Movie Age (1927)

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PAGE 16 MOVIE AGE Des Moines Film Board Sluggers Ready For Tilt With Omaha, Aug. 23 Stars of the Des Moines Film Board of Trade ball team which will play the Omaha team on August 23 are M. E. Lee and Bill McGivern who represent Universal, Leo Widertz and Mayo Beatty, who star for First National, Keith Roy, the shining light of the Pathe staff, Jack Curry, Famous Players slug¬ ger, and Harold West, who scores for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. No Fox stars seem to be mentioned but it is possible that some may step into the spotlight before the big game comes off. Jimmy Shay of the F. B. 0. exchange, is the manager of the team, and one of the most enthusiastic fol¬ lowers of the game. M-G-M Club Holds Picnic At Commerce State Park The Des Moines staff of Metro Goldwyn Mayer had a picnic party last week that was attended by the office force en masse and with representatives of the sales force also present. The picnic which is one of several which have been held in line with the work and play pro¬ gram of the Metro-Goldwyn?Mayer Club, was at the state park at Commerce, Iowa, about eight miles drive from Des Moines. The officers of the exchange club were in charge of some of the ar¬ rangements. Marion Ackerson is presi¬ dent of the club, E. G. West, vice presi¬ dent, W. H. Davis, treasurer, and Mar¬ garet McGreavy, secretary. J. M. Heffner Will Manage Blank’s Mason City Houses Eller Metzger, who for the past year has acted as manager for the Palace and Bijou Theatres at Mason City, A. H. Blank independent houses, has been suc¬ ceeded by J. M. Heffner who formerly had these two houses. Heffner comes from Fairmount, Minn., where he was manager of the new theatre there re¬ cently opened by H. E. Gilbert. Strand, Council Bluffs, Remodeling; Opens Sept. 1 The Strand Theatre at Council Bluffs, Iowa, which has been closed for several months for extensive repairs will be open again in about a month. This theatre which is operated by Morrie Cohen and Sam Harding, when the changes con¬ templated are mad'1, will be one of the finest of the western Iowa houses. The changes in the exterior of the theatre have already been completed and indicate that the finest and most effec¬ tive are to be used on this house. Work on the interior of the theatre is now in process. H. Weinberg’s New Capitol Theatre, Ames, la., Opens Last week saw the opening of the Cap¬ itol Theatre at Ames, Iowa. This theatre, which was remodeled from the old Prin¬ cess Theatre, is one of the chain of theatres operated by Harry Weinberg, formerly of the A. H. Blank Enterprises, under the name of the Commonwealth Theatres Company. The house is under the management of Joe Gerbracht, who has been at Ames for a number of years handling the the¬ atres there. He is head of the Ames Amusement Company. The Capitol is a 800-seat house. The opening week went off very auspiciously. Sunday Shows Lose In Special Jewel, la., Election Jewell, Iowa, recently held a special election to decide the Sunday closing question. The cost of the election was borne by Mr. Foresman, owner of the Strand Theatre, who felt most optimistic that the Blue Laws would meet defeat. However, the election resulted the other way with a vote of 205 against and 179 for. Mr. Foresman plans to ask the city council to close other places of busi¬ ness upon the Sabbath and he is being backed by a good number of the business men in this move. August 19, the opening date of the theatre, has been chiseled in the corner stone of the new theatre at Chariton, Iowa, which has been built by R. J. Cramer. |p[==i[=3[=][=i[=][=]i=][=]F=>r=:rir=i[=]i^j I BRIGHT BITS and\ I NEWSY NOTES 0 HlElElFIEIBEIEIElEllEinRj The Magic theatre at Pierson is now under new management. J. H. Brownmiller has succeeded Fred Sturve. s|e sfc ;Jc The Rialto theatre is being used at Cherokee, Iowa, for all the shows while the Empress theatre is closed for the addition of new equipment. New chairs are now being put in the Empress. * * * E. Recknagel was injured in an auto¬ mobile accident a short time back but is now getting along nicely. He is the new owner of the Scenic theatre at Hol¬ stein. * * * DES MOINES VACATIONISTS Marion Ackerson of Metro-GoldwynMayer whose vacation is just coming to an end was at Lake Okiboji for the sum¬ mer fun. Ilah Elwood, stenographer of this office, and E. G. West, booker, are leaving this week on their vacations. Mr. West is not telling where he is going but it is understood that Mrs. West knows. Helen Wallace, secretary to Mr. Kauff¬ man, short subjects man for Pathe, spent her vacation with her mother and in vis¬ iting friends at Newton. Keith Roy, shipper for this office, went on a short tour with the baseball club of which he is a star member, and Grace Gannon who is secretary to Les Phillips, feature sales¬ man for Pathe, took in everything at Clear Lake. Mr. Kauffman left this week for points north for some fishing. Rose Browder, branch cashier, is about due back from her vacation trip to Cali¬ fornia. * * * W. E. Sanford, manager for MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, is out in the territory this week. * * * Exhibitors who visited the Famous Players office last week included Mr. Feldham of Odebolt, Mr. Pierce of At¬ lantic and Mr. Curtis of Redfield. * * * Harris Wolf berg, district manager for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, visited the Des Moines office recently. The Business Men’s club of Sheffield are now running the theatre here. H. E. Norton has leased the show to them.