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Motography (Jul - Dec 1915)

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July 31, 1915. MOTOGRAPHY 231 that his flight has been checked by Katherine. Life and Moving Pictures — (Two Reels) — L-Ko — July 28. — The husband, suspicious of wifie's "cousin" follows them into a moving picture theater. The drama on the screen disturbs the conscience of wifie and her "cousin," and suspicious hubby, with the aid of guns, enlivens matters. "Cousin" plays hide and seek, wifie bawls, and an innocent gentleman, who unfortunately gets in the way, is pushed through the screen. Hubby, after the disappearance of the chief trouble maker, forgives his wife. The Double Standard — Victor — July 28. — Gertrude Steele tells Helen Ware that she should have the same privileges as her husband, and later, at an informal dinner, the wife is induced to smoke and drink when he does. This followingsuit leads to an argument and Ware leaves his home in anger. He and a friend go to a theater, and, while there, flirt with two girls in an opposite box. Mrs. Ware and Gertrude, who have followed in Ware's wake, see this little in cident. After the show they follow Ware and his friend to a cafe, and take an adjoining booth that is separated only by velvet curtains. Gertrude recognizes two young men friends and invites them to sup with them. Later Mrs. Ware's companion attempts to fondle her, but her decency rebels, and she struggles and screams. Her husband appears from the next booth and, after accusations, denunciations and explanations follow all around, he realizes his error. He has been taught a lesson of equal rights. Heritage — (Four Reels) — Laemmle — July 29. — Featuring Bob Leonard and Ella Hall. At the age of ten, Kate, a girl of the slums, is forced to go to work because of her father's losing his position. Years later, Marion Melton, who is interested in heredity, meets Kate and decides to test her theory. The little girl is persuaded to make her home with the Meltons. After acquiring both knowledge and polish, she is proposed to by Guy. Her marriage greatly displeases Big Bill McMahon who, while she lived in the slums, acted as sweetheart, friend and protector. Not long afterward, she tires of society, and has a stormy scene with her husband. The the first time the reason for his devotion. The next day the hunchback saves Rose from being burned in the sweat shop. outcome results in her fleeing to the Reels) — Imp — July 30. — Rose is the McMahons for protection. Big Bill, in a hunchback's protege. Both are employed rage, calls on Guy Melton, states a few in Blum's sweat shop. Louis, the boss's son, gives Rose, a note which is later seen by the hunchback. He follows to their meeting place and overhears Louis' proposal. When Rose returns home, he tells her of his love, and how he has kept his promise to her mother to take care of and love Rose. She also hears the story of how her father was shot in Russia as a nihilist, and understands for facts, and advises him to play straight. Guy, after arguing with Kate, succeeds in inducing her to return to him. The Tale of His Pants — Nestor — July' 29. — Jerry Bunk arrives in a small town and, attracted by Mary's beauty, joins the church. Later, he attends a taffy pull in the church basement, and being ignored by Mary, walks to a corner of the room. He accidentally sits in some taffy, and breaks away minus some trousers. 'Liza Jane, an old maid in love with Jerry, enters the pastor's study in search of some old clothes for a tramp, and takes Jerry's clothes. Later on, the minister finds that his suit is missing, also a roll of money. The old maid tells about the tramp, and they start in pursuit. Meanwhile Jerry changes his attire to a long cloak, and when the minister returns, he finds his suit in the proper place. 'Liza Jane is then alone in the study, and Jerry tells of the predicament he is in. She then mends his trousers that had been recovered from the tramp. The Rise and Fall of Officer 13.— Nestor — July 30. — Lee, a newly made policeman, is not allowed to wear his uniform coat while with the cook. He leaves it outside and enters the kitchen. Jack seeing it decides to use it for a while, and later captures a thief, who is trying to rob his girl. She does not recognize him, but a report is made that Officer 13 is the hero. Lee's coat is again appropriated by a burglar, who robs the girl's house, and loses the badge in his struggle_ with the girl. She takes it to the station house, and as Lee is about to be sentenced, Jack arrives with two burglars whom he captured. The Hunchback's Romance — (Two Tell me how long your throw is. the size of your house and what size picture you want and I'll tell you The Screen You Ought to Have We make Rembusch Patented Glass Mirror Screens. Glasstransparent screensf or rear projection and all kinds of cloth curtains for motion picture projection. Gold fibre Silver fibre screens. Mirror cloth screens. White opaque screens. Seamless, with stretchers or rollers. Mirrors of all kinds and re-silvering. Poster frames. FRANK J. REMBUSCH, Pres. MIRROR SCREEN CO., Shelbyville, Ind. Theatre Chairs With Steel or Cast Iron Standards Modern Designs — Low Prices STEEL FURNITURE COMPANY 1500 South Buchanan Ave. Grand Rapids, Mich. BUSINESS BOOSTERS SIZE 15x36" * 12V PER. lOO • • SAMPLE PO+ PREPAID NATIONAL BADGE &PENNANTO 105 W.MADISON ST. CHICAGO ILL. MANUFACTURERS /PENNANTS And BADGES IPOOL \# U. m Send for If ^F Catalogue M W ENTILATE TYPHOON TYPHOONS COOL YOUR SHOW Tel. 8134 Bryant T TYPHOON FAN CO. 1544 Broadway, N,12