Movie Age (1927)

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PAGE 26 MOVIE AGE Br™1 =^5) I Eight cents per word payable in advance. No advertisements accepted for less than $1.00. r THE CLEARING HOUSE Second Hand Equipment, Seats, Projectors. Screens, Pianos, Organs, Theatres and Miscellaneous Articles. (gpa,,, ■ =s Rates for other spaces furnished on request. Write for detailed report of circulation coverage. NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO FIX up your theatre. We are offering at bar¬ gain prices several lots of high grade used upholstered chairs in Spanish lea¬ ther. Also several lots of heavy 5 and 7-ply veneered chairs. Brand new chairs at the 40 per cent less factory price. Write today and we will mail you photographs and give you full de¬ tails. ILLINOIS THEATRE EQUIP¬ MENT CO., 12-14 E. 9th St., Chicago, Ill. CL.OTH BANNERS: $1.40. 3x10 feet. 3 col¬ ors, any copy up to 15 words; one day serv¬ ice; sent anywhere; also Bargain Paper Banners. Associated Advertisers, 111 W. 18th Street, Kansas City, Mo. Ctf GIFT NIGHT MERCHANDISE. OVER 300 FINE NOVELTIES IN OUR LARGE FREE CATALOG AT GENU¬ INE WHOLESALE PRICES. WRITE TODAY. NO OBLIGATION. FAIR TRADING CO., INC., 307 SIXTH AVE., NEW YORK. WRITE us about the $ music ex¬ change for Wurlitzer Styles I-B-S-C-FG and O. D. L. Whittle Music Co., 1213 Elm St., Dallas, Tex. C4t — 9-17 CROP FAILURES Compel Sale at Sacrifice. Powers 6B Projector; Bald¬ win Player Piano ; Generator and Switch Board, all in perfect condition. Electric Theatre, Dresden, Kas Pit MOVIE AGE BENJ. FLETCHER _ Editoi & Mgr. 414 South 13th St. Omaha, Nebr. Telephone _ Atlantic 1322 MADELINE GRAHL Des Moines Rep. Published Weekly by ASSOCIATED PUBLICATIONS, Inc. BEN SHLYEN President and Publisher Subscription Price $2.00 per year Single Copies 10 cents. THEATRE WANTED — The best show in good live town that $8,000 can buy. Send complete details first letter. Pre¬ fer Kansas or Missouri. Address Box B care Associated Publications, Glover Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. FOR SALE — Theatre in town of 2,000 Two Powers 6A machines, 320 opera chairs, piano, Minusa screen, 3 ceiling fans, 5 wall fans, stage, and scenery. A good paying proposition. Will sell fixtures for $3,000 cash. Rent building $65 a month. J. L. Dorris, Jr., Hayti, Mo. P3t— 9-17 BANNERS. Cloth up to 3 by 10 feet, $1.20. Paper up to 3 by 10 feet, 40 cents. No limit on words or colors. Gebaur Bros., 311 W. 12th St., Kansas City, Mo. ctf WE PAY highest prices for Powers, Simplex, Motiograph machines, opera chairs, screens, portable projectors, and all theatre equipment. For quick turn¬ over, write Monarch Theatre Supply Co., Memphis, Tenn. — Ctf We specialize in buying and selling and leasing theatres. Dunklee & Wag¬ ner, 1927 Broadway, Denver, Colo. 1000 opera chairs for sale; leather upholstered and in excellent condition; will sell all or any part. A bargain for quick action. N. J. Flynn, Globe thea¬ tre, Kansas City, Mo. CTF What Do f You Want • —TO SELL YOUR THEATRE —TO BUY A THEATRE —A JOB, A POSITION OPEN —TO BUY OR SELL EQUIP¬ MENT —MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES _ _ _ Whatever you want — it will pay you to advertise your needs in The CLEARING HOUSE 1927 _ . . p ■ MOVIE AGE 414 South 13th St., Omaha, Nebr. Gentlemen: Please enter the name appearing below HERE’S as a subscriber to your publication for THE [ ] One Year (52 Issues) at $1.00 SPECIAL OFFER [ ] Three Years (156 Issues) at $2.50 BLANK Name Theatre —USE IT [ ] Check Enclosed Address TODAY! [ ] Send bill. Town State