Movie Age (1927)

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PAGE 12 Jim Martin of the film delivery ser¬ vice received a cut lip, lost some teeth, and broke a couple of fingers when his truck collided with another car last week. * * * Emil Grosse of the Gem Theatre at Beemer was in Omaha Tuesday. * * * Carl Krumeri left Thursday, Sept. 8th for Kansas City to be with his wife who was operated on last week. * * * C. H. Macke of the Sterling Theatre at Vale, la., was in Omaha last week. * * * The Opera House at Craig and the Star at Davenport have been closed. * * The Legion Theatre at Hull, la., re¬ opened Saturday Sept. 10. * * Cris Christensen has bought the Opera House at Holstein, Nebr., from A. H. Oelschlager. * * * A. A. Williams has sold the Opera House at Rowan, la., to R. Ziska. * * * A new theatre is being opened at Sheffield, la., by the Commercial club. It is called the Memorial Hall. H= * * According to Mr. Tillsworth who has just made a trip to Sioux City, Mr. Schwidelson is now his old self again after a successful trip to Mayo Brothers Clinic. * * * Roy Winslow of the Greenland Thea¬ tre, Gibbon, Nebraska, is about to mar¬ ket a safety device attachment for the projection machine, to prevent fire and destruction of print, by automatically shutting off the motor and lights and stopping the machine. It can be at¬ tached to any make of machine. It is called the Winslow Safety Device. * * * Two new salesmen have been added to the staff of Pathe. They are How¬ ard Gould, who comes from Minneapolis, and Lew Morgans, who recently was with Paramount. Sam Sosna, formerly with Pathe, has joined the First National sales force. * * * F. S. Livermore of Garner was a vis¬ itor at the film exchanges this week. * * * George Nalor, manager of the Univer¬ sal office, was in Chicago last week for conference with the general sales mana¬ ger of the organization. H. P. Wolf berg, district manager of M-G-M at St. Louis, was in Omaha a few days last week. * * * M. C. Scharp, auditor from Universal home office, was in Omaha for a couple weeks. * .:*« He W. E. Truog, division manager of Universal was in Omaha Tuesday. * * * Jack Weimer Mid-West star golfer left for Chicago and was forced to can¬ cel his entrance in the golf tournament. Mr. Weimer thought he had the first prize in his pocket, but he had to give the rest a chance. * * * H. Goldstein of the Strand Theatre at Sioux City was in Omaha last week. * * * P. L. Landis, head of the drapery and scenery department of National Theatre Supply Company at Chicago general of¬ fice was in Omaha Saturday and Mon¬ day. * * * Carl Bailey of the Pawnee Theatre at Pawnee City, Nebr., and his father spent the first part of last week in Omaha. NOTES OF THE GOLF TOURNAMENT There was a high wind blowing from the south both days of the tournament and a good many of the boys had diffi¬ culty in driving into the wind. H. Mit¬ chell, father of the Champ, said after the finals that he wouldn’t play “Long Tom,” a 525 yard hole which meant fac¬ ing the wind all the way if the Movie Age cup was handed him on a silver platter. * * * Freddie Hershorn “pulled a trick shot” on No. 8 Tuesday when he drove his ball into the wind. The ball went almost straight up and was carried back behind the tee. He said Joe Kirkwood had nothing on him. * * * Harry Tardy shot 72 in qualifying over the first nine holes and tied Morrie Cohen. It was thought for a while that these boys would have a special match to see who was the worst, but Frank Sanders upset the dope when he reg¬ istered his 84. * * * Champ Bobbie Mitchell went into the ditch on No. 2 Monday in his qualify¬ ing round and after playing it out he was so spattered with mud that he MOVIE AGE looked a good deal like a barred rock chicken. * * * O. Persons, city champ of Minden, Nebr., gave Ralph Kissinger a real work-out in their match, but Kissinger nosed out 1 up. * * * Lew Heal came all the way from Superior, Nebr., to take a lesson from Mayer Monsky. Lew said, no matter how high a score Monsky shot on any hole, he always had one more stroke. * * * Ted Mendenhall, who has played very little golf prior to the tournament, gave M. Frankie an awful battle. They had to play an extra hole before Frankie could win. * * * Chas. Williams, secretary of the local M. P. T. O. A. never played golf in his life until two years ago, and now only plays in the Movie Age tournament, got into the finals in the fourth flight and gave Freddie Hershorn an awful scare. Freddie finally won the match 1 up. * * * Bob Greenblatt was the only one that couldn’t keep out of the way of the flying golf balls. Bob got hit by a ball and has a bruised collar bone. Scenes of Shearer Picture To be Taken Here Norma Shearer is coming to Omaha next Spring to put Omaha on the movie map by filming scenes in her newest picture at one of the packing houses here. Miss Shearer is playing the part of a girl worker in a packing house, and the outside scenes are to be taken in Chi¬ cago, but Omaha has been selected for the interiors. This information was given by one of the news reel men who was covering the Lindberg reception here. Complete details of the filming of Miss Shearer’s vehicle here have not yet been announced. Kimball, Neb. — A Blizzard cooling and ventilating system has been installed at the Lumeo Theatre here. Projection Machines OVERHAULED and REPAIRED \ Expert Repair Service for Twenty Years & C. E. JONES, Machinist I Service Theatre Supply Company 303 N. 16th Street, Omaha, Neb. & Phone Atlantic 6375