Motography (Apr-Jun 1916)

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June 24, 1916. MOTOGRAPHY 1465 machine which flew with two passengers fromNew York to Washington. 225. miles in 187 minutes, Washington, D. C. ; General and Mrs. Leonard Wood entertain society folks at annual garden party for the benefit of the Army Relief -Society, Governor's Island, N. Y. ; Dario Resta wins the sixth International Sweepstake at Indianapolis, Ind. Selig-Tribune No. 46 — June 8. — Pupils of the Sargent school of Cambridge enjoy a day's outing on Baker's Island, Mass. ; for the benefit" of the G. A. R. veterans in the Memorial Day parade a military field hospital is established, for the first time within the city limits. Grant Park, Chicago, 111. ; President Wilson speaks to the crowds gathered to honor the memory of the dead soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. ; eclipsing anything of its kind ever seen in the world, at any time, Chicago, 111., puts into its streets 200,000 enthusiasts who march for Preparedness ; enormous crowd witnesses a solemn procession in commemoration of the sinking of the Lusitania, London, England; models pose in attractive gowns and bathing suits at the Fashion -Show at Madison Square Garden, New York, N. Y. Hungry Hearts — Vim — June IS. — Featuring Plump and Runt. Plump and Runt, artists, find that the combined results of their efforts in. colors do not pay even for the hire of their pretty model. However, an angel appears in the person of an old connoisseur, who offers them a large sum of money for a finished picture of the model. The old. chap's too evident admiration of the girl's shape arouses Plump's jealousyand in a rage he slashes the -canvas to bits, thus ruining their opportunity of getting the -greenbacks. Attracted by their door sign, a wealthy widow commissions Plump to paint her portrait. Plump tries, but her attempts at lovemaking disgust him and he leaves the work for Runt to finish. Runt, with . an eye to the widow's wealth, makes hay while the sun shines and wins her hand, leaving the poor but pretty model for Plump. The tables are turned when it is discovered that the little girl is an heiress and her fat hero is happy, possess" ing hoth wealth and beauty, while poor Runt finds that he has tied himself to a muchly over-rated piece of second hand femininity. The Raid — Vim — June 16. — Featuring Pokes and Jabbs. Pokes loses his suit in a poker game and clad only in his undershirt and pants he is forced to seek refuge in flight. He steals a policeman's coat and hat and wends his. way. back to the clubroom... -When-bebursts into the clubroom in the policeman's uniform his fellow members dive pell mell through the window, leaving all the money on the table. Pokes" cannot find his clothes, so takes the money in payment for his lost attire and starts for home. On his way he passes, a saloon where Jabbs is engaged in an altercation. In the fight jabbs loses his hat and -Pokes wears it away in glee.. He puts the money in the hatband and when he arrives home he puts the hat on a burning gas bracket. His wife throws it out the window and Jabbs, who is passing, recognizes his hat and takes it home. The next morning when Pokes discovers the hat is gone he has. a hot time in trying to recover it. An Old Man's Folly — (Three Reels) — Knickerbocker— June 16. — Featuring Daniel Gilfeather. Mrs. Judson misses her diamond necklace and engages a private detective, who discovers that Judsonhas given the jewels to an adventuress. The detective visits the woman and is held up by her companion, a crook, who suggests that they get money from Judson. Accordingly Stella, the banker's daughter is kidnaped. Her sweetheart mistrusts the detective and acts independently. He discovers the plot, learns where Stella is, and, with the aid of the" police, rescues her. Just as her father is signing a check for $10,000 blackmail Stella and her sweetheart enter and the young man gives the detective the beating, he deserves. Mutual Pictures The Gentle Conspiracy — (Two Reels) — American— June 19. — Featuring Vivian Rich and Alfred Vosburgh. A review appears elsewhere in this issue. Ruffhouse — Vogue — June 20. — Featuring Alice Niece, Madge Kirby, Arthur Travars and Rube Miller. One day_ when Rube is taking his constitutional, a policeman talking to a nurse girl "tries to kiss her jmd pushes the baby buggy. The buggy rolls down the street and hits Rube. Then he goes to the hospital. He starts to leave the hospital but stops when he sees Madge, who is attending to Art, the star patient. Rube in trying to get the attention of Madge, angers Art, and.this starts a fight which takes the whole hospital force to quiet. In the meanwhile the porter -of the hospital gives one of the patients a drink of an antiseptic wash, then laughs at him spitting it out. The patient attacks him, and when he Coming American Mutual dramas. From the top, "The Gentle Conspiracy," next, "The Secret of the Submarine," and at the bottom, ' A Modem Knight." is rescued by the doctors, to protect himself, he blames the whole thing on an innocent party. This causes the innocent party to be ordered out of the hospital. He, smarting under the injustice of it, returns with a bomb. Rube takes it away from him and puts it under Art's bed. Art sees it and throws it back at Rube. The bomb is finally forgotten by Art and Rube when they start to fight. Bomb explodes and blows up the ward. The House on Hokum Hill — Beauty — June 21. — Featuring John Sheehan, John Stepplmg, Dick Rosson and Carol Halloway. A. Archemis Edgar Por, an author, receives a letter from Alley k Street, publishers, stating that unless his stuff assumed more originality and came more promptly they would have to cancel his contract. At his wits end he finally gets an idea and as he writes his mind visualizes the action for the mechanics of the story: The House of Hokum Hill was a mysterious affair and when the hero and heroine were caught in a trap and about to have their life crushed out he is stuck for an ending. He cannot devise a means to save his heroine and hero and he rushes to his idea-machine, but ' it fails him. He goes out of his mind and raves and resolves to save themself, but he is taken in charge by two guardians of the law, who realize that the poor thing is out of its mind and lead! him away. Jerry's Elopement — Centaur — June 23. — Featuring George Ovey. It does not appear that Terrv's chances against his rival, the Count, are very great, for the latter is able to bring a muchcoveted social position to Father. The Count, however, is a little too impatient, resorting to abduction. Then it is that Jerry saves the girl, captures the Count and his henchmen and wins the gratitude of Father, who at last realizes that the Count is of no account. A Modern Knight — 'Two Reels)— Mustang — June 23. — Featuring Art Acord and Nita Davis. A review appears elsewhere in this issue. The Ghost of the Jungle — (Two Reels) — Bison — June 24. — With Rex de Rosselli and Edythe . Sterling. Egbert induces the daughter of. a South African miner to rob her father and elope with him. After the elopement Anna is taken with fever and Egbert leaves her alone to die. Years later justice overtakes the unmanly deserter when Anna's spirit form leads him to his death. A Siren of the Jungle — (Two Parts) — Centaur— June 24. — Featuring Margaret Gibson and William . Clifford. This story has to do with a heartless flirt of a Boer mining community. After turning down several of her victims she at last meets Cameron, a trapper, upon whom in his turn she exerts her wiles. He warns her at the risk of her life not to trifle with him and Vida realizes he is in earnest. While Cameron is on a hunt, however, Vida actually falls in love with Jim Langdon, moves to other parts and marries him. Cameron swears revenge. Three years later he saves Vida's child from a lion and later recognizes Vida as its mother. A timely circumstance serves to arouse a good sentiment in Cameron and he leaves without accomplishing his ■ vow of vengeance. The Day's Work — Beauty — June 25. — Featuring Orral Humphrey and Lucille Ward. Willoughby Hubbard, an author, as the story opens, is carrying a package of proofs to his table and shuffles them out of order. Before he can get them rearranged in order he hunts for a match, notices that the clock has stopped and starts to hunt for the key. While so engaged he upsets a plaster bust, the gift of his wife's aunt Mildred, breaking it. Just here a messenger arrives with a telegrami informing them that Aunt Mildred is on the road, coming to spend the afternoon. The maid brings_ the glue to mend the bust, and hurly burly immedately begins to place the house in readiness for the aunt's visit. Poor Willoughby spills the glue on his proof sheets, notices about the same time that the hat rack is leaning and needs repairs, starts to fix that, remembers the cast, goes back to it, goes away to wash his hands, forgets to do it, and starts struggling again with the hat rack. The entire reel is full of just such incidents, one closely following another, rendering the house a perfect bedlam of excitement and disorder by the time Aunt Mildred arrives. The Iron Mitt — Vogue — June 25. — Featuring Paddy McQuire. Bloggie and Bill get into a fight and when the .landlord appears he turns them out of the house and Bloggie swears he will revenge himself. While Moon, a detective, is chas' ing Iron Saw, a crook, Bloggie finds a bottle of fluid which he thinks is whiskey and drinks it. This fluid is what_ has caused the Iron Saw to change his hand into so deadly a weapon and taking like effect on Bloggie he resolves to use his transformed hand in wreaking vengeance on Jones, the landlord. Bill gets a position in the Jones' household and then it is that things begin to happen. Bill is locked in ^ a safe and it has to be dynamited to release him, and while preparing to do this they place Bloggie on top of it that he might experience the rising sensation of being dynamited. Last seen of Bill and Bloggie they were speeding away in the distance, running at the speed of a limited train coasting down grade. Secret of the Submarine No. 6 — (Two Reels) — American — June 12. — Featuring Tom, Chatterton anl Juanita Hansen. A review appears elsewhere in this issue.