Motography (Apr-Jun 1916)

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1466 MOTOGRAPHY Vol. XV, No. 26. Wanted — A Husband — NESTOR — June 19. — With Neal Burns, Betty Compson and Ethel Lynn. Many embarrassing situations arise in this comedy as the result of a wife's desire to acquire her uncle's fortune. The uncle, before he wills his fortune to the couple, insists that he meet the husband, but as the latter is not accessible the desperate wife engages a young lawyer to pose as her husband. The trouble that is occasioned does not quiet down until the righteous wrath of the lawyer's sweetheart and the young husband, hurriedly summoned, is appeased by explanation. The Grip of Crime — Big U — June 20. — Featuring Thomas Jefferson and Lena Baskette. This story concerns the fortunes of an old Italian who is forced by threat to perform certain acts dictated by a gang of blackmailers. Through the weight that the testimony of the Italian's little daughter has upon a detective her father is set free as a state's witness, while the members of the "Mafia" are imprisoned. The False Part — (Two Reels)— Gold Seal — June 20. — Featuring Herbert Rawlinson and Agnes Vernon. A mother who is worried over her daughter's infatuation for a handsome "movie" actor, sends for the latter to come and disillusion the girl. Herbert is surprised to find the girl to be the same person whom he has previously admired, but he is bound by promise, and before he leaves the house he succeeds in disgusting her. However, later both the mother and Herbert regret the results of their plan and a meeting between the young people is arranged. His Picture — Imp — June 20. — Featuring William Garwood and Violet Mersereau. In this picture a wife's suspicion of her husband's actions leads to many funny situations. Her effort to spy on him only leads to her own discovery, and the fact that the husband's meetings with a foreign-looking woman are only for the purpose ot having a miniature of himself painted. The Jailbird's Last Flight — L-Ko— June 21 — With Bill Armstrong and Gene Rogers. This comedy 'concerns the troubles which two flirts have as the result of the existence in the town of a pretty girl cop. Gene has his rival jailed, but he himself follows shortly after, landing in the same cell with Bill. In the ensuing battle the jail walls collapse and then the real trouble starts in good earnest. The Scarlet Mark — (Two Reels) — Victor — June 21. — Featuring Mary Fuller. Playing for high stakes, two crooks kidnap Alison, the daughter of a rich society lady, and place in her stead Wanda, their accomplice, who is the double of Alison. The crooks' plan is successful for a while, for neither the mother, nor Tom, the girl's lover, discover anything amiss. But finally, through an odd twist of fate, Tom is led to his sweetheart's place of confinement, where he learns the truth. Then each one of the crooks is rounded up by the police before they have a chance to further execute their plan of robbery. Behind the Secret Panel — (Three Reels) — Imp — June 22— With Paul Panzer, William Welsh and Sonia Marcel. Lazar, chief of the Russian Secret Service, and Count Sevanoff both covet the possession of Sonia, the wife of Marask. By an underhand scheme Lazar incites the latter to murder Sevanoff and then has Marask imprisoned, thus bringing Sonia into his own power. In order to gain her husband's release Sonia determines to sacrifice her honor. She secures the release but completely outwits Lazar, blinding him with acid. Marask and his wife manage to get out of the country despite a hot chase by the police, and in America they determine, to enter upon a new and free life. The Young Sleuths — Powers — June 22. — Frank and Irma, two children, are fond of reading dime novels. They at last have a chance to put into practice the "methods of "Old Sleuth," their hero, after they have witnessed a bank robbery. The children do what the officer of the law fails to do, for they succeed in securing the goods, while the officer gets only the thief. The next day the bank officials send an appreciation to the mother for the services rendered by her children. The Heart Wrecker — Imp — June 23. — Featuring Edith Roberts and Harry Benham. The nobility of character of a true lover is shown in this picture when a young farmer completely forgives his sweetheart after she has ignorantly allowed another man to play with her affections. The latter, however, refusing to do the right thing by the girl, is arrested in his desertion by an accident which spells his death. What Could the Poor Girl Do? — (Two Reels) — Nestor — June 23. — With Eddie Lyons, Billie Rhodes and Lee Moran. Jed, a farmer's son, saves Clarice, a girl safe-cracker who wishes to reform, from being dragged back to her old occupation by the gang and at last successfully rounds up the latter. Then he takes Clarice back to the farm. The Rosary — Rex — June 23. — With Phillip Smalley. This drama follows the fortunes of a young soldier who goes forth to battle and is wounded. His sweetheart receives news that he is killed and enters a convent. Then, when the man returns well and happy he finds that the girl is beyond his reach, having taken irrevocable religious vows. The Fall of Deacon Stillwaters — Joker — June 24. — Deacon Stillwaters, president of the Anti-Sin league, tries to reform some prizefighters, with the result that he gets in the ring himself. The deacon also become contaminated at a cabaret show, and the film ends with the Anti-Sin league minus a president and the marriage of Elsie, a cabaret girl, to the deacon. The Rogue with a Heart — (Laemmle) — June 25. — Featuring Hobart Henley and Sydell Dowling. In this drama; a thief is shielded from justice by a girl who recognizes his true character. She has her drunken brother temporarily arrested for the crime in order to give the other man a chance to escape. The latter finally reforms completely and his reunion with the girl is silhouetted on the screen as the picture fades out. Dirty Work in a Beanery — L-Ko — June 25. — ■ With Gertrude Selby and Reggie Morris. The head waiter and chef are active rivals for the hand cf the pretty cashier. The boss interferes in the midst of a fight between his two amorous employes and receives the brunt of the fray. As a result the chef receives a good drubbing. Smoldering for revenge the latter poisons a steak which is to be used by the boss. But, when it is discovered that the steak has been Sent to the pretty cashier, it is up to the head waiter to save the maiden from a horrible death. The Fool — (Two Reels) — Rex— June 25.— With Ben Wilson and Edna Hunter. Lola, the dissatisfied wife of Hardy, a workman, deserts him and her child to lead a fast life with another man. The latter at last tires of her and Lola takes her life. Ruth, a social worker, has come to mean more and more to Hardy and he finally asks her to marry him, intending to sell a machine which he has been perfecting. But when the capitalists tell him that the invention will save the labor of fifty men and are unable to say what will become of the fifty men and their families, Hardy destroys the machine with one blow. Then he and his sweetheart, who have like ideals, return home in happiness. Universal Animated Weekly No. 24 — Universal— June 14. — Thousands march in Preparedness parades which are sweeping the country, St. Loviis, Mo. ; cold water don't daunt girl as city opens new public pier, Chicago, 111.; Brown University's women students play Shakespearean roles, Providence, R. I.; Major General Wood reviews 1.100 students in new regiment. Harvard stadium, Mass. ; flowers on river honor men who died at sea for country, Detroit, Mich. ; American Liberty Day draws throngs of German and Austrians, Sheepshead Bay, N. Y.j last public view of Britain's war hero, Lord Kitchener, lost at sea, London, England ; 30 hurt, 1 killed when flimsy wooden cars trap victims, New York City, X. Y.; mono-rail car that makes 100-mile speed, may realize inventor's dream, San Francisco, Cal. ; Imperial palace, where Yuan-Shih-Kai died, Middle Lakes, China, and General Li-Yuan-Lung, . new ruler ; cartoons by Hy Mayer. Feature Programs Blue Bird The Three Godfathers— (Five Reels) — Bluehird — June 19. — Featuring Harry Carey and Stella Razeto. Three bandits, while running away from the pursuing sheriff and his posse, take refuge in the desert. A storm arises on the desert and later they come upon a prairie wagon in which is a woman who has just given birth to a child. She tells them her husband was killed and asks them to care for her little one. naming it after each of them and making them the child's godfathers. The three have a hard time caring for the youngster, but finally the little fellow is given a good start. Two of the men, weakened by wounds and privation, die and Bob finally reaches his destination bearing the baby safely to Ruby Merrill, with whom he is in love. The . sheriff, learning that Bob is in town, goes to arrest him. The baby turns out to be the sheriff's nephew, and when he learns that Bob and Ruby were the means of saving its life he gives them the reward offered for the capture of the bank robbers and the story ends with the apparent prospect of a happy and useful future for all concerned. Kleine Gloria's Romance — (Two Reels) — George Klein e^June 19. — Chapter five, entitled "The Gathering Storm." featuring Billie Burke. A review appears on page 1395 of the issue of June 17. Gloria's Romance — (Two Reels) — George Kleine — June 26. — Chapter Six, entitled "Hidden Fires," featuring Billie Burke. A review appears elsewhere in this issue. Paramount Silks and Satins — (Five Reels) — Famous Players— June 12. — Marguerite Clark, in a delightful romance produced under the direction of J. Searle Dawley. Reviewed elsewhere in this issue. The Clown — (Five Reels)— Lasky^June 19. — Featuring Victor Moore. Piffle, the clown in a small circus, saves the life of Jackie LeRoy. but he himself is severely injured. Judge LeRoy, the father of the boy, takes Piffle to his home and places him under the care of the family physician. Millicent, the daughter of the judge, secretly marries Dick Ordway, a young club man, before he leaves on a trip to the desert. Later it is reported that Dick is dead and Millicent, horrorstruck in the thought of their secret being revealed, attempts to drown herself in the lake near her home. Piffle, who loves the girl, rescues her and she confesses the tragedy of her situation. He offers her the protection of his name and they are married and Piffle returns to the circus life. When Dick returns to the city, it being his friend who had died, he meets Millicent and she says she cannot repay Piffle for his sacrifice and devotion. Piffle overhears this, and knowing that he never won Millicent's love he decides to give her to Dick and to go back to his old role of a clown. At the Penal Colony of Palawan -PARAMOUK I June. — The nineteenth release in the Burton Holmes Travel series is a notable addition to this valuable series. A trip up the underground river which penetrates the Island of Palawan, the 'The it'ihl (.ill of the Sierras," "The Dividend," doming Triangle dramas, and "The Moonshiners," a Keystone comedy.