Movie Age (1927)

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SEPTEMBER 1 7, 1 927. PAGE 23 3C-==3g===36 — ■)(■ Ji 1 ^ JC [SHORT SUBJECTS S pice of the Box Office f " « «^=»r v if v Tied' Up Universal — Two Reels Magpie puts on the only clean shirt When We Were Kids A C A — One Reel This number is taken from an Edgar Guest poem and is a combined scenic and narrative. The titles are in poetry. It tells the story of a farmer who nest¬ les down in the shade of a big tree on a hot afternoon and dreams of his younger days. You see him as a boy, free from all duty and care, running ov¬ er the fields, frequenting the old swim¬ ming hole, and fishing in the streams. The scenes are well photographed and the theme holds the interest. Outdoor Sketches Educational — One Reel A Bruce scenic with some unusual shots. The reel is in two parts, the first showing the method in which sal¬ mon is caught on the Columbia River. Sundown on the ocean occupies the second half, and some well produced scenes of the sun and tide may be seen. It’s a nature reel of rare beauty. Snookums Disappears Universal — Two Reels Snookums is having his portrait paint¬ ed. When the painter has his back turned the baby eats the paint and smears it over his face. Posing as Cu¬ pid he shoots the arrow through the can¬ vas. It goes down the artist’s throat. While they are pulling it out, Snook¬ ums makes his getaway to the apart¬ ment of a neighbor who is jealous of his dizzy blonde wife. Dovey chases him into the bedroom with the blonde. The angry husband kicks Dovey out. The baby gets off the elevator to let the jealous husband and his wife on. As the husband steps off at the ground floor, Dovey plunges into the elevator and embraces the blonde. The baby is missing again. The jealous husband beats up Dovey while the child enjoys the fast play. When Dovey picks him¬ self up and gets back to the apartment, he finds the baby asleep. The Parasol Ant M-G-M — One Reel This UFA novelty reel is the micro¬ scopic study of a species of ant which shows the peculiar habits of the little animal. The pictures have been en¬ larged to such an extent that it is al¬ most possible to see the ant think. Its intelligence is surprising. The reel is an interesting one. in the house and rides away to visit Su¬ sie Harper, taking with him a puppie which is a gift from Dirtyshirt to Susie. Dirtyshirt buys a shirt from a peddler and pursues Magpie, but the shirt is full of ants and he is compelled to take off all his clothes and jump in a lake. A horse thief, who has stolen Susie’s white charger and painted him black, stops at the lake to laugh at the predi¬ cament of Dirtyshirt. In the annual cross-country race Dirtyshirt rides the painted horse to victory and wins the money. Carrie Waite gives the horse a drink and the color runs off his nose. During the ex¬ citement the horse thief grabs the money from Dirtyshirt, jumps on the fast horse and is off. Magpie captures him and takes away the money, which he divides, awarding himself half for capturing the thief and giving Dirty¬ shirt the other half for winning the race. With Love and Hisses Pathe — One Reel Stan Laurel and Jimmy Finlayson carry the comedy in this comedy of the Citizens Military Training Camp. Laurel as the awkward and dumb rookie, is get¬ ting into trouble constantly with his hard-boiled top sergeant. The sergeant in turn, invites the enmity of the cap¬ tain, and when the captain orders the sergeant to perform certain duties, the duties are passed on to the rookie. Not until the rookie starts using his head does he get the upper hand and wins glory for himself. Felix the Cat in Jack From All Trades Educational — One Reel Felix’s wife is continually reminding him of the fact that he is a bad husband and urges him to go out and re-fill the family purse. After being urged in more ways than one, Felix starts out to make some money. Most of his efforts fail until he comes into contact with a discouraged saxophonist. With Felix s aid, the musician gets popular again, and the coins come rolling to the pair. Ant Life as It Isn’t Pathe Fable — One Reel A cartoon burlesque of the shoot-emup westerns. Andy Ant is indulging in a petting party with Miss Beetle and Miss Beetle seems to like it. Just as Ant thinks he has the girl won, along comes a bird who kidnaps the fair lady and runs off with her. Ant does every¬ thing to get her back, a thrilling chase takes place, but at last he is forced to call the fire department to rescue his fair lady from a tree. The pair is re¬ united. Why Blondes Leave Home Fox — Two Reels Sally Phipps is the star in this comedy. Having graduated from a movie school, she believes she can go to Hollywood and brush all the stars aside and take her place in the sun. She quits her job in the laundry, much to the disgust of the driver of the laundry truck, and waves goodbye to the crowd at the de¬ pot. On the train she meets hundreds of other screen aspirants who mob a film producer they meet on the train. In Hollywood Sally finds that jobs are not easy to get. She is shifted from one place to another until the laundry driver arrives and starts a laundry for darkening hair. The place is rushed by the Hollywood blondes and Sally and her sweetheart have a fortune in sight. The Better Role F B O — Two Reels Another chapter of the “Wisecrackers.” Danny O’Shea rejects an offer to take the count in a prize fight so that his rival can win. As a result he gets knocked out. His pals try to outscheme the schemers and are successful so that in the next match Danny knocks his rival into the approaching week. A light comedy that should please. Roaming the Emerald Isle Pathe — One Reel In this one we find Will Rogers, our unofficial ambassador abroad, in Ire¬ land. It’s a pleasure jaunt over the island with the most scenic spots well photographed. The usual “wise-cracks” about everything come from Rogers’ fertile brain. The Lake of Kilarney are especially beautiful. SEND US YOUR SHORT SUBJECT REPORTS