Movie Age (1927)

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SEPTEMBER 3, 1 92 7. PAGE 11 Johnson Wins Film Board Golf Tourney; Mitchell Is Second Mr. Johnson of Audubon, who is in¬ terested with his son in the Crescent Theatre, was the winner of the first place in the Des Moines Film Board of Trade golf tournament which was held the last week in August. Mr. Johnson who is past fifty years in age was not entered in the golf contest last year. He defeated Mitchell of Omaha who was winner of first place last year. The golf tournament which was managed by Jimmy Winn of the Des Moines Educa¬ tional staff cooperating with Les Phil¬ lips, feature man for Pathe who had charge of the general arrangements for the Film Board of Trade picnic and gettogether. The affair was a big success this year and there were more than 300 exhibitors from over the state who came in for the infromal gathering. Prizes valued at over $700 were distributed in various events. American Legion Opens Theatre at Albert City The American Legion Post at Albert City, Iowa are opening a new theatre there on September 2. This theatre will be under the management of Mr. Johnson. The arrangements have been made with the National Theatre Sup¬ ply Company to equip the theatre with 200 opera chairs. However, it is esti¬ mated that the completed house will seat 300. The $1100 worth of equipment which has been contracted for includes a Simplex machine. The theatre will have opposition in the theatre already located at Albert City. The American Legion theatre is housed in a building which is being altered to accomodate the new enterprise. The house was bought from Fred Ketchner. O. W. Persons Takes Omaha City Golf Championship To be the outstanding exhibitor in a territory is considered quite an honor, but to also win other laurels seems to be the hobby of O. W. Persons of the Strand Theatre at Minden, Nebr. Mr. Persons entered the Golf Tournament held in his city a few days ago and walked away with the city champion¬ ship. We hope to have Mr. Persons with us next Monday and Tuesday, September 12 and 13, when the golfing exhibitors from Nebraska and Iowa will meet in Omaha to decide just who knows the most about golf. 15 New Roach Comedies To Pathe; Are Not Reissues There seems to be an erroneous idea among some of the exhibitors in this territory about the Hal Roach Comedies now being released by Pathe. For some reason they believe that these comedies are not up to the usual standard and are rejected pictures, but we are in re¬ ceipt of a letter from Hal Roach in which he says that these comedies are not rejected pictures, but on the other hand are the best comedies yet made in the Roach Studios. Mr. Roach goes on to say that fifteen of his best comedies, as a result of a contract calling for a certain number each year, are listed by Pathe for the coming year. There is also some talk that these comedies are re-issues, which is untrue. Miss Leona Mathews Becomes Secretary of Film Board of Trade Miss Leona Mathews who for seven or eight years has been one of the stand¬ bys of the staff of A. H. Blank Enter¬ prises has been snatched into another field of the picture industry. Miss Mathews has been serving as booker for the independent houses of the Blank chain. This week she goes to the Film Board of Trade office to act as secretary and treasurer succeeding Mrs. Mary Benjamin who had served on the Board for a number of years. Miss Lytell who came from one of the southern Board of Trade offices to take over the work at the Des Moines office, while a successor was lined up for Mrs. Benja¬ min has been the temporary incumbent. Omaha Film Men Organizing Six Bowling Teams During the last week a number of the bowlers around the Film Building decided that if there was going to be a Film Industry League this winter, it would be necessary to get things started, so a meeting was called to de¬ cide just who would enter and how many teams would take part. The meeting is to be held in the F B O office, and it is expected that a least six teams will be formed with five men to a team. Last year the league was a decided success and everyone who took part found it to be the most interesting win¬ ter pastime ever started for the film boys. Omaha has some exceptional bowlers working in the film industry, and Movie Age hears that Des Moines is to have a bowling league this year too. We have also been notified that the winning team at the end of the season in the Des Moines league expects to issue a challenge to the Omaha winners for a post season match. Richard Talmadge Now A Full-Fledged Sioux Richard Talmadge, F B O stunt actor, is now a full fledged Sioux. The title of “Flying Eagle” was con¬ ferred on him last week at Pine Ridge Agency in a huge ceremonial in which hundreds of members of the Dakota Sioux tribes participated. Talmadge is one of the three “white Indians” that have been taken into the tribe. The others are President Coolidge and Queen Marie of Rumania. Carl Krumrei, Supply Mgr., Hurt in Auto Crash Carl Krumrei, manager for the Omaha office of the National Theatre Supply Company, was injured while travel¬ ing in Iowa territory. He collided with another car and, while his car met with little injury, the other car was pretty well wrecked. The occupants of the car suffered some serious injury. Mr. Krumrei was in an accident a short time back in which his car collided with a cow. Brader Hurt in Accident Harry Brader, conductor of the Rial¬ to Theatre orchestra at Omaha, was in¬ jured with bad cuts and bruises in an auto accident at Milford, Iowa when the car in which he was riding with his wife and daughter turned over. The injuries were not serious, however, and the party resumed their journey next day to Omaha where they were return¬ ing after a trip to the Minnesota lakes. USED CREMONA PIPE ORGAN— $650.00 — Terms. George Adams, 118 North 30th Street, Omaha, Nebr. Clt $ $ 1 ii & $ $ ii 8 $ & & Projection Machines OVERHAULED and REPAIRED Expert Repair Service for Twenty Years C. E. JONES, Machinist Service Theatre Supply | Company 303 N. 16th Street, Omaha, Neb. Phone Atlantic 6375