Movie Age (1927)

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PAGE 12 MOVIE AGE Miss Edith Johnson, biller of the staff of F B 0, was married last week. She is now Mrs. Roy Adleman. Mr. and Mrs. Adleman are now on a wedding trip to Chicago. Mrs. Adleman will retain her place with F B 0. * * * Miss H. Bolen who has been in the hospital the last two weeks is now home recuperating. * * * Jimmie McBride is recuperating after having most of his teeth pulled. * * * W. D. Brimmer, branch manager of First National, is back from a vacation spent in golfing and fishing at Nor¬ folk, Va. Mr. Brimmer drove his family all the way out and back and re¬ turned last Tuesday. * * * Ethel Robin of the Scenic Theatre, Sioux City, la., spent Labor Day in Omaha. * * * J. M. Weimer salesman for First Na¬ tional recently became engaged to Miss Lillian Lipp. Congratulations! * * * The following theatres have been closed: Liberty, Rocknell, la.; Royal, Royal, Nebr. ; Opera House, Clermont, la.; Cozy, Page, Nebr. * * * Miss Ester Davidson of Universal has taken up horse back riding as a means of reducing. Nuff said. * * J«c C. H. McGowan of Columbia’s New York office was in Omaha last week. * * * E. P. Kennedy of the Star Theatre at Lichfield, visited Movie Row last Fri¬ day. As far as we know this was Mr. Kennedy’s first visit to the city since he was an exhibitor. * * * Mr. Blair of the Moon Theatre at Spencer, Nebr., who bought the house recently from Mr. Gaelsen, is remodel¬ ing it by adding a new marquee and re¬ modeling the stage. Several months ago Carl Krumeri was said to have filed suit against C. E. Williams, secretary of M. P. T. 0. A. for a $2.00 debt. We now understand that they will settle the debt on the golf links of the Movie Age Tournament next Monday and Tuesday, September 12 and 13. Mr. Tillsworth who bought an open car three months ago has already had three broken axles. He is now the owner of a new Oldsmobile DeLuxe Se¬ dan. The next day after his purchase of the new car, hairpins were found in the cushions. * * * Several weeks ago Harold Dunn of the Jewel Theatre left his car in front of the theatre and at the finish of the show he went into his favorite restau¬ rant to get his daily hamburger sand¬ wich smothered with catsup. Upon re¬ turning he found his car gone. Much excitement prevailed. After getting the sheriff out of bed, Mr. Dunn and Frank Landers of Universal found the car parked about three blocks down the street. * jjC 5j< Jack Rousik of the Dome Theatre at Schuyler, Nebr., has remodeled the front of his theatre. a|< s}c Sumner Bovee has taken the Florence Theatre at Elk Point, S. D. from his father. ❖ * * Joe Smith is taking over the Royal Theatre at Sioux City from his brother Morris Smith, and is remodeling it. * * * J. C. Larkin of the Sosmo Theatre at Winner, South Dakota, is a hard man to find these days, as he has bought him¬ self a movie camera and is jumping around the country taking news shots. He calls his news reel the Cosmo News. * * Miss Blanch Levy, cashier at Fox in Omaha several years ago, and who has been in Florida the last two years, has returned to Omaha and is taking Miss Bollen’s place at Universal. Miss Levy was secretary to Sidney Meyer who operates a chain of nine theatres in Florida, and she will probably return this fall to resume her work with Mr. Meyer. * * * Nick Uck of the Opera House Theatre at Wood Lake, Nebraska, spent a twoweek vacation at Excelsior Springs, Mo. * * * L. C. Rice of the Opera House Theatre at Algona, Iowa, visited Omaha last Sat¬ urday. Mr. Rice was manager of F B O until two months ago. BRIGHT BITS and\ I NEWSY NOTES i fcll^r-rJl=JL=Jl=][=][=1t=]t=lt=H=H=l[=nJl DES MOINES Belle Miller of the First National of¬ fice, while on her vacation in Chicago, was taken suddenly ill and was operated on at St. Luke’s Hospital there for ap¬ pendicitis. She will spend about a week or more convelescing at the Chicago hospital. * * * Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Holscher have taken over the theatre at Earlville, la. They bought the house from E. J. Kuehnle and took possession three weeks ago. * * * Mr. Beatty, First National booker, is now on his vacation. He spent part of his time at the Iowa State Fair. * * * E. J. Tilton, manager at the local First National branch, states that the contracts are coming in at his office exceptionally well, and that the First National product is practically sold up in all towns of 2000 or more. The season has been very good for the whole line¬ up of First National pictures, according to Mr. Tilton. * * * Mr. and Mrs. George Meisner of the Grand Theatre at Greenfield were in at the Universal office. Joe Gerbracht was another caller. Salesmen Wanted $100 WEEKLY! Salesmen wanted in each territory to handle something new in Motion Picture advertising needed by every theatre. You should easily make $100 weekly! Quick action will put you next to the niftiest idea in years. Wire address and telephone number to K. WOODWARD, 5 E. MAIN ST., UNIONTOWN, PA. Projection Machines OVERHAULED and REPAIRED Expert Repair Service for Twenty Years C. E. JONES, Machinist Service Theatre Supply Company 303 N. 16th Street, Omaha, Neb. Phone Atlantic 6375