Motography (Apr-Jun 1916)

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852 MOTOGRAPHY Vol. XV, No. 15. These scores will be so arranged that they can be used for any size orchestra from a single pianist to the largest symphony orchestra, and include selections from the popular songs of the day, comic and grand opera, as well as movements from the foremost symphonies in the galleries of musical portraiture. Music will consist of a complete music score for twelve-piece orchestra composed of the following parts: Piano, extra piano (for use of organ), first violin, second violin, viola, cello, bass, flute, clarinet, cornet, trombone, drums. These scores will be furnished to the exhibitors by the Paramount exchanges upon a rental basis. In the hands of competent musicians they will prove a great economy as well as an important time-saver, while in the hands of less competent musicians they will mean the saving of the effect of the film from ruination through the inappropriateness of its musical accompaniment. Theater Advertising in Verse A unique method of advertising comes from the Kmpire theater, in Montgomery, Alabama, who run the Paramount program each week. Their method is to do their advertising in verse. Here is a sample : E — arth has its pleasures manifold — M — irth is a jewel set in gold; P — ictures are gladdening to the eye — I — sn't it time you are stopping by? R — estful, pleasing — pictures rare — E — very one beyond compare. New York Rialto Furnishings The Rialto will be equipped with two or possibly three gold plated automatic ticket sellers furnished by the Automatic Ticket Seller and Cash Register Company. The seats will be from the Wisconsin Seating Company. • The interior decorations are by William Eckert and in connection with the effect of the interior of the theater upon the eye will be the advanced and praiseworthy lighting scheme which has been mentioned. Not a single light will be seen, removing all trace of the bright glare sometimes seen in certain spots about theaters and which is so hard upon the eyes. The electric switch board will be larger than that of either the Hippodrome or the Metropolitan Opera House. The organists for the Rialto will be Alfred Robyn and Edward Johnson. Fresh Air of Most Importance By E. Cameron Manager and owner Como Theater, St. Paul, Minn. Mine is a suburban house and I play only a night show, but so far I have held my own, sandwiched in between two other houses. The patrons I get I hold, for I give them the best of service, a clean, sanitary house .and eliminate all evidences of rowdyism. Courteous treatment is my motto and I never fail to give all complaints a hearing and if possible rectify any fault there may be. I have the respect of all the exchange and feature men because I always have and always will pay my film rents in advance. The men of the trade I deal with are always on my side for one reason — my checkbook. I use the latest Simplex machine and motor gen The Nezv Como Theater, St. Paul, Minnesota, has a capacity of 500 and a $5,000 Fotoplaycr. Elszvorth Cameron is manager. erator. My music is furnished by the king of motion picture musicians — the $5,000 Fotoplayer. The house is my own investment, $20,000, and all clear. The insurance underwriters and fire inspectors give me credit for the best fire-proof suburban house in the Twin Cities. The house has seven exit doors. The most important thing about a theater in summer, and any time for that matter, is to keep the air fresh and cool. I use seven Westinsrhouse fans. Six Concise Rules By Walter F. Shaefer Manager Lyceum Theater, Chicago You are familiar with the old saying that the way to success is to start at the bottom and work up, and also the more modern maxim that the leader of the orchestra is always a man who has played second fiddle. It has happened that I have followed that advice pretty thoroughly, for I have worked at practically every position around a theater, from usher to assistant operator. I am now an exhibitor at 22 years of age. Here are the rules I like to enforce : Be friendly with your patrons. Have a courteous and smiling cashier. Provide good music. Employ neat and well-mannered ushers and door man. Be certain your projection is perfect. And by all means, watch your ventilation. New Theater for Golden Gate Eugene Roth, the V-L-S-E exhibitor of the Portola Theater, San Francisco, is making a tour of the middle west and the east inspecting theaters en route, to acquaint himself with the finest and most upto-date features in house construction with the idea of embodying them in the new theater which he is planning to build in the city of the Golden Gate. With Mr. Roth on his trip is a competent California architect who will absorb all the required details of the houses visited. Among the larger cities which the pair will