Movie Age (1927)

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AUGUST 20, 1 92 7. PAGE 21 Jl J(. JC~ Jt~ Jl Jg= ii J(. SHORT SUBJECTS Spice of the Box Office • * -3f 1C -=>C !)C - X !IC' ~>e ■— 1C 1t Honeymoon Quicksteps Universal — One Reel STAR: Arthur Lake. At the senator’s dance Arthur is the groom in a mock marriage. His bride is Elsie, a grass widow gunning for a mate. After the ceremony the Negro butler who has acted as minister, informs them that they are sure enough married, as he is the pastor of the Colored Baptist church. Arthur is in love with Betty. The grass widow is determined to hold her fluke husband and follows him home, introducing herself to Arthur’s family as his wife. His father is frantic. He threatens the widow in vain. She sticks. The senator then comes on the run with the comforting news that the mar¬ riage is not legal because the couple had no license. Father grabs the fake bride and throws her rudely out of the house. But on the stoop she tickles his chin and Arthur has a new step-mother. “Jane’s Flirtation” Universal — Two Reel “What Happened to Jane” Series Piqued at her fiance for keeping her waiting on the corner, Jane tells him that there are plenty of boys who’ll treat her better. She flirts with the next man who comes along in a car and is picked up. George gives chase, demand¬ ing the return of his girl, but the strang¬ er, who is a tough egg, crowds him off the street. A seance is going on in the house. Jane and her new boy friend attend. Jane talks on the spirit phone and asks to see the image of the man she will marry. George, in the next room, hear¬ ing her, steps inside the curtain and poses. George runs, pursued by the tough. The tough runs into his fat wife’s arms. Jane explains that the egg was trying to flirt with her. The wife beats him. Memories Tiffany — One Reel This color art picture deals with mem¬ ories brought back by old songs. It pic¬ tures an old couple reminiscing on their youth. Each song represents a differ¬ ent period in their lives, the scenes switching from the old swimming hole days up through the early days of the automobile and to the present. There is plenty of comedy in most of the se¬ quences. Monty of the Mounted F B O — Two Reels This is another of “The Beauty Shop” series. A1 Cooke and Kit Guard supply the comedy of which there is plenty of the slapstck variety. A good sequence is their invention of the hair curling tonic. A noted criminal comes into the shop to get a shave. His real idea, how¬ ever, is to steal some valuable pearls and gems from a society woman who has come into the beauty shop for some beauty work. Fast action and gags keep things moving. A Permanent Rave Educational — Two Reels Lupino Lane does some of his best work in this. As a rookie in the North¬ west Mounted Police he is given an op¬ portunity to capture a desperate ban¬ dit. His difficulties arise when he learns that the captain of the Mounted looks enough like the bandit to be his twin, and he is continually capturing the wrong man. A trick horse with flex¬ ible legs offer the best bits of laughter although Lane’s acrobatic stunts are ex¬ traordinary. The College Kiddo Pathe — Two Reels STAR: Eddie Quillan. Eddie is a freshman in college but he is so dumb it is hard to realize how he ever got out of high school. Madeline Hurlock, the college widow, is trying to help her brother. She steals the exam¬ ination questions and hides them in Ed¬ die’s pocket for safe-keeping. But the trouble begins when she tries to get them back without Eddie knowing it and with¬ out the eagle eye of the professor watch¬ ing her. The situation offers good laughs. The String of Strings Metro-Goldwyn — Two Reels STAR: Charley Chase. Charley takes his girl riding in his new car. They pick up a gang of kids from the Juvenile home for Delinquents and take them to the carnival. Most of the fun is centered around the carnival where a ferris wheel picks up the car and takes it up to the top. The hook and ladder is called to take it down, but the car crashes to the ground. The ac¬ tion is typical of the Charley Chase style. Dead Easy Educational — Two Reels STAR: Bobby Vernon. Bobby is told by his prospective fath¬ er-in-law that he must sell one of his plays before he can marry the daughter. In rehearsing some of the scenes, in which he chokes dummies and shoots imaginary villians, he is mistaken in his intentions and nearly gets thrown out of the hotel. In a publicity stunt for an actress, Bobby pretends to be madly in love with her and feigns suicide so that the papers will give the actress a writeup. But Bobby’s girl arrives on the scene and Bobby has a tough time trying to explain. After many hard¬ ships, he proves that his compromising situation was a publicity stunt and is forgiven. “Red Hot Sands” Pathe Fable — 1 reel. Tom Cat, Milt Mouse, and A1 Falfa pick the land of Egypt as the scene of their adventures. One of the funniest incidents in this exploration is the dis¬ covery, by means of snuff, that the Sphinx has false teeth and a wig. Later adventurers bring them to a sheik’s castle where they rescue Harem Helen, this exploit entailing the scaling of a pyramid and flight on a crane’s back. Excellent drawings and bright ideas em¬ bellish the plot. Pathe Review No. 32 Pathe Scenic — 1 reel. Diversified views of unusual sights and some interesting scenics. The wind¬ up affords a kick with a cow-puncher on the Putnam Expedition to Greenland lassoing a young polar bear in the icy waters, and landing the struggling ball of white fur after a tough struggle. Good magazine offering. The Bully Pathe — One Reel. One of Paul Terry’s best imaginative cartoons. The cat is still scaring the life out of the mouse. The mouse is making some unsuccessful attempts to capture the bird in the cockoo clock. The cat also desires the bird. Just as the cat is getting the better of the situa¬ tion and things look dark for the cockoo, the bird calls for help from the grand¬ father clock who comes to the rescue.