Motography (Jan-Jun 1917)

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June 9, 1917. MOTOGRAPHY 1235 Complete Record of Current Films This record is intended to give, for the convenient use of the exhibitor in booking films, all the information about each film that it is possible to present in a space limited to one line. The classification is indicated by the letter at the left (D for drama, C for comedy, T for topical, S for scenic, E for educational, etc.). Next comes the date and the title, followed by the names of the stars in parentheses. At the extreme right hand end of the line is the distributor's booking number, preceded by the name of the producing company. The figure appearing just before this name indicates the number of reels — the letter 5 meaning a split reel. [ General Program Broadway Star Features The Third Ingredient (O. Henry Series) Friends at San Rosario (O. Henry Series)... Past One at Rooney's (0. Henry Series)..., The Marionettes (0. Henry Series) The Green Door (O. Henry Series) The Guilty Party (O. Henry Series) The Cop and the Anthem (O. Henry Series). Vanity and Some Sables (O. Henry Series).. The Black Cat Stories Much Obliged (Virginia Valli) Local Color (Webster Campbell) Be My Best Man (Edward Arnold) Pass the Hash, Ann (Marguerite Clayton) . . . The Clock Struck One (Marguerite Clayton) . Sundaying at Fairview (Mark Ellison) The Quarantined Bridegroom (Mark Ellison) . The American Girl Series (Kalem) The Tyrant at Chiruachua The Man from Tia Juana The Secret of Lost Valley The Trapping of Two-Bit Tuttle The Vanishing Line Rider The Man Hunt at San Remo Ham and Bud Comedies (Kalem) Hard Times in Hardscrapple Bandits Beware The Menagerie Mix-Up .... George Bickel Comedies (George Kleine) The King of Cooks Love, Luck and Loot . A Mixed Color Scheme A Suit and a Suitor . . . Nearly a Husband Some Statue Selig Two Dollar Gloves (Bydine Zuber) The Evil Day (Casson Ferguson) A Social Climber (Casson Ferguson) The Prodigal's Return (Casson Ferguson) The Last of Her Clan (Virginia Kirtley) The Love of Princess Olga (Louizette Valentine). Won in the Stretch The Framed Miniature The Return of Soapweed Scotty (Robyn Adair) . . Romance and Roses (John Lancaster) Baseball at Mudville (Lee Morris) Rescuing Uncle (John Lancaster) Movie Stunts (Tom Mix) Uncle Sam Afloat and Ashore 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 Mutual Program Friday D S-2S Two Crooks and a Knave (Jimmy Dale, Chapter No. 10) (E. K. Lincoln) 2, Monmouth 05549-50 Saturday C 5-26 Flirting with Danger (Paddy McQuire) 2, Vogue 05551-52 Monday C 5-28 Patsy's Partner (Marie Cahill) 2, Cahill 05560-61 Tuesday T 5-29 Mutual Tours Around the World Gaumont 05562 Wednesday T 5-30 Mutual Weekly, No. 126 1, Mutual 05563 C 5-30 Bluffing Father (Billie Rhodes) Strand 05564 Thursday C 5-31 Jerry's Masterstroke (George Ovey) Cub 05565 T 5-31 Reel Life Gaumont 05566 Friday D 6-1 A Rogue's Defeat (E. K. Lincoln) Monmouth 05567-68 Monday C 6-4 The Flight That Failed La Salle 055-76-77 Tuesday T 6-5 Mutual Tours Around the World .Gaumont 05578 Wednesday T 6-6 Mutual Weekly, No. 127. Mutual 05579 6-6 Title Not Announced 05580 Thursday C 6-7 There and Back (George Ovey) Cub 05581 T 6-7 Reel Life Gaumont 05582 Friday D 6-8 Good for Evil (Jimmie Dale Series, No. 12) (E.'K. Lincoln) Monmouth 05583-84 Universal Program Special Releases Week of June 4 C A Burglar by Request (Eddie Lyons, Lee Moran) 1, Nestor C Dry Goods and Damp Deeds (Phil Dunham) ..... 2, L-Ko T Universal Animated Weekly, No. 74. 1, Universal T Universal Screen Magazine, No. 22 1, Universal C Simple Sapho (Gale Henry) 1, Joker C Them Were the Happy Days 500, Powers T Superstitious China 500, Powers D The Voice on the Wire, No. 13 (Ben Wilson, Neva Gerger) . . . . 2, Universal Regular Releases Week of June 4 D The Almost Good Man (Harry Carey) . .'. 3,' Gold Seal C A Box of Tricks (Billy Mason, Marcia Moore) 1, Victor D The Missing Wallet (Edwin August) Laemmle D Lacky Sue's Romance (Ruth Stonehouse) 2, Rex D Doomed (Chas. Mailes, Claire McDowell) Imp C Who's Looney Now? (Eddie Lyons, Lee Moran) 2, Nestor D The Scrapper (Jack Ford) 2, Bison D The Hunted Man (Lee Hill, Mignon Anderson) Imp Special Releases Week of May 28 C Tell Morgan's Girl (Eddie Lyons, Lee Moran) 1, Nestor D The Gunman's Gospel (Jack Mulhall) Victor C Roped Into Scandal (Harry Lorraine) 2, L-Ko T Animated Weekly, No. 74 1, Universal T Screen Magazine, No. 21 1, Universal C Uneasy Money (William Franey) 1, Joker C When Noah's Ark Embarked 500, Powers T Perils of the Yangste 500, Powers D The Fifth Victim (The Voice on the Wire, No. 12) (Ben Wilson, Neva Gerber) 2, Universal Regular Releases Week of May 28 D The Stolen Actress (Ruth Stonehouse) 3, Gold Seal C An Eight-Cylinder Romance 2, Victor D Defiance (Margarita Fischer) Big U C By Speshul Delivery (Zoe Rae) Victor D The Puzzle Woman (Grace Cunard, Francis Ford) Imp D No. 10 Westbound (Eileen Sedgwick, Kingsley Benedict) .. .Bison D The Purplanter (Constance Johnston) Rex