Movie Age (1927)

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AUGUST 27, 1 927. PAGE 23 =3*. "'"=3f 3U ■ -=5€= m SHORT SUBJECTS Spice of the Box Office =?s= .3C ^ -3C V . . Subway Sally Pathe — One Reel Subway Sally has the habit of entic¬ ing members of the animal family into buying her dinners. Then when the meal is over, Sally politely makes an exit. She vamps a fellow-animal and pulls the same trick. He goes to the cop on the corner and pleads his case. But the cop laughs for the cop, himself, is Subway Sally. A Hole In One Fables — Pathe — One Reel Our old friend A1 Falfa spends most of his time in this one trying to keep a goat from butting him. But the goat insists on getting his horns into the trousers of Al. He finally butts him into a golf hole in one butt, and that’s where the title comes from. When Al fails to do any good, he calls the sheriff who gets the same reception. The mor¬ al is: “You Don’t Have to be Crazy to Play Golf, but it Helps.” Pick A Pet Educational — One Reel An exceptionally good Curiosity. It shows the different kinds of animals preferred by different types of people. There are blackbirds, kittens, monkeys, and even elephants which have perma¬ nent homes in domestic life. Practically every animal in the animal world seems to be present in this reel. With Will Rogers In England Pathe — One Reel This Rogers featurette takes the trav¬ eler on to the “blessed little isle” and doesn’t fail to point out the interesting places. You see Scotland Yard, Buck¬ ingham Palace, the House of Parlia¬ ment, and all types of London life. The gags are refreshing and Rogers is fun¬ ny in his clumsy manner. Oh Taxi! Universal — Two Reels STAR: Sid Saylor. Sid inherits a taxi from Uncle Abner and therefore believes that he is a busi¬ ness man and eligible to marry his girl. But the prospective father-in-law does not see it that way, and Sid has a hard time seeing his girl at all. There are many chases and some really new gags. It’s slapstick that will get over. How High Is Up? F B O — Two Reels STARS: Three Fat Men. The usual rough and tumbls with a timely mess of gags and the heavy¬ weights bringing in the majority of laughs. In this one the three boys live in a room together and they keep trying to flirt with the landlord’s daughter. They are never successful but they man¬ age to break through a ceiling, ruining a Ford, demolish a bungalow, and fea¬ ture in a chase over a tall building. The Tale of a Shirt Universal — One Reel STAR: Jimmy Aubrey. When the Chinaman ruins Jimmy’s only good shirt, a fight takes place in the laundry. The Chinaman is knocked down and Jimmy thinks he has killed him. He runs and a lot of Chinese run after him. The chase is long with plen¬ ty of slapstick. Jimmy hides in a laun¬ dry wagon which takes him back to the laundry again. There he learns that he did not kill the man and discovers that he was being chased because he was car¬ rying a Chinese “Want ad” sign. Snow Rambles Fox — One Reel A Fox Variety of unusual beauty. This one takes the audience to the Ca¬ nadian Rockies where the snow is deep and the atmosphere offers comfort in hot weather regions. There are somegood shots of wild animals, including some bear cubs, a herd of buffalo, and deer. A particularly good shot is one taken in a snow storm showing some mountains and lake of exquitite beauty. The Trail of the Tiger Universal — 10-chap.ter Serial Jack Daugherty and Frances Teague, the latter a newcomer, are the hero and heroine respectively in this new serial. The story is a circus tale in which the villianous manager is known as the Tig¬ er. The hero is a horse tamer, or at least posing as such. A band known as the Mystic Mountebanks continually helps the girl in her most needed times. The usual thrilling climax comes at the end of each episode. A real circus was used as the background. Smith’s Candy Shop Pathe — One Reel STAR: Raymond McKee. Smith gets fired from his job as man¬ ager of the candy shop so for spite he starts a store across the street in com¬ petition to his former employer. Mary, the child, is the cause for a sack of ce¬ ment to get mxed with a sack of sugar. Smith makes a big batch of candy with the cement and then sends young Mary out among his former customers to dis¬ tribute free samples. The result s easy to imagine. However, despite his han¬ dicaps he is able to force the man who fired him out of business. Bubbles of Geography Educational — One Reel A Hodge Podge with the usual amount of fascinating novelties. The little dog blows soap bubbles which turn out to be certain geographical points. This takes the audience to the British West Indies, among the basket weavers of Morocco, the irrigation field of Java, and the va¬ cation land of Maine. Live News Educational — Two Reels. STAR: Johnny Arthur. Johnny is sent out as a newspaper reporter to get an interview with a gunwoman who has been arrested and is being taken to jail on the train. The sheriff in charge of her asks Johnny to watch her while he takes a cinder from his eye. The girl’s hucband has been following. When the train stops, the girl breaks for liberty dragging Johnny with her. She drags him to a hotel where she waits for her husband. John¬ ny escapes, calls his office and tells the editor he has the girl captured in a hotel. He returns to the room where the girl makes him change clothes with her, and she escapes. The newspaper reporters capture Johnny thinking he is the girl, but Johnny breaks away and captures the vamp again. He is made the star reporter. EXHIBITORS— Send in your Box-Office Reports.