Movie Age (1927)

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OCTOBER 8, 1927. PAGE 23 ■—-■V. ,l'.i Jl JL 1 M li SHORT SUBJECTS Spice of the Box Office »f =>c n ~ V — S' ■ — =3? =?Cg.r.. =?*= Seeing Stars Educational — Two Reels Here we have George Davis as the simple country boy who comes to Hollywood to break into the movies. The clerk tells him to rub the boss’s hair the right way, and when George gets an interview, he takes the advice literally and smooths the producer’s hair. George begins to wander around the studio, breaking up scene after scene by bonehead entrances and spoils everything in his path. At last the studio workers plan to get rid of him by making him the butt of a joke, but the joke turns out to be a joke on the men, and George wins the pretty stenog¬ rapher. Slapstick that will please. A Gold Digger of Weepah Pathe — Two Reels Weepah is the gold rush situation. The cast includes Billy Bevan, Alma Bennett, Johnny Burke, Matty Wemp, and Andy Clyde. Billy is a temperance advocate. His wife weighs 300 pounds and is intensely jealous. Alma is Billy’s old sweetheart. When she arrives many compromising situations arise. A sack full of rattle snakes brought in by a prospector figure in the action. Billy nearly loses his home but everything ends happily. Buster’s Home Life Universal — Two Reels. Hannah, the maid, has a terrible time in this Buster Brown comedy. Buster, Mary Jane, Tige and the pet monkey provide the action. When Hannah bars Buster, Mary Jane, Tige and the monkey from the house they hoist them¬ selves through a second story window to play havoc with the furniture and generally muss up the place. Hannah gets the blame when Mrs. Brown re¬ turns. Twenty Legs Under the Sea Fox — Two Reels. This is a story of bathing girls and summer hotel life. The hotel not pay¬ ing, the hero — Richard Walling — con¬ ceives a brilliant idea. He plans a bath¬ ing beauty contest. A diamond anklet belonging to an absent guest is ap¬ propriated for a prize. When it dis¬ appears there is plenty of diversion provided by the bathing girls. There are many humorous situations. The Riding Whirlwind Universal — Two Reels Indian fights and pony express rid¬ ing supply the excitement in this tworeel Universal western. The scene is laid at a pony express station on the plains. Billy Barnes lives with his widowed mother near the station and is given an unbroken horse for a birth¬ day present. He learns to ride the wild horse in a commendable manner. The Indians in the territory are becom¬ ing dissatisfied with certain conditions and threaten an uprising unless a cer¬ tain treaty with the government is met. Chet Lane, veteran pony express rider and idol of Billy Barnes, is bringing the treaty to the Indians and is making unusual haste in order to arrive before the Indians declare war. Clyde Wins¬ low, who will profit by the Indian out¬ break attempts to stop the treaty by shooting Chet. Chet arrives at the ex¬ press station badly wounded and unable to carry the treaty on to the Indians. Whereupon Billy jumps to his horse and in a thrilling race on his wild horse he arrives at the Indian camp in time to prevent the attack. It’s a short, snappy western with feature settings. Flim Flam Films Educational — One Reel Felix the Cat turns cameraman for the movies in this single reel cartoon. Felix takes his kids to the movies but the family is denied admission. They try various means of approach, but all plans fail. At last Felix decides to make his own movies. He obtains a camera and takes scenes in the country. When a bathing beauty comes by, Felix approaches her and the two indulge in some loving. Felix is unmindful of the fact that his kids are turning the crank of the camera and recording the scene. That night Felix exhibits the pictures to his wife and when she sees her hus¬ band kissing the bathing girl, she beats him up unmercifully. It’s an excellent cartoon. Mickey’s Pals F B O — Two Reels. Mickey is the hardboiled ruler of a gang. Comedy is provided by convert¬ ing old wheels, barrels, goats and dogs into sedans and town cars for juvenile heroes and heroines. The kid comedy keeps one laughing. The Stunt Man Educational — Two Reels STAR: Larry Semon. Larry and his slapstick make a good combination. Any actor who works for Semon should have his life insured with a dozen different companies and pay high premiums. He sure makes them work. In this one Larry endeavors to prove to his girl that he is a film hero and goes through all kinds of dangers to show. He dives out of a second story window, gets into a radio-guided air¬ plane, and has a great surprise when he learns that that the object in the front seat is not a man but a wax dummy. When he jumps, the parachute won’t open. After all these escapades he goes to the girl for her answer, but she turns him down. The gags are re¬ freshing. Society Breaks Universal — Two Reels. This is one of the “Keeping Up With the Jonses” series. It is a rough and tumble comedy with plenty of slap¬ stick and knockout stuff. Aloysius has trouble with his feet at a social affair and removes his pumps before starting to dance. He is out of favor and re¬ tires to the kitchen where he Charles¬ tons for the maid. Discovered by the Mrs. he pretends illness but gets the usual beating. Rough Country Educational — One Reel This is a two-subject reel of Bruce scenics. The first part shows a forest fire and some exceptionally fine shots have been obtained. A particularly good scene shows the rabbits and other animal life fleeing from the woods be¬ fore the flames. The remainder of the reel deals with the snow country and mountain views. Toddles Paramount — Two Reels. Clever tricks performed by a darling baby and a pet dog provide the enter¬ tainment in “Toddles.” Besides the baby and the dog some barnyard friends create some humorous situa¬ tions. It is clever and refreshing.