Movie Age (1927)

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Look ’Em Over! S UNIVERSAL HAS THE PICTURES There isn’t room to list them all so we give you here just a few wof the broadside of hits in UNIVERSAL’S BIG GUN GROUP. ALIAS THE DEACON AN EDWARD SLOMAN PRODUCTION Starring JEAN HERSHOLT. John B. Hymer and LeRoy Clemens’ stage hit. BACK TO GOD’S COUNTRY AN IRVIN WILLAT PRODUCTION A James Oliver Curwood story starring RENEE ADOREE with Walter Long. The SMALL BACHELOR A WILLIAM A. SEITER PRODUCTION P. G.Wodehouse’s “Liberty” serial with Andre Beranger — Barbara Kent — Lucien Littlefield. The IRRESISTIBLE LOVER A WILLIAM BEAUDINE PRODUCTION Starring NORMAN KERRY and LOIS MORAN. Supervised by Carl Laemmle, Jr. The CHINESE PARROT A PAUL LENI PRODUCTION Earl Derr Biggers’ Popular Saturday Evening Post serial with Marian Nixon — Hobart Bosworth— Anna May Wong, SURRENDER! AN EDWARD SLOMAN PRODUCTION Based on “Lea Lyon” immortal Euro¬ pean stage play starring Mary Philbin and Ivan Mosjukine. WE AMERICANS AN EDWARD SLOMAN PRODUCTION Sensational Broadway stage hit by Milton Gropper and Max Siegel. With an all-star cast. — and more and more hit$! — 26 BIG GUN JEWELS in all! — a Broadside of Hits ! UNNY days! Trade papers editorially po this year!” Sales managers weeping as th days! THEY’RE NOT HOLDING OUT O ever! Faster than ever! We’ve got the goo Showing ’em to exhibitors! Got ’em fighting. PICTURES! Pictures you can see— right now. TION CLASS that you can see! SHOWMA thought in every single picture on the line-up GOT TO HAVE UNIVERSAL THIS YEAR! ING— not us! Carl Laemmle made ’em. Lived UNIVERSAL’S GREATEST YEAR! Called dreds of thousands to get the cream of the ma manship ideas, directors, casts! He got it! You kn UNIVERSAL IS SITTING ON TOP OF THE DO EXHIBITORS! That’s why THEY’RE Omaha, Neb., 1513 Davenport, H. Chapman, Mgr. Universal’s BIG GUN GROUP r