Movie Age (1927)

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PAGE 20 MOVIE AGE =ag==*=M===^==^=^==M==^< XT =5 The PICTURE GUIDE Little Tips on New Pictures r -M y ■ ,— _ , -it v v. ... i>c, . ?c ft* ... .,.a«L ... The Tired Business Man Distributed by Tiffany. STAR: Raymond Hitchcock. SUPPORT: Blanche Mehaffey. TYPE: Farce comedy. TIME: Present. LOCALE: An American City. LENGTH: 6 reels. SYNOPSIS: Murphy and Riley, con¬ tractors, are trying to get Alderman Mc¬ Ginnis to sign a million dollar paving contract. Parties and sprees fail to get his signature. Swenson, contractor across the hall, gets McGinnis interested and actually gets him to join the firm. Murphy and Riley know that without the contract they are ruined. McGinnis takes one of the stenographers home with him so that he can dictate some letters. His wife aiTives and they both hide in a clothes closet. The girl says unless he signs the contract right there she will scream. He signs. The contract is sent to another stenographer, the sweetheart of Riley’s son, who fills in the name of Riley & Murphy on the contract instead of Swenson & Co. Riley and Murphy are saved. HIGHLIGHTS: Scene at the paving job; a party at which the alderman is arrested; the return of the alderman’s wife. His Dog Distributed by Pathe-De Mille. STAR: Joseph Schildkraut. SUPPORT: Julia Faye. TYPE: Romantic drama. TIME: Present. LOCALE: A rural district. LENGTH: 7 reels. SYNOPSIS: Peter Olsen, a young social outcast, lives alone on a farm, getting drunk whenever he sells his vegtables. Dorcus, the daughter of a store keeper tries to save him. A dog with a broken leg catches Peter’s pity and he takes him home and mends his leg. The dog “Chum” saves his life and influen¬ ces Peter to stop drinking. The dog wins a prize at a show where the real owner recognizes his dog. Peter es¬ capes with Chum. Dorcus refuses to marry Peter unless he gets rid of the dog. But after the dog saves the life of the girl’s sister, her attitude changes and the three live happily ever after. HIGHLIGHTS: Peter’s fight with ruf¬ fians and the dog’s rescue; the dog show; dog’s rescue of the sister. The Cat and the Canary. Distributed by Universal. STAR: Laura La Plante. SUPPORT: Creighton Hale. TYPE : Comedy mystery. TIME : Present. LOCALE: An old mansion in an American city. LENGTH: 7 reels. SYNOPSIS: When the relatives of the late Cyrus West arrive at the old house to hear the will, they are surprised to find that the documents had been read before their arrival. The entire fortune is left to a distant cousin, Annabelle West providing she is of a sound mind. Strange things begin to happen, a mur¬ der and the theft of a diamond necklace. Paul Jones, another relative, is in love with Annabelle and seeks to solve the mysteries. The mystery is solved when it is learned that a crooked relative has tried to break down Annabelle’s mind so that the fortune will be reverted to him. HIGHLIGHTS: Continual mystery angles and comedy. The Blood Ship Distributed by Columbia. STAR: Hobart Bosworth. SUPPORT: Jacqueline Logan. TYPE: Sea romance. TIME: In the ’80s. LOCALE: San Francisco and midPacific. LENGTH: 8 reels. SYNOPSIS: Captain Swope’s ship was known as the “blood ship” because of the methods by which Swope conducted affairs. While the ship is anchored at San Francisco, a man named Newman comes on board and gets a job. Young John Shreve, also enlists so he can be near Swope’s supposed daughter, Mary. While at sea Swope recognizes Newman as the husband of the woman whom Swope had stolen years before. Mary is really Newman’s daughter. Swope has Newman put in irons. The crew mu¬ tinies and Mary and Shreve help New¬ man to escape. Newman and Swope fight; Swope is killed; Mary and New¬ man are reunited, and the “blood ship” turns again toward home with every¬ thing peaceful on board. HIGHLIGHTS: Sea scenes; the fight between Newman and Swope; romance between Shreve and Mary, and the shanghaiing of the crew. Hula Distributed by Paramount. STAR: Clara Bow. SUPPORT: Clive Brook. TYPE: Hawaiian romance. TIME: Present. LOCALE: Hawaiian islands. LENGTH: 7 reels. SYNOPSIS: “Hula” Calhoun is the daughter of a plantation owner on one of the Hawaiian Islands. Anthony Haldane comes to the Calhoun planta¬ tion to construct a dam. It is love at first sight between the pair. A Mrs. Bane, tourist, tries to win Anthony, as does Hula. He shuns them both al¬ though later admitting his love to Hula, explaining that he has a wife who does not love him. Then Mrs. Haldane ar¬ rives with the intent of getting a di¬ vorce. When she learns that Anthony will be rich when the dam is completed she changes her plans. Hula has a man cause an explosion in the mountains and then tells Mrs. Haldane that the dam is blown up and Anthony is financially ruined. The wife leaves and Hula and Anthony are free to love. HIGHLIGHTS: Blowing up of the dam; Clara Bow’s dance; island scenery. The Missing Link Distributed by Warner Brothers. STAR: Syd Chaplin. SUPPORT: Ruth Hiatt. TYPE: Farce Comedy. TIME: Present. LOCALE: Africa. LENGTH: 7 reels. SYNOPSIS: Arthur Wells, a timid poet who is afraid of animals, hides on Lord Dryden’s yacht when he is fright¬ ened by a monkey. The yacht is bound for Africa to find the missing link. Dryden, a woman hater, gets Wells to pose as the hunter in order to avoid a wel¬ come ceremony prepared by Beatrice, Col. Braden’s daughter, upon the boat’s arrival. Wells falls in love with Bea¬ trice. A pet chimpanzee, Akka, is mis¬ taken by Wells for the missing link. When the real missing link appears, Wells accidently captures it and wins praise from every one, as well as the heart of Beatrice. HIGHLIGHTS: Capture of the miss¬ ing link; Wells hiding on the yacht; playful attack by Akka.