Movie Age (1927)

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“The response of the public to Uni¬ versal’s ‘Les Miserables’ is little short of amazing!* The public is flocking to see it in New York. Victor Hugo is still being read. The picture is Hugo’s work sincerely and very humanly screened.” W. A. JOHNSTON Motion Picture News * At noon on Sunday, August 28th, the box office at the Central Theatre was forced to close while the police attempted to clear a passageway in front of the theatre. 10 minutes before the box office closed, every seat for the after¬ noon and evening performances had been sold, so that in order to take care of the overflow a special six o’clock performance was arranged and sand¬ wiched in between the matinee and evening shows. Even this extra perfor¬ mance was insufficient to take care of the crowds and the theatre was compelled to sell standing room only and turn them away — — — that’s Universal’s sensational special “ Les Miserables J” Standing room only at every performance to date — this is fact! Check with “ Variety’s” report on the Central Theatre* Omaha, Neb., 1513 Davenport, H. Chapman, Mgr. Des Moines, la., 10th & High Sts., Geo. Naylor, Mgr.