Movie Age (1927)

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PAGE 22 MOVIE AGE =St . . ■ Jt 9i j C — a€= The PICTURE GUIDE1 Little Tips on New Pictures Three’s a Crowd Distributed by First National. STAR: Harry Langdon. SUPPORT: Gladys McConnell. TYPE: Farce Comedy. TIME: Present. LOCALE: Tenement district of a large city. LENGTH: 7 reels. SYNOPSIS: When Harry, who lives in a tenement shack three floors above street level, finds a girl exhausted in the snow, he takes her to his dwelling place where she has a baby a few min¬ utes later. Harry loves the girl and cares for her and the baby. When Christmas Eve comes, he is all prepared to play Santa Claus when the girl's hus¬ band arrives and she and the baby go away with him, thanking Harry for be¬ ing so kind, and not knowing how sad he is because the girl is leaving. A comical ending completes the story. HIGHLIGHTS:: Comedy moments. Moon of Israel Distributed by F B 0. STAR: Marie Corda. SUPPORT: Arlette Marchal. TYPE: Biblical spectacle. TIME : During the days of Moses in Egypt. LOCALE: Egypt during Biblical times. LENGTH: 9 reels. SYNOPSIS: Seti, son of Pharaoh, loved Merapi, a Jewess, and objected to his father’s persecution of her people. Pharaoh dies and Seti’s half brother, Amenmeses, gains the throne. The op¬ pression of the Jews continues and Moses comes to liberate his people. Fol¬ lowing the visiting of the plagues up¬ on the Egyptians, the Israelites are lib¬ erated, but are pursued by Amenmeses and his soldiers. At the Red Sea, Moses calls upon God and the waters are part¬ ed, permitting the people of Israel to pass safely to the other side. The Egyptians, in close pursuit, attempt to pass across also, but the wall of water close down, and Amenmeses and all his soldiers are drowned. Merapi had been left behind and had been seized by the angry Egyptians and was about to be burned when Seti came to her rescue even as the rain fell and put out the flames. So Merapi, Moon of Israel, be¬ came the wife of Seti, Pharaoh of Egypt. HIGHLIGHTS: Crossing the Red Sea, Merapi about to be burned. The Woman Who Did Not Care Distributed by Gotham. STAR: Lilyan Tashman. SUPPORT: Philo McCullough. TYPE: Romance of a man-hater and a woman-hater. TIME: The present. LOCALE: The city and the water front. LENGTH: 6 reels. SYNOPSIS: When beautiful Iris Carroll is left alone by the death of her mother, she is left $1,200 and starts out with the purpose of using men to gain whatever end she desires. She meets Jeff Payne, son of a very wealthy fam¬ ily, and accepts his proposal of marri¬ age. When she visits Jeff’s home at the request of his father, Franklin Payne. The latter falls in love with her and attempts to persuade her to marry him instead of his son. At the request of Jeff’s sister, Franklin’s brother, a handsome sea captain who scorns women, arrives on the scene. Iris tries to arouse the seaman’s interest, but is treated with cool indifference. Jeff’s sister plots with Gregory, the sea faring brother, to take Iris aboard his boat. Franklin follows and is surprised to find that Iris will not go with him. Gregory and Iris, the two who cared for nobody, are united. Hidden Aces Distributed by Pathe. STAR: Charles Hutchinson. SUPPORT: Alice Calhoun. TYPE: Detective story. TIME: The present. LOCALE: An American city. LENGTH: 5 reels. SYNOPSIS: Jewels are being smug¬ gled past the customs inspectors. Hut¬ chinson, apparently a crook, appears to want them very much, as does the girl. He persuades her to join him in crook¬ ed plans to get the jewels. Difficul¬ ties with other crooks, policemen, in¬ cluding wild automobile rides, a buck¬ ing motorcycle, colorful fights and oth¬ er exciting scenes, follow their plans. In the end the real crooks are captured and the man and girl are revealed as government agents. HIGHLIGHTS: Encounter with the real crooks. The Lone Eagle Distributed by Universal. STAR: Raymond Keane. SUPPORT: Barbara Kent. TYPE: War-time air story. TIME: 1917. LOCALE: Somewhere in France. LENGTH: 6 Reels. SYNOPSIS: Billy Holmes, a U. S. Aviation lieutenant attached to the British forces, is a comparatively inex¬ perienced flyer. He accepts the chal¬ lenge of Lebrun, German Ace whose brother was killed by Billy’s pal, a fly¬ ing fighter in the ranks of the Allies. In the skirmish with Lebrun, Billy’s plane comes down in flames, but the American is uninjured. Later Billy vanquishes Lebrun in an air duel. Bil¬ ly loves Mimi, a French girl, but casts her aside when his regiment moves up. HIGHLIGHTS: The air duels, war scenes. After Midnight Distributed by Metro-Goldwyn. STAR: Norma Shearer. SUPPORT: Lawrence Gray. TYPE: Story of big city night life. TIME: The present. LOCALE: An American city. LENGTH: 7 reels. SYNOPSIS: Mary, a cigarette girl in a night club, is orderly and ambitious while her sister, Maizie, is a chorus dan¬ cer with loose morals. Mary has a friend, Joe Miller, whom she helps to honesty. They both save money, plan¬ ning future happiness. After weeks of saving, Mary has $1,000, with which she buys a liberty bond. Returning home she finds that Maizie has acquired a $1,000 liberty bond as a favor at a par¬ ty. Mary decides that the hard way of the straight and narrow is not worth while, and becomes like Maizie. When Mary gets drunk at a party, Maizie car¬ ries her away, putting her into a car to take her home. The car turns over, killing Maizie. Mary reaches home and finds Joe, whom she had spurned when she became like her sister, and the two are brought together again by the sac¬ rifice of Maizie. HIGHLIGHTS: Night club scenes, the car turns over.