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Fourth Edition
Esmond, Eva 150
Estabrook, Howard 168
Evans, Herbert D 40
Evans, John William, Jr 202
Evans, Madge 150
Evans, Owen 69
Evans, Wm. A 69
Everett, Agnes 132
Everett, Charles, Prohman 55
Evers, Ernest P 40
Everton. Paul 40
Ewing, Howard M 256
Ey, Billy 55
Eyton, Bessie 96
Fahrney, Milton H 168
Fairbanks, Douglas 40
Fairbanks, Gladys 96
Fairbanks, John 256
Fairbanks, Madeline 116
Fairbanks, Marion 116
Fairfax, Marion (Mrs. Tully Marshall) 216
Fais, Charles, C 256
Fallon, Thomas F 40
Pang, Charles 84
Fargo, Hugh Alden 256
Farley, Dorothea 96
Farley, James Lee 40
Farley, Mary Louise 21 f:
Farnham, Henry Allen 1>'-V
Farnum, Dustin 40
Farnum, Franklyn 40
Farnum, William 40
Farrar, Geraldine 96
Farrell, Howard 202
Parrington, Adele (Mrs. Hobart
Bosworth ) 144
Faulkner. Ralph Cowan 69
Faust. Martin, J 40
Faweett, George 69
Fay, Billy 84
Fay, Hugh 84
Fay. Ronald R 55
Faye, Julia 96
Payee, Alleen 96
Pazenda. Louise 144
Fealy, Maude 96
Fearnley, Jane 96
Fellowes, Roekliffe 41
Fenigston. Babbie 256
Fenner, Walter 69
Fenton, Edna 116
Fenton. Mark 69
Penwiek, Irene 96
Fera, Gertrude M 132
Ferguson, Dave 55
Ferguson, Helen 96
Ferguson. Elsie Louise 9li
Ferris, William 69
Field. George 61
Fielding, Romaine 168
Fields, Lew 69
Figman, Max 84
Fildew. William E 238
Filson, Al. W 40
Filson, Jack C 202
Finch. Flora 144
Fischer, Herman Robert 69
Fischer. Margarita 96
Fishbock, Harry A 238
Fisher, George 41
Fisher, Ross G 238
Fitch, George 256
Fitzgerald, Mrs. Betty Tolson. . . .216
Fitzgerald, Cissy 96
Fitzgerald, James A 168
Fitzmaurice, George 168
Fitzpatrick, James A 168
Fitzrov. Louis 202
Flanagan, D. J 69
Fleming. Carvl Stacy 168
Fleming, Victor L 238
Fletcher, Cecil 55
Flugarth. Edna 96
Flynn. Emmett J 170
Folger, Miriam 96
Fonda. Gloria 96
Foote. Courtenay 41
Forbes, Gertrude Dean 96
Forbes. Harris L 170
Forbes. Ha rry 238
Ford, Francis 170
Ford. Frank W 55
Ford, Fred 69
Ford, Hugh _ 170
Ford, Jack 170
Ford, Starrett 202
Fordo, Eugenie 96
Forde. Victoria 144
Porman, Tom 41
Formes, Carl, Jr 69
Forrest, Alan 41
Forrest, Marguerite 116
Forrester, Mel S 170
Porster. Oscar W 202
Forth, George 41
Foss, Darrell 41
Foster, Henri Donald 56
Foster, J. Morris 41
Foster, William C 238
Fowler, H. M 238
Fowler, Jack 202
Fox, Finis 170
Pox, Harry 41
Fox, Josephine 132
Foxe, Earle A 41
Foy, Magda 152
Foy, Mrs. P. C 132
Fralick, Allen 56
Frambers. Clarence A 216
France, Charles H 170
Francis, Alec Budd 69
Francis. Bert 84
Francis, Thelma 116
Franck, John L 69
Franek, Katherine 132
Franey, William 84
Frank, Bert 8 69
Frank, Gloria 96
Frank. Herbert J 61
Franklin, C. M 170
Franklin, S. A 170
Franklin, Vera 116
Frankman, Charles, U. A 56
Franz, Joseph J 170
Fraser, Harry 202
Fraunholz, Fraunie 69
Frawley, Jack 238
Prazee, Edwin A 170
Prechetti, L. J 256
Frederick. Pauline 96
Frederick, Walter S 216
French, Charles K 69
French, Eugene De Townsend. . . .238
French, George B 70
French, " Baby " Georgia 152
Frendemann, A. R 170
Friebus, Theodore 41
Frost, Lorraine lie
Fuerstenberg, Carl H 70
Fuller. Dale 84
Fuller, Mary 96
Fulton, Helen 97
Fuqua, John W 240
Furman. Georgea 152
Gaden, Alexander 41
Gail, Jane 97
Galanta, Ketty 134
Gale. Alice 132
Gamble. Fred A 70
Gandolfi. Alfredo 240
Gano, Charles Glen 202
Gant, Harry 240
Garcee. Miriam lie
Gardner, Jack 41
Gardner, Jas. J 56
Garrick. Richard 170
Garry, Joseph R 70
Garsetson, Gertrude Inez 116
Garwood, William 41
Gaston, Mae 97
Gates. Harvey H !216
Gatldio, Eugene 240
Gaudio. Tony 240
Gauntier, Gene 97
Gavotte, Marie 118
Gay, Charles 61
Gave. Howard 170
Gaylor. James 70
Gebhardt, George M 61
Geer. Walter C 56
Geldert, Clarence H 70
<ieleng, Louis A. J _. . .240
George. Burton 170
George, George 84
George. Maud 97
Geraghty. Tom J 216
Gereghtv. Frank L 202
Gerald, Pete 70
Gerald, William H 70
Gerard, Carl 41
Gerber, Neva 97
Gerey. Lulu 97
Gerold. Hermann 70
Gerould. Helen 134
Gerrard, Douglas 170
Gershon. Grace 118
Gerstad, Harry W 240
Gervais, Lucile : 118
Gettinger, Billy 70
Gibbs, Robert Patton 70
Giblyn, Charles 170
Gibson, Ed (" Hoot ") 56
Gibson, Ethyln 118
Gibson, Grace 97
Gibson, Helen 97
Gibson. James Edwin 70
Gibson. Margaret 97
Gibson, Tom 216
Gibson. Wiley J 256
Gies. George 56
Gilbert. Jack C 41
285 285
119 199
275 28
Gilbert. William 84
Giles, Corliss 41
Gilfether, Daniel 70
Gillespie, Albert T 85
Gillette, Effle 97
Gillette, William 41
Gillies, Simon P 70
Gillstrom, Arvid E 170
Gilmore, Helen 134
Gilmore, Paul 41
Gilmour, Wesley Gray 256
Gilson. Charles 240
Girando, Jack 70
Girard. Charles 56
Girarcl. Joseph W 70
Girardot, Etienne 70
Gish, Dorothy 97
Gish, Lillian 97
Gittens, Wyndhani 170
Glander, Harry Preston 56
Glassmire, Albert 256
Glaum, Louise 97
Gleason, Adda 97
Glendon, J. Prank 41
Glocker, Charles Peyton 70
Glover, Gertrude 97
Gluckman, Myer 152
Gobbett, David William 240
Godfrey, Ray 97
Goetz, Ben 170
Going. Prederica 97
Goldaine, M. S 202
Goldberg, R. L 216
Golden, Olive Fuller 97
Goldsmith. Frank 70
Gollomb. Joseph 216
Gomez. Inez 270
Gonzalez, Myrtle 97
Good, F. B 240
Goodan, Paul 70
Gooden. Arthur Henry 216
Goodman, Dr. Daniel Carson 216
Goodrich. Edna 98
Goodrich. Katherine 134
Goodwin, Eileen 134
Goodwin, Henrieta 98
Goodwin, Nat C 42
Goodwins, Fred 85
Gordon. Alice 134
Gordon, Eva
Gordon, Harris 42
Gordon, Harry G 56
Gordon. Julia Swayne 98
Gordon, Kitty 98
Gordon. Leo 56
Gordon. Paul 42
Gore, O. N 240
Gore. Rosa 144
Gorman, Baby Early 152
Gorman, Jack 170
Gosden, A. G 240
Goshen, George W 240
Gottschalk. Ferdinand 266
Gould, S. Charles 70
Gould, Walter Irving 152
Gowdy, James Edward 56
Gran, Albert 70
Granbv. Joseph 61
Grandin, Ethel 98
Grandon. Francis J 170
Granlund. N. T 256
Grannison. Catheryne 134
Grant. (Henry) Clay 202
Grant, Corinne 134
Grant, Mary Edith 216
Grant, Nellie 256
Grant, Sydney 42
Grant. Valentine 98
Granville, Pred Le Roy 240
Grassby, Bertram 42
Grattan, Stephen '. . 70
Gravina, Cesare 70
Gray, Beata (Betty) 98
Gray, Donald 70
Gray, Gordon 42
Gray, King D 240
Gray, Olga 98
Green, Al 172
Green. Charles H 202
Green. Dorothy 98
Green. Joseph P 70
Greenberger. Lillian 256
Greene, Helen US
Greene, Kempton 56
Greene. Margaret 98
Greenwood, Barnett 56
Greenwood. Winifred 98
Gregory. Carl Louis 240
Gregory. Mildred 98
Greimer, Samuel 216
Grenier. George G 256
Grey, Doris 98
Grev, Jane 98
Grey, John 216
Grey. Katherine 98
Grey, Margaret 134
Grey. R. Henry 42
Gribbon, Eddie 85
Gribbon, Harry
225 =
159 m
199 21
281 m
219 jj 187 ■
270 jj
119 ■