Motion picture studio directory and trade annual (1918)

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226— SCENARIO WRITERS MOTION PICTURE Fourth Edition the Poor House," " A Weaver of Dreams," " The Eternal Conflict," "Wildfire"), American ("A Dream or Two Ago"), Dixie (" Just a Song at Twilight," etc.). Ad., Larchmont, N. Y. PIGOTT, Mildred (pen name Dorothy Rochford); b. England; educ. England, France, Germany; previous career, free lance reporter; screen career, wrote (" Daddy's Soldier Boy," " The Little Madonna," " The Little Hero," " Motherhood," " The White Rosette," " Redemption "). Ad., 1760 Las Palmas ave., Hollywood. PIGOTT, William; b. Liverpool, Eng., 1896; educ. Liverpool Coll.; early career, ranching in Canada, business in Winnipeg; screen career, free lance writer, Vitagraph, 1913, with American, 1914, author, of " Daddy's Soldier Boy," " Tainted Money" (Vitagraph), adapted Van Loan series " Buck-Parvin," "End of the Road" (American), Fox ("The Price of Silence "). Home ad., Santa Barbara, Cal. PLYMPTON, George Holcombe; b. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1889; educ. Brooklyn Boys' High, Cooper Union; early career, business and magazine work; screen career, Vitagraph (for 2l/2 yrs.. writing many orig. one-reel comedies and five-reel picturizations, including "Soldiers of Chance," " Dead Shot Baker," "The Tenderfoot," "The Home Trail," "The Eighth Great Grandparent," picturizer and asst. dir. of "Scarlet Runner"); wrote and prod. "The Making of Good Citizens" and "Fire Fighters" for 'Frisco Exposition; Metro-Drew comedies and adaptations for Lasky. Ad., 30 Linden ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. POLAND, Joseph, F.; b. Waierbury, Conn., Sept. 4, 1892; educ. St. John's Coll. and Erasmus Hall, Brooklyn, X. \ .; screen career, Kalem (adapted and in part wrote orig. " Stingaree " series). Vitagraph (wrote " Hesper of the Mountains," etc.). Art Drama ("The Cloud"), Fox ("Patsy"), Pathe ("Miss Nobody"); author over 100 photoplays. Recreations, tennis, poetry, drama, etc. Hght., 5, 11; wght., 145; hair dark, eyes gray. Home ad., Pepperday Hotel, New Rochelle, N. Y. POWELL, A. Van Buren; b. Macon, Ga., Mar. 31, 1886; educ. Macon and N. Y. C. pub. and hgh schls.; early career, writer of special articles; screen career, Biograph ("The Woman in Black," " Under the Gas Light "), Colonial M. P. Corp. (" Seats of the Mighty "), as free lance wrote " Courting Betty's Beau " for Edison, " Skelly's Skeleton" for Biograph, "Ventures of Marguerite " for Kalem, three and five-reel picturizations for Vitagraph, " Clover's Rebellion," " Captain of the Grey Horse Troop," " The Sixteenth Wife," " Mary Jane's Pa ". Ad., Vitagraph. Brooklyn, N. Y. PRINTZLAU, Olga; b. Phila., 1893; educ. Phila. and Los Angeles; screen career, Edison, Balboa, Criterion, American, Ince ("John Needham's Double," "The Wrong Door," "The Seekers"), Universal ("When Little Lindy Sang"), Lasky; paints, plays piano. Ad., home, 629 N. Alexandria ave. Studio ad., Lasky, Hollywood. PROCTOR, George Dubois; b. Danvers. Mass.; educ. Yale; early career, editor motion picture dept. N. Y. Morning Telegraph, former mng. ed. Motion Picture News; screen career, Metro (" Emmy of Stork's Nest"), Gaumont (scenario editor), Lasky (" The Lash," " The Evil Eye "), Triangle (" A Phantom Husband." "The Maternal Spark," "Captain of His Soul"). Ad., home, 1711 Cahuenga ave., Hollywood. Studio ad., Pathe, N. Y. C. R RATH, Frederick W.; b. Brooklyn; educ. there; early career, newspaper work; wrote vaud. playlets for George Choos Amusement Co.; composed special songs for Anna Chandler, Lillian Lorraine, Trovato; screen career, associate editor and photoplay critic. Motion Picture Mail, originator and editor with I Kearney of Ives' Photoplay Page; adapted stories for screen (" Handling a Husband," " Fame," " The Pinnacle "), Apollo (" When You" and I Were Young," " The Public Defender "), U. S. Amuse. ("Behind the Mask"). In U. S. Service. REARDON, Mark S., 3d; b. Brooklyn, N. Y.: educ. Columbia Univ.. Adelphi Coll.. St. Francis Xavier Coll.. N. Y. Law Schl., and Sorbonne: early career, lawyer and author, wrote "The Last Laugh," " Trapped," " Romance of a Day." " The Balance of Power," etc.; screen career, author of " In Wolf's Clothing," " Her Husband's Friend." " The New Love and the Old." Recreations, rides, swims, and plays tennis. Hght., 5. 6; wght., 132; brown hair and eves. Member Photodramatists. Inc. Home, ad., 170 Keap st.,~ Brooklvn, N. Y. Ad., 63 Wall st., X. Y. C. REISNER, Charles Francis ("Chuck"); b. Minneapolis, 1887; educ. Minneapolis; stage career, 7 yrs., vaud. Keith and Orpheum circuits, song writer and professional boxer; screen career, at Salt Lake, 1910, playing in pictures, since with Keystone. Ad., Keystone, Los Angeles. REYNOLDS, Sidney; b. N. Y. C; educ. N. Y. C; stage career, for 20 yrs. with legitimate, vaudeville and burlesque houses; screen career, with Fox since its inception. Home ad., 960 St. John's ave., N. Y. C. Studio ad., Fox, 130 W. 46th st., N. Y. C. RISSE, Charles E.; b. N. Y.; educ. Fordham and N. Y. Univ.; early career, civil engineer; screen career, Vitagraph (staff writer for several yrs.), now free-lancing. Ad., 599 Mott ave., N. Y. RITCHEY, Will M.; b. Evanston, Ind., 1879; educ. Univ. of Wooster, Univ. of Western Penn. and Northwestern Univ.; early career, on newspapers in Pittsburgh, Chicago, Fort Worth, New Orleans, Los Angeles; screen career, scenario writer and editor, Lubin, Selig, Vitagraph, Reliance, Majestic, Balboa; author of "Who Pays?" series, "The Red Circles" serial, "Who Wins?" series, adapted "The Neglected Wife" serial ("Better Be Good"), Astra ("The Angel Factory"). RUSSELL, L. Case; b. Yankton, S. Dak.; educ. high schl., Yankton; early .career, writer of verse, articles, and stories for newspapers and magazines, special writer for Motion Picture Mag., head of Photoplay Clearing House, author of " Here Lies" and "The Photoplaywright's Primer"; screen career, free lance until present position, author of " The Two-Edged Sword," etc. for Vitagraph, " The Vanderhoff Affair " for Kalem, also several one and two-reel Sidney Drew pictures, is author of story and writer of continuity for second Petrova picture, now under title of " The Light Within ", also preparing continuities for coming Petrova features. Home ad., 605 W, 115th St., X. Y. C, Tel. 3673 Morningside. SARVER, Charles; b. Leechburg. Pa.; educ. Univ. of Rochester; previous career, city ed. X. Y. World, X. Y. Press, N. Y. Globe, X. Y. Evening Mail, mgr. ed. Boston Journal, war ed. X*. Y. American; screen career, Famous Players-Lasky (" House with the Golden Windows," " Plow Girl," " Soul of Kura-San," etc.), Famous Players ("The Little Boy Scout"), World ("Shall We Forgive Her?"). Home ad., 1805A Highland ave., Hollywood, Cal. Studio ad., Lasky, Hollywood, Cal. SAXON, Hugh A.; b. Xew Orleans, La., 1873; educ. Vanderbilt Univ., Tenn.; early career, newspaper man and magazine writer; screen career, seen, writer for Vogue and Keystone, author of " With and Without," " The Lip of a Fish," " Hazardous Love," " A He Vampire," etc. Home ad., 2610 Juliet St., Los Angeles, Cal. Studio ad., Vogue, Los Angeles, Cal. SCHLEY, Edna Rowell; b. San Francisco, Cal.; early career, newspaper and mag. writer for 10 yrs., lived in Orient 10 yrs., and author of many travel articles; screen career, free lance writer, selling to many cos.. Universal (" Mark of Mohammed," " Avenging Arm," etc.). Home ad., 1710 Vine St., Los Angeles, Cal. Studio ad., Universal City, Cal. SCHROCK, Raymond L., also director; b. Grohen, Ind.; educ. Univ. of 111.; stage career, director for stk. ; screen career, Gauntier, ed. and dir. (" Twilight," " She of the Wolf-Breed "), Universal, seen. ed. (" Judy Forgot," " The Man Inside," " Elusive Isabel," " The White Terror," " Code of His Ancestors "), Marden, ed. and dir. ("Gladys' Day Dreams," "When Betty Bet "); rides, swims, writes stories. Hght., 6; wght., 185; complexion, fair, brown hair, blue eyes. Ad., 620 Riverside Dr., N. Y., or c/o Ouida Bergere, Aeolian Hall. X. Y. SCHROEDER, Doris; b. N. Y.; educ. Brooklyn; screen career, sec. to R. S. Sturgeon, head of Vitagraph scenario dept.; Santa Monica; wrote comedies for Kate Price, John Bunny and others ("Bunny's Mistake," "The Late Mr. Jones," "HerSatanic Majesty"), American ("Whose Wife?"), Universal (" Molly and I"). Home ad., Hollywood Apts., Hollywood. SEITZ, George Brackett, also director; b. 1888, Mass.; educ. Friends' Schl, Phila.; early career, short story writer and playwright up to 1912; screen career, joined Pathe organization in 1012; author of " The Shielding Shadow," " Pearl of theArmy," " New York Xights," " The Hunting of the Hawk." " The Fatal Ring," " The Last of the Carnabys," etc., adapted " The Beloved Vagabond," " Xedra," etc. Home ad., 310 W. 86th st. X. Y. C. Studio ad., Pathe, 1 Congress St., Jersev City, X. J.