Movie Age (1927)

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PAGE 16 MOVIE AGE |!BElElE=lBElBnFiF)nR^j | BRIGHT BITS and I I NEWSY NOTES 0 Des Moines Film Board Picnic and Get-Together Will Be August 22 and 23 The Des Moines Film Board of Trade picnic and get-together is scheduled for August 22 and 23. Miss Lytell, secre¬ tary of the board, says that at the next meeting the final plans for the party will be made. It is possible that the baseball game which was announced to be played off between the Des Moines exchange and the representatives of the Omaha offices may be called off. There has been some difficulty in lining up the team and while there are a few who are real stars, there has been difficulty in getting the complete lineup. Jimmy Shay of the F B O office has been making efforts toward lining up the Des Moines team. Bill Eddy Adds Peerless Lamps At Indianola House Bill Eddy of the Empress Theatre at Indianola is adding Peerless lamp equip¬ ment to his theatre since the changing of the current at Indianola from DC to AC. He will make an outlay of about $1000 in making this change. He is buying his new equipment through the Des Moines office of the National Theatre Supply Company. THEATRE CHANGES Mr. Stewart, manager of the Cee-Bee Theatre at Manson, Iowa, has added $2,000 in new equipment to his theatre. Two new projectors and a generator set are included in the new machinery. The Rialto Theatre at Bode, Iowa, re¬ cently changed hands. K. C. Will, the new owner, bought from W. B. Frank. The Grand Theatre at Cedar Rapids, which was owned by W. Waybill, has been sold to Jess Curtis, who has been an exhibitor in Iowa for a number of years. The Diagonal Theatre at Diagonal has again changed hands. Robert Johnston, the new owner, bought from Robert Bai¬ ley. G. C. Twisleton has sold the Empress Theatre at Chelsea, Iowa, to F. A. Costa. John Clark, from the home office of Famous Players, has been at the Des Moines exchange the last week. Mr. Clark is divisional sales manager. * * * Youngclass and Latta, who recently became partners in the Roxy theatre at Perry were on Film Raw reporting a successful program under way at this new house. * * * The complete booth equipment for the Rialto Theatre at Boone was repaired by the efficient staff of the National Thea¬ tre Supply office. The Rialto is one of the A. H. Blank houses. * * * Bill Curry of the booking department of Famous Players, has been on his va¬ cation. He has been enjoying a little golf while at leisure. * * * Youngclass and Latta of the Roxy Theatre at Perry, Iowa, invested about $110 last week in new equipment from the National Theatre Supply office for stepping up their projection. They re¬ port a big improvement since the new machinery has been added. * * * The Opera House at Denison is open again after having been closed for a week for repairs and redecoration. * * * The Rialto Theatre at Clinton, one of the A. H. Blank houses, has been newly equipped with a lobby display board. The National Theatre Supply Company made the sale. * * * A number of changes have been made in the Empress Theatre at Chero¬ kee, Iowa. This house is owned by Max Drefke. He laid a new floor in the thea¬ tre, installed new seats, made some changes in the front of the theatre and added new lighting effects. The walls of the theatre have also been redec¬ orated. The Empress has just reopened agan after being closed for these changes. W. E. Truog, district manager for Universal, called at the Des Moines ex¬ change. * * * Marjorie Strom, scenario writer for Parrot Films Company, is on her vaca¬ tion. She is touring the Great Lakes. * * * Dorothy Day, of the publicity staff of the A. H. Blank organization, was on a four days vacation absence last week. * * * Herb Grove, manager of the Des Moines theatre at Des Moines, has found very popular his Iowa news reels which are added to the regular news reels each week. He has caught some of the most interesting events of recent months, the national convention of the Rainbow Vet¬ erans here, the landing of the Standard Oil airplane, the encampment of the C. M. T. C., etc. This is one of the few theatres where pictures of special local interest may be seen. * * * Jess Day, manager of the Strand The¬ atre at Des Moines, has returned to his post and will take over the management of the Palace and the Garden theatres also during the absence of Mr. Shroedt, who has the management of these two houses for A. H. Blank. * * * M. L. Dixon, who has the Temple The¬ atre at Mt. Pleasant, is now touring Europe. He left the first of August and will be back about October 1. * * * Mi*. Lacey, who within the last month acquired ownership of the theatre at Oneida, was in Film Row buying pictures this week. * * * M. Scharf, auditor from the New York office of Universal, has been at the Des Moines exchange for several weeks. * * * Eloise Bolton, who is a member of the stenographic staff of Metro-GoldwynMayer, is entered in the contest which will select the “Miss Iowa” to represent the “cornfed” at Atlantic City. * * * R. A. O’Brien, assistant manager and booker of the Fox exchange, is away for two weeks enjoying a respite from hard labor.