Movie Age (1927)

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EDITORIAL ONE of the most striking spectacles is a regiment of West Point cadets on parade. Every one of these stalwart young men is in perfect step with his fellows, swinging along in cadence and with a rhythm that makes a company of sixty or eighty men appear as though it was a highly tuned ma¬ chine. Contrast that company with the drill of a group of rookies. They have not yet learned the essentials of group formation or of team¬ work. Each one has a different idea of what it is all about. Every one is out of step, headed for a different goal and arriving nowhere. No wonder that hard-boiled sergeants are neces¬ sary to whip the rookies into the perfectly fun¬ ctioning machine that constitutes a well drilled infantry company. As an exhibitor, are you one of a group of showmen working with a definite aim in view? Are you playing a lone hand in the game of business, or are you working with others in the same line of business to learn what you can from common experience? Have you yet come to realize that when two or more exhibitors gather, each with an idea to ex¬ change, that each acquires the sum total ex¬ periences of the group? Soon your state exhibitor association will meet in convention. Are you a part of this great group of showmen and business men, which has been welded into an effective body to really accomplish something for the exhibi¬ tors of this territory? The opportunity before your state exhibitor association is almost un¬ limited. But, if it is to achieve the greatest good, it must have the backing of every exhib¬ itor in this region. True, it has a large and in¬ creasing membership, but it needs you and you need it. Get behind it. Keep in step. * * * JT is indeed gratifying to acknowledge the many commendations that have been sent to us by both exhibitors and exchangemen on the appearance and contents of this “newer and better” trade journal. And the many new subscriptions that have poured in to our of¬ fice these past few days; one of them coming from a. merchant, who was not yet an ex¬ hibitor, but who soon hoped to be and “wanted to keep thoroughly informed on what’s going on in this business in this section of the coun¬ try” by receiving this publication regularly. These encourage us in our efforts to render the greatest possible service to the industry, particularly the local industry, through these pages. And, by the way, we want every exhibitor in this region to feel that he is a vital part of this business magazine. Its purpose is entirely contructive and we want your suggestions as to what we can do or publish to make it more interesting and serviceable. You can help a great deal by appointing yourself as our “re¬ porter” for your town and sending us often news about your theatre, your exploitation stunts, and even photographs that you take from time to time of your lobby displays, etc.