — Edison — July 31. — The beauty and innocence of the American girl, being held a captive by the Bedouins, inspires one of the tribe with real love, and in an effort to free the girl and her lover, Omar Hassan is mortally wounded. After escorting them safely to their hotel the Bedouin dies. The cast includes Bessie Learn, Edward Earle and Bigelow Cooper. A Man Afraid — (Two Reels) — Essanay — July 31. — Featuring an all star cast. Ted Barham, while a youth, is injured and the fall he gets deranges certain nerve centers which make him a coward. As a man he is engaged to Austen Martin, but Bayard Schnell discovers Ted's weakness and induces the girl to break her engagement with "the coward." He is struck by a baseball and his mental faculties return. To prove that he has nerve he enters an auto race in which he is struck by a stone on the head an again experiences the crippling fear, but fights it and wins the race. Schnell's treachery is discovered and Austen again takes. Ted's ring. Fate of Number 1 — (An episode oe the "Hazards of Helen" series) — Kalem — July 31. — Helen Holmes featured. Because their demand for money was unheeded Garibaldi and his gang wreck Number 1. They again demand money and the officials plant a decoy package in the spot indicated, but they discover this trap and in revenge set about to wreck another train. The)' open the switch but the open switch is discovered by the trackwalker. The gang caoture Helen and overpower and bind the trackwalker and they proceed to open the switch again, leaving one of their gang to guard Helen. She. by a clever ruse, catches the scoundrel off his guard and accidentally his gun is discharged. Later the criminals are discovered, captured and arrested. Billie's Heiress — Lubin — July 31. — Bill, who is hard up, meets Miss Millions and forces himself as a hero in several affairs. He later finds a pocketbook and also meets a charming young woman, but when he gives his companion the purse he found, Miss Millions claims it as her own. He finds refuge in an airship, and when he comes down finds Miss Millions' maid lying in wait for him. It's the penitentiary or the parson, so he takes a life sentence from the latter. The Quest — Selig — July 31. — Chara, an East Indian boy, and his father, Dasa, mourn the. loss of his mother. Word is brought that the province is in a grip of famine and Chara secures an elephant and goes out in search of his mother. John Hammond, American consul, and his wife see Chara being flogged and they buy the boy. Later he tells them of his adventures and the envoy calling on Hammond, recognizes Chara. Mrs. Hammond gives the boy a ring telling him when he gets home to send it back and she will know all is well. Later she receives a valuable silver box containing the ring and a note written by Chara. The Mystery of Mary — Vitagraph — July 31. — Featuring an all star cast. Tryon Dunham meets a young girl who will not tell her name. He borrows his sister's hat and coat from his mother, gives them to the girl and buys her a ticket to Chicago. When he leaves her she says "Call me Mary." Later he is sent on to Chicago and here meets the girl in the home of a friend where she is employed as a parlor maid. He proposes marriage and is accepted. She then tells her story of how her cousin was trying to railroad her to an insane asylum, but she had escaped. Tryon and Mary are married, but the cousin abducts her and after a sensational arrest of the girl's captors Tryon and Mary speed on to happiness. June Friday — (Four Reels) — Edison — August 6. — Cast with Gertrude McCoy. Duncan McRae, Augustus Phillips, and Robert Conness. Blake, the victim of a drug habit, performs the sham marriage ceremony between his employer and his own daughter whom he has not seen since he deserted her years before. Shortly after this Duncan leaves June. Blake discovers that June is his daughter. There years later Duncan returns and June fearing that he will inform her husband. Tom Van Est, of her former life with him, agrees to come to his apartment. Duncan attacks her and to protect herself she stabs and kills him. To save his daughter, Blake writes a note, confessing that he is guilty of the murder, and commits suicide. For further review see page 210, this issue. When Ambrose Dared Walrus — (Two Reels) — Keystone — July 12. — Featuring Chester Conklin. When Droppington's apartment house burns, he makes several attempts to save his insurance policy, and tries to rescue Mrs. Mack Swain, an acrobat. Swain, also an acrobat, becomes a living fire escape, over which