Motography (Jul - Dec 1915)

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492 The Return of Gentleman Joe— (Two Reels) — Essanay — August 31.— Nell Craig and Edmund F. Cobb featured. Dominica while escaping after robbing a MOTOGRAPHY Later they approach Bessie Grant's father and he assaults Lawrence. James Thornton strikes it rich and returns home, where he is mistaken for Lawrence. Bessie goes to Lawrence's home to get back her picture and while there Tames approaches and mistakes her for a burglar. He afterward tells Bessie that he is Lawrence's twin brother and it is a case of love at first sight with them. Hearts Ablaze — (Three Reels) — Vitagraph — August 31. — Malvini, brokenhearted over the elopement of his young wife, retires to a monastery. After twenty years he returns to find his daughter Valeria accused of killing the man with whom his wife eloped. Mario, the girl's lover, had shot the man in self defense and the victim's last words accused Valeria. Mario goes temporarily insane, but recovers at the last moment -woman of a necklace meets Gaston Le Grand, a notorious crook, who has threatened to kill her. To escape him she accepts the escort of Mickey Ryan, a wealthy young man, who attempts to make love to her in a cab and in the struggle she drops the pearls, which she had stolen. He tells her she must yield to his wishes or he will tell the police. While he is threatening her in his apartment her old sweetheart, who had been imprisoned in America, returns and quickly disposes of the black hander and then marries Dominica. They return the pearls to the prefect of police and tell him they want to live a straight life. When Dominica gives information as to Le Grand's whereabouts she and Gentleman Joe, her husband, are permitted to go free. Avenging Bill — Lubin — August 31. — Lucy, when Grouch blackens Bill's eye, gets after him with a knife and Mrs. Grouch phones the police and when they arrive they refuse to believe that weak and clinging Lucy could attack a husky brute like Grouch and go away. Then Lucy licks Mrs. Grouch and Bill does up the boss and later Bill and Lucy go off to get married. On the same reel with : The Haunted Hat— Lubin— August 31. — A little kitten gets under the boss' discarded straw hat and goes on a jaunt, hat and all. The town folks had never before seen an auto-hat and seeing this one travel about, think it is a spook. Finally the police and fire department are on the trail of the hat and after many Tiairbreadth escapes they capture and rescue the cat. On the same reel with : Mile-a-Minute Monty — Lubin— August 31.— Cartoon by Leon A. Sells, depicting the adventures of Monty, who upon being driven from his home by the squawking of a baby, escapes in a flying machine, his wierd and wonderful adventures in the ■ clouds, in the desert and other outlandish places. The Leaving of Lawrence — Selig— August 31. — Lawrence and James Thornton, twin brothers, are left fortunes by their father. James goes west, while Lawrence remains home and squanders his money on wine, women and song. Bessie Grant, a young heiress, falls in love with Lawrence and gives him her photographs, writing her name thereon. As a last resort Lawrence tells his creditors that he is going to marry an heiress and that all of his bills will be paid. and tells his story. The priest secures audience with the king and the result is that Valeria is released and Mario pardoned. The priest then reunites them in marriage. Dora— (Three Reels) — Biograph— September 1. — Featuring Isabel Rea and an all-star cast. Farmer Allan takes his niece, Dora, into his house and plans a match between Dora and his own son, William, who is secretly betrothed to Mary, a servant in his father's household. William and Mary elope and when his father discovers this they are disinherited and ordered from the house. Dora secretly places baskets of food outside William's cottage and Mary believes it is Luke, with whom Dora is in love. Farmer Allan makes his will, leaving his property to Dora. Just before William dies his wife discovers that Dora is her benefactress. Later Dora goes_ to live with Mary and schemes to bring William's child to the old man's attention and through the child the man of stone is softened. The Simp and the Sophomores— Edison— September 1. — A one-reel comedy of college life directed by Will Lewis. The Simp is tormented by the sophomores, who cheapen him in the eyes of the college belle. He visits the gymnasium of Professor Arm-Strong to receive instruction in the manly art. After seeing the professor in action, however, he decides it would be better to hire Jiim to square accounts with the "sophs." This he does. His revenge is sweet when, standing with the pretty one, he sees his oppressors, profusely bandaged, pass meekly on their way to class. Joe Boko in "Saved by Gasoline"— Essanay— September 1. — Cartoon by Wallace A. Carlson. Joe Boko receives a message from Ida Clare, his sweetheart, that the villain Hardie Nails is holding Vol. XIV, No. 10. her for ransom. Joe hurries to the rescue. His machine balks many times, but he finally reaches the rendezvous. There he overpowers the villain by puffing a huge cloud of deadly tobacco smoke into his face. He then hurls him to the lions and sets his sweetheart free. The Stranger in the Valley — Biograph — September 2. — Claire^ McDowell and Herbert Barrington featured. Mabel Burton, through the agency of her child, meets the mill owner's son. Dr. Burton had won her heart, but she had left him. Later her child was taken ill. She sends for her husband, the great specialist, but he is killed in an automobile accident. She finally consents to wed the mill owner's son. Versus Sledge Hammers— Essanay — September 2. — Western Essanay Company featured. The count receives word that Sophie Clutts will inherit a million dollars and he goes to her father'shotel to win her hand. Mustang Pete, discovering the man making love to her, proceeds to insult him and the count challenges Pete to a duel. Being a blacksmith, Pete chooses sledge hammers as a weapon. The count draws a revolver, which is almost as deadly as a pea shooter. Mustang Pete pulls out two colts about the size of small cannons and fires in the air. The count flees and Mustang is free to woo his sweetheart in peace. The Fire Escape — Vitagraph — September 2.— Lillian Walker featured with an all star cast. Minnie and Jack are in love with, each other, but Minnie's father wants her to marry Doyle, the ward boss. Krausmeyer, a saloonkeeper, after seeing Jack and Minnie making love on the fire escape tells Doyle and Schwartz and an exciting chase follows. Jack saves Harris, a wealthy politician, from being robbed by Doyle's stool. Doyle is "sent up," while Jack is made Harris' secretary and later Schwartz consents to the marriage of he and Minnie. The Wanderer — Biograph — September —Featuring Harry Walthall, Mae Marsh, Claire McDowell and Lionel Barrymore. The young idealist in the Spanish village charms the ears of all with his music. Years pass and the wanderer still makes music. Time has wrought a change in others besides himself. The lovers of years ago hushed into happiness by the strains are now astray in bitterness and sin. The woman has another lover and is willing to slay and rob her lord for him. The dagger is poised when they hear the flute and stand appalled. A little girl who years before had been humbled at the voice of the flute, fleeing from a crafty merchant, who wishes to marry her, meets the wanderer and together they go down the long sunlit road with love ahead and behind them, the happiness which the wanderer has brought to others. The Quitter — Essanay — August 3. — Featuring Edmund F. Cobb, Ann Kirk and Hugh E. Thompson. Frank Gates, a young architect, seeks partnership with his father-in-law, who says that he must make good first and Frank competes for the new city hall job. Frank suspects that Remington is using his political influence to defeat him and upon going to his father-in-law's office sees two council men hand Remington a set of plans. When Remington sees Frank spying on him he tears up the plans and tells Frank