Motography (Jul - Dec 1915)

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November 13, 1915. MOTOGRAPHY 1015 Pathe's Next Extraordinary Series WELL KNOWN STARS ENGAGED AFTER months of careful preparation Pathe announces the completion of plans for the series "Who Is Guilty?" which will follow "Neal of the Navy." The first release of the new series will be on December 11, the week after the release of the last episode of "Neal of the Navy." Emmy Wehlen, the famous favorite of the legitimate stage, and Howard Estabrook, the very best of Broadway's younger stars, will play the leads. The engagement of these "top notch" players at a very high cost is an assurance that Pathe intends to make this series the most pretentious of all the long list of successes identified with its name. The Arrow Film Corporation will produce "Who Is Guilty?" at its studios in Yonkers, N. Y., and the series will be under the personal direction of Howell Hansel, the well known director, who is now directorin-chief of the Arrow Film Corporation. Miss Wehlen and Mr. Estabrook will be featured throughout the series. The supporting players will doubtless be changed from time to time to meet the requirements of the scenario. At present the supporting cast includes Lila Chester, Henry West, Mrs. Balfour, Stanley Walpole, E. J. de Varny and Katherine Reichart. Emmy Wehlen is easily one of the most prominent players of the day. She was strongly attracted to the stage when a child only six years old, and even at that early age her ambition was to one day become a theatrical star. While she was in school she was the leading spirit in various little plays the students put on from time to time. Attending a musical conservatory for two years she devoted herself to preparing for a career in grand opera. Learning, however, that there is no royal road to success in that line, and that four more years of study were required she decided to take up musical comedy and studied under the best masters. She appeared in musical comedy in various European countries, but the scene of her greatest success was England, where she played the title role in "The Merry Widow," that famous production which took the civilized world by storm. Then came a long engagement in "The Dollar Princess." She first appeared on the American stage in "Marriage a la Carte," an English play. On the expiration of her engagement here she returned to England to become leading lady at the famous Gaiety theater. She returned to America with "The Girl on the Film." She may be said to have been almost a trans-Atlantic commuter, for she went back to England to take the lead in "After the Girl," with which production she returned to the United States. Miss Wehlen expresses a great liking for work in motion pictures, and is an ardent "picture fan" herself. Night after night she goes to the picture houses to see "what other people are doing." No one can talk to her without being convinced that she is a thinker and gifted with more than the ordinary amount of brains. She says of "Who Is Guilty?" after reading the scenarios, that in it she recognizes a most unusual medium for motion pictures, and that she feels sure the series will not only amuse but instruct to a rare degree. Howard Estabrook, who is co-star with Miss Wehlen in the Pathe series, has enjoyed an almost meteoric career upon the stage. No list of Broadway celebrities would be complete without his name. He was born in Detroit, Michigan, and it is interesting to note how he came to adopt a theatrical career. His uncle was_ county treasurer and young Estabrook's first position after leaving school was as assistant cashier in his uncle's office. With a boy friend he turned a vacant room in one of his father's buildings into a theater and gave shows there for the edification of juvenile friends. It happened that a short distance Emmy Ifrhlcn. Howard Estabrook. Mrs. Wilson Wooir