Movie Age (1927)

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AUGUST 2 7, 1927. PAGE 11 Two Weeks More to Date of Movie Age Golf Tournament Only a little over two weeks remain before the Movie Age Golf Tournament which is scheduled for September 12 and 13. Sherman Fitch, chairman of the com¬ mittee reports that he expects at least one hundred players on hand and has already signed up over thirty. He is out in the territory this week, and we expect to hear that he will have a lot more to add to the list when he returns. The Omaha tournament has always been very interesting and the prizes which are put up are the finest of any tournament held in this city. This is probably the reason so many are plan¬ ning on coming in this year. One thing everyone is sure of is an even chance to win some of the nice prizes. If you are planning on coming in to Omaha soon, why not arrange to be here on the above dates and have a good time along with your regular visit. Next week we will publish a list of the entrants so far received. Sunday Movies For Falls City, Nebraska All the theatres in Falls City, Nebr., opened their doors to the public last Sun¬ day for the first time in the history of the city. Several years ago when one of the theatre attempted to open on Sunday, a popular vote was taken oppoising it. The attempt was not repeated until last Sun¬ day. A few days ago the Falls City ex¬ hibitors looked over the city ordinances and .say they found none prohibiting Sunday opening, and it is likely that the move will meet with little opposition. The theatres were crowded at all per¬ formances which goes to show that Sun¬ day shows are wanted by most of the cit¬ izens. Reif Resigns From Position at Independent Sol Reif who has been associated with the Independent Film Co., for the past three and one-half years has resigned his position and will leave soon for St. Louis where he expects to again enter the film business. J. N. “Doc” Lasser has taken over the booker job held by Mr. Reif. Mr. Lasser was with First National in Omaha for a period of three years, but for the past two years has been out of the business. What About the Film Industry Bowling League? We have been asked several time late¬ ly whether or not there will be a Film Industry Bowling League this year. It is up to the boys in the exchanges to decide that for themselves, and we sug¬ gest that they get busy at once and or¬ ganize if they expect to do anything. Last year the league was a howling suc¬ cess and everyone who took part had a very interesting time. It seems to us that Frank Hensler, branch manager of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer or Sherman Fitch branch manager of FBO would be the right parties to see to get the ball roll¬ ing. Movie Age will do whatever they can to help get things started, but it should be up to the Film boys to manage their own League. Dailard Transferred From Columbus to McCook W. W. Dailard who formerly managed the Columbus Theatre at Columbus, Nebr., for the World Realty Co., has been transferred to Me Cook, Nebr., where he has taken over the manage¬ ment of the World Theatre for the same company. Mr. E. G. Skavdahl has been chosen to succeed Mr. Dailard in manag¬ ing the Columbus house and enters the territory from Sioux City, la. Vitaphone To Go In Strand, Cedar Rapids The first Vitaphone installation to be made in this territory will be in the Strand Theatre at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and will be ready for the opening about October 1. A. J. Diebold is the progressive owner of the Strand. Miss Skinner Visits Parents Mildred Skinner, Omaha’s Opportunity Girl, spent a few days this week visit¬ ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W„ A. Skinner of this city. “Young America” the Publix stage show in which she re¬ ceived a place by winning the contest conducted by the Omaha Bee-News in June, played at Indianapolis last week and will not open its engagement in St. Louis until next week, giving several of the girls an opportunity to visit their homes. Miss Skinner is very enthusias¬ tic over the professional training and ex¬ perience she is receiving and the mar¬ velous receptions and entertainment both she and her companions have en¬ joyed at each of the cities they have visited. Bob Mitchell Within One Stroke of Being Medalist at Des Moines Bob Mitchell the star golfer from the Paramount office in Omaha who won the championship matches at both Omaha and Des Moines last year was not quite so successful this year when he jour¬ neyed over to Des Moines to take part on the tournament the first two days of this week. Bob lost his match one down to Ed Johnson of Audibon, Iowa and was with¬ in one stroke of being medalist, losing that honor to Chas. Wolcott of Eldorado, Iowa. About fifty golfers took part in the Des Moines tournament, and several have already stated that they expected to be on hand for the tournament in Omaha on September 12 and 13. Tues¬ day afternoon the film boys and exhib¬ itors had a big picnic and ball game, and reports are that the entire affair was a great success. New Suburban Theater at Sioux City, Iowa L. Weiner is building a new suburban theatre on West 7th Street in Sioux City, Iowa. The house will seat about 500 and work is now being done on the foun¬ dation. Dax Remodels World Theatre Nate Dax is remodeling the World Theatre at Sioux City, Iowa and states that the house will be ready to reopen about September 1. Nate returned last week from a few days vacation spent in and around Winnipeg, Canada, and says he has a lot of Canadian ideas. We are wondering if Nate has his ideas in bot¬ tles. Omaha, Neb. — Sam H., M. L., and J. L. Stern and Morris Wohlner, Sam Gerson and Sam Beber August 3, incorpor¬ ated the Klassik theatres, Inc., for $10,000. Indianola, Nebr. — The new Star Thea¬ tre was completed and opened to the public August 6. Projection Machines OVERHAULED and REPAIRED Expert Repair Service for Twenty Years C. E. JONES, Machinist Service Theatre Supply Company 303 N. 16th Street, Omaha, Neb. Phone Atlantic 6375 4 i & jj & H A