Movie Age (1927)

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PAGE 18 MOVIE AGE Union Employees Get Increase in Wages at Amicable Settlement A discussion between the union stage hands, musicians, and employees of the theatres as to an increase in the wage scale resulted very amicably in the set¬ tlement for the increase. One of the national union men was present for the arbitration and their was only the slight¬ est agitation over this usual annual dis¬ cussion of contracts. Blank Returns from Abroad1 A. H. Blank and his wife and two sons returned this week from several months spent abroad where they have been enjoying a pleasure trip. A. H. Blank, largest Iowa exhibitor, affiliated with the Publix — A. H. Bank chain and an executive of First National, stated some time back that he might go into the producing end of the business himself. Cherokee, la. House Remodels Max Drefke of the Empress Theatre at Cherokee, Iowa, has been doing some work on his theatre getting ready for the fall and winter business. He has added a lot of fine new chairs and other equipment. Plattsmouth, Neb. — The management of the Parmele Theatre has carried out a program of improvement at the play¬ house, which has placed it among the best in the state. * * * Bloomfield, Neb. — Oscar Gros from Verdigre is the new owner of the Star Theatre here, and is now in possession. * * * Bayard, Neb. — Work is going for¬ ward steadily by Ralph Rogers and George Luce, in an effort to get the Ideal building in shape to soon open their new picture house here. * * * The complete stage equipment for the Shrine Temple at Cedar Rapids was in¬ stalled by the DesMoines office of the National Theatre Supply Company. The $10,000 in equipment was put in just last week. ji^ir==ir^p^ii— Tr==ir^r^r=.r=rir==ii— JE||j 8 BRIGHT BITS and g g NEWSY NOTES 0 ^tsir-=^rFiF=ir=iE][=aF=iF=n[g=nc==i[=][J] Harry Cohen of the F B O staff is very proud of the pen and pencil he won in the third or fourth flight of the Des Moines Film Board of Trade golf tour¬ nament. * * * Visitors in Film Row were Youngclass and Latta of Perry where they have the Rex and the Grand, Mr. Hoadley of Garden Grove, Mr. Hales of Madrid and Morris and Wolcott who are partners in the theatres at Eagle Grove and at Eldora. * * * J. M. Erdman of the Crest Theatre at Creston, la., recently purchased this theatre from Roy E. Benson. Mr. Erd¬ man formerly had the Lyric Theatre at Harlin, Iowa. * * * The Isis Theatre at New Market, la., will reopen this fall. The theatre has been closed due to a backward season. * * * The theatre at Farnhamville changed hands at a recent date. J. J. Robertson bought from C. H. Worsley. * # * August 31 is the opening date of the new Ritz Theatre at Chariton, la. De¬ lays in the building of the theatre have set the opening date at a later time than was at first intended. * * * The Princess,which is the new thea¬ tre at Sanborn, Iowa, was opened last week. The theatre is equipped with all the best and latest. * * * The Movie Theatre at Elgin, Iowa has been closed for a time while complete changes were made in the theatre. The house was redecorated and extensively repaired. William F. Miller is the owner. * * * Ed Shroeder has bought the Majestic Theatre at Letts, Iowa from May Ellen Gipple. * * * Theo. Larson of Gowrie, Iowa sold the theatre there to Nelson and Carr, who took immediate possession. Stern Brothers have bought the Strand Theatre at Fort Dodge, Iowa from J. B. Julius. * * * Mr. Thornton has bought the Mont¬ rose Theatre at Montrose, Iowa, from Harry Mitchnick, who is well known over the state from his years of association with the Orpheum Theatre in Des Moines. * * * Edwin Shroeder is the new owner of the Midway Theatre at Mt. Pelier. The files do not disclose the name of the previous owner. * * * A Powers machine, Mazda equipped, has been purchased for the state hos¬ pital at Independence, Iowa. * * * Joe Smith, who bought the Royal Theatre at Sioux City a few weeks ago from his brother Morrie, was in Omaha last week arranging bookings. * * * Mrs. Van Tassell of the Armory Theatre at Clarinda, Iowa, was in Omaha last wek. The Armory is owned by Van Tassell andBudd. * * * Word comes that Chas. Prokop, of the Rex Theatre at Wahoo, Nebr., is con¬ fined in a hospital in Missouri. Mr. McCreary is looking after the theatre during the absence of Prokop. * * * Carl W. Paysen is the newest exhib¬ itor in the ranks at Des Moines. He recently bought the Lincoln Theatre which has been under the management of Sam Sesna. * * * Des Moines National Theatre Supply Company officials state that business is showing a pickup for this month, which is usually dull at this time of the year. * * * The Crest Theatre at Creston was bought last week by Joe Erdman, who formerly had the Lyric Theatre at Har¬ lin. Roy Benson, who had the theatre at Creston, is retiring from the theatre game. * * * Youngclass and Latta, who are part¬ ners in ownership of the Rex Theatre at Perry, Iowa, last week took over the Grand Theatre there. The house was sold by G. L. West.