Movie Age (1927)

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PAGE 26 MOVIE AGE w Eight cents per word payable in advance. No advertisements accepted (or less than $1.00. * THE CLEARING HOUSE e Sells Second Hand Equipment, Seats, Projectors. Screens, Pianos, Organs, Theatres and Miscellaneous Articles. Buys Rates for other spaces furnished on request. Write for detailed report of circulation coverage. NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO FIX up your theatre. We are offering at bar¬ gain prices several lots of high grade used upholstered chairs in Spanish lea¬ ther. Also several lots of heavy 5 and 7-ply veneered chairs. Brand new chairs at the 40 per cent less factory price. Write today and we will mail you photographs and give you full de¬ tails. ILLINOIS THEATRE EQUIP¬ MENT CO., 12-14 E. 9th St., Chicago, Ill. GIFT NIGHT MERCHANDISE. OVER 300 FINE NOVELTIES IN OUR LARGE FREE CATALOG AT GENU¬ INE WHOLESALE PRICES. WRITE TODAY. NO OBLIGATION. FAIR TRADING CO., INC.. 307 SIXTH AVE., NEW YORK. SPECIAL! 650 upholstered leather chairs, taken out from one of Chica¬ go’s finest legitimate theatres that has been dismantled. The chairs are a combination dark red mohair, upholster¬ ed, panelled back with a newly uphol¬ stered red imitation Spanish leather seat to match. The seats are one of the high¬ est spring constructed chairs that are made by the Andrew Chair Company at very low prices. ILLINOIS THEATRE EQUIPMENT CO., 12-14 E. Ninth St., Chicago, Ill. MOVIE AGE BENJ. FLETCHER— Editoi & Mgr. 414 South 13th St. Omaha, Nebr. Telephone _ Atlantic 1322 MADELINE GRAHL Des Moines Rep. Published Weekly by ASSOCIATED PUBLICATIONS, Inc. BEN SHLYEN President and Publisher Subscription Price $2.00 per year Single Copies 10 cents. YOUNG MAN, 23, 5 years experience assistant and manager desires perman¬ ent position. H. F. 5093 S. Clarendon Ave., Detroit, Mich. P2t-9-24 VIOLINIST wants position. Fifteen years experience. Three thousand dollar library of standard music. Cue pictures. Address F. D. Nichols, 334 Shawmut St., Grand Rapids, Mich. P2t-9-24 IF YOU Want to buy or sell a theatre or theatre equipment, list it with us. We put you in touch with prospective buy¬ ers and sellers. No commission. 50 cents listing charge. The Trading Post, 128 W. 18th St., Kansas City, Mo. Clt. 1927 MOVIE AGE 414 South 13th St., Omaha, Nebr. Gentlemen: Please enter the name appearing below as a subscriber to your publication for [ ] One Year (52 Issues) at $1.00 [ ] Three Years (156 Issues) at $2.50 Name Theatre [ ] Check Enclosed Address [ ] Send bill. Town State WE PAY highest prices for Powers, Simplex, Motiograph machines, opera chairs, screens, portable projectors, and all theatre equipment. For quick turn¬ over, write Monarch Theatre Supply Co., Memphis, Tenn. — Ctf PLAY SAFE — Patronize the “OLD RELIABLE”, established 20 years. Sat¬ isfaction guaranteed. Re-built Powers, Simplex, Motiograph machines. Opera chairs, screens, portable projectors. Ev¬ erything for the “movies”. Bargain prices. Free catalog. Monarch Theatre Supply Co., Memphis, Tenn. FOR SALE: 500 beautiful veneer chairs, heaviest that are manufactured. Brand new. Extremely cheap. Write for photo and details. C. G. Demel, 845 S. State St., Chicago, Ill. P2t.-10-1 AT LIBERTY : Operaor and electri¬ cian with 10 years experience. Married. Wants steady job. Address Box 93, Ce¬ dar Falls, la. P2t.-1.0-L FOR SALE: Leather upholstered and plain theatre seats, several sets of scen¬ ery and drops, Motiograph machine; Good condition; will sell right. E. A, Briles, Stafford, Kas. P2t.-10-1 FOR SALE: Theatre in Webb City, Mo. Best location in town. — -2-story brick building, 6 nice living rooms on 2d floor, theatre fully equipped, 360 opr era chairs, 2 Powers machines, Minusa screen, underground cooling system, Italian marble front, everything ready to go. $7,500 takes building and all. $1,000 down, payments to suit purchaser. Ad¬ dress J. D. Wineland, Box 278, Picher, Okla. P2t.-10-1 ELECTRIC SIGN for sale. BIJOU, $375.00 first class condition $150.00; Gem Theatre, Cairo, Ill. C3t FOR SALE: 1000 dandy upholstered chairs, twenty inches wide, sloping floor. Very low price. Write for exact photo¬ graphs and full details. C. G. Dernel, 845 State St., Chicago, Ill. _P4t.-10-14 FOR SALE at a bargain if taken at once. One Powers A Mazda machine complete; 7 good electric fans, 2 good sized exhaust fans, 1 metal booth; 1 Re¬ produce organ with blower, and 54 rolls of music; Honeydew gum machine; sev¬ eral rolls of tickets. Address Box 27, Eureka, Ill. C-ltv PLAY SAFE— Patronize the “OLD RELIABLE.” Established 20 years. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rebuilt Powers-Simplex-Motiograph Machines, Opera Chairs, Screens, Portable Projectors. Everything for “THE MOVIES.” Bar: gain Prices. Free Catalog. Monarch Theatre Supply Co., Memphis, Tenn.