Motography (Jul - Dec 1915)

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792 MOTOGRAPHY Vol. XIV, No. 16. "Rhoda's Burglar" and is released Friday, October 7, on the Mutual program. The release for the following week (October 14) is a Montgomery picture entitled "Stanley's Close Call," the second of the "Stanley" series. In the cast are Roy Watson, Edward Roberts, Charles Gay, Leo Hayes, Mr. Tietz, Princess Mona Darkfeather, Anna DeLisle, Agnes Stanley, and the Bostock animals. New Gaumont Star Francine Larrimore, the charming ingenue lead of "Some Baby" at the Fulton Theater, has been engaged by the Gaumont Company to appear in the next Rialto star three-reel feature on the Mutual program. produced by William Haddock. The title of this photoplay, in which one of Broadway's most popular current stars will be seen, is "The Devil's Darling." Miss Larrimore will play the role of an innocent girl who comes under the influence of a wicked adventuress who tries all her wiles to force the younger girl to sell her soul, to no avail. Francine Larrimore is an American girl, pure and simple, although she Francine Larrimore. boasts the distinc tion of foreign birth, having been born in Rouen, France, the almost infinitesimally small number of actresses who find themselves starred in their first performance, Miss Larrimore belongs because of her instant success when she appeared four years ago in the A. H. Woods production of "Over Night." She did not appear in New York in that production, but became the idol of the entire United States as she toured it with her company. Miss Larrimore makes her bow to the screen in "The Devil's Daughter." Although she has always been urged to enter the pictures, since the managers everywhere knew that she would be a wonderful subject for the camera, she has steadily refused. Associated Making Progress D. L. Burke, of Los' Angeles, Cal., owner and producer of the Deer Brand pictures, and vice-president of the Associated Film Manufacturers, Inc., arrived in New York last week, from the Coast. After acquainting himself with the details of progress made by the new association at its headquarters in the World's Tower building, Mr. Burke said : "From the stock of unanswered letters I note on Mr. Bard's desk, inquiring for our products, I am convinced that the public is not only grasping for new things in films, but is anxious to ally itself with new and better economic policies on the commercial side of the moving picture business ; and from the contracts signed up by exchange men for both program and features I think the Associated will be a success from the very beginning. Our general manager, Arthur Bard, has done remarkably well in the short time he has been here. This is not my first visit to New York, as I have been here before and sold a good many negatives in the New York market, and I will always try to furnish the world with new and up-to-date ideas in the film business. "Our producers are all old timers in the picture game, and men who have made a success of business life, and I see no reason why they cannot put the moving picture business on a higher plane than ever before. Our manufacturers have a number of old time stars, and as necessity requires they acquire new ones who are springing up every day." Rotberg Joins Association The Associated Film Sales Corporation has secured the services of Mr. Rotberg as general office man. In securing Mr. Rotberg it has succeeded in getting a man who is thoroughly experienced in the film business. Although only 25 years of age, Rotberg has had a very wide experience in this line. He started in the film business as an errand and rewinding boy, and from then on worked in film laboratories, and in the meantime attended and graduated from Pierce's Business College and Temple University in Philadelphia. He then secured a position with the National Film Company of Philadelphia as bookkeeper and systematized the entire office. When the Kriterion Film Corporation was formed, he was called to New York to systematize the exchange office. Mr. Keen of the Associated has now secured his services, and he is busy starting a system for the home office and will later take a trip through the country to cooperate with the exchangemen in reviewing and perfecting any lack of system that may be necessary. Arthur Maude Joins Horsley Arthur Maude has been added to David Horsley's staff of directors at the Los Angeles studios and is now at work on a three reel feature called "The Blood of our Brothers," starring Crane Wilbur. This is the second of Mr. Horsley's three reel subjects and will be released October 27 in the regular service of the Mutual program. It was originally planned to haveJay Hunt direct this picture but the plan, had to be abandoned when Mr. Hunt was required in the East to cut and assemble the negative of "The Protest." Arthur Maude is a cousin of Cyril Maude, the famous actor, and has a great deal of motion picture experience. Recently he was leading man, playing opposite Bessie Barriscale in "The Devil," "The Reward," "The Cup of Life," and other features. Injunction Granted Selig The Selig Polyscope Company was notified last Monday that a temporary injunction had been granted the Selig Company in its suit recently filed against the Mutual Film Corporation and the American Film Company, Inc. The Selig Company seeks to restrain the above mentioned concerns from distributing a play entitled "The House of a Thousand Scandals," which the Selig Company alleges is an infringement on the Selig Red Seal Play "The House of a Thousand Candles," written by Meredith Nicholson.