Movie Age (1927)

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EDITORIAL THROUGH the pages of this publication we are introducing a newer and better trade paper — a business magazine, con¬ structed to serve to the best interests the mo¬ tion picture industry in general and the people engaged in this great industry in this region in particular. Our policy is amply described in one word — SERVICE — to which we pledge ourselves to extend every effort to fulfill in its every meaning. Through the years that this great business has grown from a very modest beginning until it is today one of the leading industries of the world it has undergone many changes. It has developed from the “shooting gallery” to the million-dollar palace in presentation. To name each change that has occurred would require too much space. Suffice it to say that this business has become “lost” within itself many times and each time that it has again “found” itself its outstanding offering has been good pictures. Yes, pictures are the stock in trade in this business. And pictures it will always be — good pictures! The producer creates them; the distributor markets them; and the ex¬ hibitor sells them to the public. Bearing this in mind we have constructed this publication to serve you best by keeping you thoroughly informed about pictures. First there is the announcement of the pro¬ ducer, giving titles and casts and a brief out¬ line of the stories. Later changes occur ; these are made known through the pages of this publication. Then, every week you are given : CURRENT RELEASES, the definite title, star and number of reels, when it is ready for showing. This column helps you to date your pictures. THE PICTURE GUIDE gives you detailed information about the feature productions and helps you to know what you are selling to your patrons. SHORT SUBJECTS, a page acquainting you with the little features that are an im¬ portant part of your every program. WHAT THE PICTURES DID FIRST RUN, reports by the managers of the large theatres in the leading city in your trade field that guide you further on the merits of the pic¬ tures for which you have contracted. BOX OFFICE REPORTS, telling how the picture went over with the subsequent run theatres. EXPLOITATION IDEAS, giving you prac¬ tical and proven ways of putting the picture over. EQUIPMENT NEWS. Projection is an im¬ portant part of your theatre. Good project¬ ion is essential to your business. This page will give you the important equipment news, about new developments in this line and about the older ones that are useful and valuable to you. And last, but not least, the important trade news of national importance ; feature articles of interest and value; and of still greater in¬ terest, the trade news while it is news of what’s going on in your HOME region. We dedicate this business magazine to SERVICE, to you and to the motion picture industry. c&he Publisher